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General Report
World Summit Seoul 2013
Seoul, Korea • February 22–25, 2013

ecurity | Development


Message from the President
Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, President, Universal Peace Federation


n February 22-25, 2013, in Seoul, Korea, the Universal Peace Federation
convened the World Summit 2013 on the theme, “Peace, Security and Human
Development.” This General Report offers an overview of the program of the
World Summit 2013, featuring excerpts from many very distinguished Keynote Speakers,
among which are included many current heads of state or government, vice heads, and
first ladies. The General Reports also includes reports from each of five major panel
sessions that give attention to regional peace and security issues and concerns. The
Regions covered include East Asia; Africa and the Middle East; the Americas; Europe
and Eurasia; and the Asia Pacific. Altogether more than 800 participants took part
in World Summit 2013, representing well over 120 nations and all the world’s major
religious traditions.
World Summit 2013 was a great step forward, indeed a major breakthrough, in the
mission and work of UPF, which has seen steady progress since its launch in 2005. While
UPF’s many conference programs over many years have been of the highest order, the
World Summit was in a class of its own. Never before had such a large number of sitting
heads of state and leading figures in government, religion, academia, and the private
sector been assembled under the auspices of UPF.
We are particularly gratified that the World Summit 2013 served as a tribute to the
lifelong efforts of its Founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, who passed away only six
months prior. All the delegates joined in their expressions of appreciation to the legacy of
the Founder, who, along with the Co-Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, devoted his entire
life to the fulfillment of the hope of all ages, a unified world of peace.
I hope this General Report will be an inspiration and encouragement to all people around
the world who work for “peace, security and human development.”
UPF will convene its next World Summit on February 27 to March 2, 2015.

Keynote Speakers and High Officials of World Summit 2013.


Peace | Security | Development


Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
In August of 2000, I appeared with my husband
at the United Nations. At that time, in his Keynote
Address, he offered three proposals: He asked the
United Nations to establish an interreligious council
within the UN system.
In this way, the spiritual wisdom and values of the
world’s religions can be utilized to strengthen the
United Nations and its approach to peace, security,
and human development. Whereas the initial
response to this proposal was weak, there is growing
awareness of its prophetic insight. Recently, in fact,
the United Nations General Assembly established
the “World Interfaith Harmony Week.” I could not
help but feel that this was an expression of True
Father’s vision.
He called for the establishment of “peace zones”
in places around the world where conflict and
division create instability. The “peace zones” would
not only serve as de¬militarized buffers between
hostile nations but would be developed as zones of
sustainable development. He spoke of the peace
zones being populated by people from around the
world who are dedicated to peace and cooperation.
– Excerpt from the Address by Dr. Moon

Our worldwide movement, and
especially the Universal Peace
Federation, stands ready to support
and work with you in whatever way
we can to advance the ideal of peace,
security, and human development.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, cofounder of the Universal
Peace Federation, was
born in the Anju District
of Pyongyang-namdo, in
what is now North Korea on
January 6, 1943. She and her
mother escaped to the South
and joined the Unification
Church. She was blessed in
marriage to Rev. Sun Myung
Moon in 1960. She and her
husband founded religious,
academic, educational, arts,
and peace organizations,
bringing together political,
religious, academic, media
and civic leaders to work
cooperatively in addressing
the critical problems of
the world.

























Hon. Mohammad Karim Khalili
Our people love peace, but unfortunately war and
insecurity have been constantly imposed on them
from outside. We thank the international community
that has assisted in building peace and security
and fighting against terrorism. During the past ten
years, the people and government of Afghanistan,
with assistance from international community, have
achieved great and valuable successes in terms of
strengthening security, human development, ensuring
social welfare, and establishing democracy. But all
these efforts are not adequate.
The underlying contexts and factors of insecurity,
violence, war, and recruitment by terrorists and
extremists have to be tackled. Lack of education,
poverty, and inadequate development are factors. In
addition, extremism and violence do not have any
relation with Islam, and Islam has denounced such
actions and attitudes clearly and adamantly. It has
been clearly stated in our holy book, the Qur’an, that
“if someone kills an individual human being, it is as
if he or she kills all human beings, and if someone
saves the life of an individual human being, it is as if
he or she saves the lives of all human beings.”
– Excerpt from the Address by Hon. Khalili

“When the gap between the nations in
terms of their level of knowledge,
technology and welfare is less and
there is a relative balance between
them, the possibility of peace between
them is higher.”

As a spokesman for the
Council of the Islamic
Alliance of Afghanistan,
Hon. Karim Khalili
traveled to Peshawar,
Islamabad, Tehran and
the UN headquarters in
New York in order to bring
together the Mujahedeen’s
views and determine the
political orientation of the
struggle of the Muslim
people of Afghanistan. In
the first government of
the Mujahedeen, he was
Minister of Finance. In
1994, he headed the Islamic
Unity Party of Afghanistan
and led resistance forces
against the Taliban in central
Afghanistan. He has been
Vice President since 2004.

Photo: (opposite page, bottom right) Vice President Khalili
with Dr. Sreerupa Mitra Chaudhury, Ministry of Women
and Children, India.




























H.E. Zivko Budimir
From the ancient Greek philosophers to this
day, people have been trying to decipher what
is freedom, peace, and democracy and how it
might be possible to provide them to mankind.
Philosophers and advocates for peace have
defined peace as a basic human right.
During the war in Croatia and Bosnia and
Herzegovina, I considered it my duty to defend
my people, my country -- which I did -- and I
am proud of it. I was a soldier and a general,
and the ideals that I have fought for were
freedom, justice, and truth, confident that those
ideals -- once we attain and defend them -would ensure peace for everyone.
Later, after the war, I realized that those
against whom I fought were convinced that
they were fighting for exactly the same ideals
as well. Realizing this has introduced me to a
new “dimension” of comprehension of events
and phenomena. This dimension has largely
determined my further life stances, and I
believe actions as well.
– Excerpt from the Address by H.E. Budimir

Knowing the horrors of war, today as a
politician, I act in a way so that those
horrors of war would not happen again,
neither to us nor to others.

A Bosnian politician, H.E.
Živko Budimir is President
of the Federation of Bosnia
and Herzegovina, one of the
two autonomous entities
that compose Bosnia and
Herzegovina. He was chosen
as President after a political
crisis following the 2010
general election, when the
political parties were unable
to form a government. He
was previously Colonel
General in the Army of the
Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina and Major
General in the Croatian

Photo: (opposite page)
H.E. Zivko Budimir and First Lady Budimir at the
Closing Program of World Summit 2013.


Peace | Security | Development


H.E. Manuel Serifo Nhamadjo
Four decades after independence and a
succession of complex political and military
developments, with the support of the
international community and ECOWAS
(Economic Community of West African States),
Guinea-Bissau has demonstrated its ability to
normalize its situation.
We have a transitional government that, despite
the difficult global economic situation, is
stabilizing some key economic indicators, paying
salaries, and containing social tensions. We have
a parliament that functions normally through an
inclusive political debate among all stakeholders,
including political forces who felt excluded due to
the April 2012 coup d´état. The constitution was
amended to ensure that all state mechanisms are
active until the scheduled elections. We resumed
the operation of other organs of sovereignty, such
as the Supreme Court.
However, people’s economic and social wellbeing has worsened with the instability that the
country experienced in the last decade and a
half; and only a legitimate government, based on
popular will expressed at the polls and imbued
with patriotic spirit, can halt and reverse the
– Excerpt from the Address by H.E. Nhamadjo

Tolerance and harmony among faiths is
practiced in our cities and villages.


Peace | Security | Development



A Member of Parliament
since 1994, H.E. Manuel
Serifo Nhamajo served as
Executive Chairman of
the Committee of National
Reconciliation and became
President of the General
Assembly. After the 2012
military coup, the Economic
Community of West African
States reached a compromise
agreement with the military
leaders, and they turned
over power to an interim
government under H.E.
Manuel Serifo Nhamajo,
whom they considered the
most trustworthy candidate.
President Nhamajo is
determined to bring peace,
reconciliation, and unity to
his country.
H. E. Manuel Nhamadjo being congratulated by
UPF President Dr. Thomas Walsh, upon receiving
UPF’s Leadership and Good Governance Award.
Also pictured are First Lady Mme. Penda Djau and
Mr. Adama Doumbia of UPF Africa.


























H.E. Hashim Thaci
When I say that Kosovo has earned a special
place in world history, I refer to the path my
people have taken in order to achieve peace,
freedom, and democracy. Kosovo was a unit
in the former Yugoslavia, a country that fell
apart completely under the rule of a nationalist
regime in a series of bloody wars. I am proud
to have been at the forefront of people who
chose human rights, dedication to peace,
tolerance, and economic development -- people
who cherished entrepreneurship and an open
society as a way to move forward and develop
our war-torn society.
Serbia changed politicians and became
democratic, but unfortunately their discourse
towards Kosovars did not change much at
the beginning, and they were reluctant to
acknowledge the crimes committed against
Kosovars and accept the reality of the
new state. I insisted on reconciliation and
normalization of relations with Serbia, and
here is where we hope our contribution to
world peace will be most appreciated.
– Excerpt from the Address by H.E. Thaci

I am proud that my son and all our
children will never again live in fear,
will never again be taught of hate.
Photos: (opposite page, top) H.E. Hashim Thaci receives
UPF’s Leadership and Good Governance Award, presented
by UPF Co-Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. (opposite page,
bottom right) H.E. Thaci with Hon. Alcino Martinho de
Barros Pinto, President of the National Assembly of Sao
Tome and Principe.

H.E. Hashim Thaci began
his political career a student
leader of the Kosovo
resistance movement.
As Prime Minister of the
Provisional Government of
Kosovo after the 1999 war,
he led negotiations with the
international community.
Head of the Democratic
Party of Kosovo, after the
parliamentary elections of
2007 he was elected Prime
Minister of the Republic
of Kosovo. On February
17, 2008, in the Assembly
of Kosovo, he declared the
Republic of Kosovo to be an
independent, sovereign, and
democratic state.






















11 .ORG


 MALI 
Mme. Mintou Doucoure Traore
Since March 2012, two thirds of our territory
was occupied by irredentists and terrorists
claiming to uphold Islam in its most fanatic and
reactionary form, as well as narcotics dealers
and other authors of cross-border organized
crime. Thousands of people have been forced
from their homes, especially women and children
who lack of drinking water, sanitary facilities,
food, and clothing.
Those who stayed have suffered abuse: women
and girls were raped, people accused of theft
had their hands or feet amputated, couples
were stoned to death, people were murdered for
financial reasons, soldiers were massacred, and
tombs were desecrated.
We may wear different clothes, have different
skin color, and speak different languages, but
fundamentally we are all the same human
beings. That is what allows us to understand
each other and feel close to each other. Because
we all live on this little planet, we must live in
peace and harmony with each other and with
nature itself. Consequently, we must help each
other and share the benefits.
– Excerpt from the Address by Mme. Traore

In the name of our common human
family, in the name of humanity, I
appeal for your help of my country,
our country, Mali, to come out of its
dangerous impasse.


A specialist in
kinesiotherapy, Mme.
Mintou Doucoure Traore has
worked in the departments
of Health, Social Affairs,
Women’s Promotion, and
Education. In 1987, she
formed the Association for
Development and Population
Affairs. As First Lady, she
promotes the well-being
of women and youth and
advocates for the Malians
who have been displaced
because of the war launched
by terrorists and drug
traffickers in the north of

Photo: (opposite page, bottom)
First Lady of Mali, Mme. Traore (center
in yellow dress) pictured from left ot right, with Mrs. Tunu Rehani Pinda, wife of
the Prime Minister of Tanzania; former First Lady Mme. Sharav Tsevelmaa of
Mongolia; First Lady Mme. Adi Koila Nailatikau Mara of Fiji; and First Lady
Mme. Isolina Da Fonseca Nhamajo of Guinea-Bissau, along with the “Little
Angels” performers at the Closing Program for the World Summit 2013.

Peace | Security | Development


Hon. D. M. Jayaratne
Sri Lanka gained the long-awaited peace and
security recently, under the leadership of H.E.
the President of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa,
after defeating the terrorism which had lasted
three decades. Since then, Sri Lanka has become
one of the safest places in the region with a rapid
economic growth.
In the interfaith peace park of Gampola there is
a Buddhist temple, a Christian church, a Hindu
kovil, and a Muslim mosque. The houses of
worship of the four major world’s religions are
there for people to see and experience. They can
enter the holy places and pray, sing, chant, or
When I designed this Ambuluvawa, I made
only one gate to the park. I did this on purpose.
Everyone, whatever their faith or tradition, must
walk through one gate to the park. In other
words, our attitude must be to respect all faiths,
because they have a common ideal, peace in
ourselves and with our neighbors.

D. M. Jayaratne has been
Prime Minister of Sri
Lanka since 2010. He has
held posts as Minister of
Land, Agriculture and
Forestry, Ministry of Post
and Telecommunication,
and Minister of Plantation
Industries. In addition to
being Prime Minister, he
is also Minister of Buddha
Sasana and Religious Affairs.

I created in my constituency a center
where all religions can be respected
and honored, a place where people
could visualize the ideals of religious
harmony, feel it and touch it.
Caption: Se rernatu ritioribus numquam aliquibuscia quis etur re
rem sit fugit, que qui occullabo. Itas que andem comnis delitia pre
illabor Tius si qui re es conseriam vellaccumqui (30 WORDS)
H.E. D. M. Jayaratne
Sri Lanka gained the long-awaited peace
and security recently, under the leadership
of the President of Sri Lanka, H.E. Mahinda
Rajapaksa, after defeating the terrorism which
had lasted three decades. Since then, Sri Lanka
has become one of the safest places in the region
with a rapid economic growth.
In the interfaith peace park of Gampola there is
a Buddhist temple, a Christian church, a Hindu
kovil, and a Muslim mosque. The houses of
worship of the four major world’s religions are
there for people to see and experience. They can
enter the holy places and pray, sing, chant, or
When I designed this Ambuluvawa, I made
only one gate to the park. I did this on purpose.
Everyone, whatever their faith or tradition, must
walk through one gate to the park. In other
words, our attitude must be to respect all faiths,
because they have a common ideal, peace in
ourselves and with our neighbors.
– Excerpt from the Address by H.E. Jayaratne

I created in my constituency a center
where all religions can be respected
and honored, a place where people
could visualize the ideals of religious
harmony, feel it and touch it.

H.E. D. M. Jayaratne has
been Prime Minister of
Sri Lanka since 2010. He
has held posts as Minister
of Land, Agriculture and
Forestry, Minister of Post
and Telecommunication,
and Minister of Plantation
Industries. In addition to
being Prime Minister, he
is also Minister of Buddha
Sasana and Religious Affairs.

Photo: (opposite page, bottom) H.E. D. M. Jayaratne, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka (center
in white suit) pictured from right to left with President Budimir of the Federation of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Speaker of the USA House of Representatives Dennis
Hastert, Dr. Sreerupa Mitra Chaudhury of India, UPF Chairman Dr. Hyung Jin Moon
with Mrs. Yeon Ah Moon, UPF Vice Chair Dr. Chang Shik Yang, and UPF Asia Chair Dr.
Chung Sik Yong.






















15 .ORG


H.E. Xanana Gusmao
We forged a reconciliation process with
Indonesia and proceeded with the proper
mechanisms to slowly heal our internal
wounds. It is time to reflect if these failures of
the so-called good will of these international
organizations, political and military, are not
associated with the eternal primacy of economic
interests that act against the genuine will of a
nation and its people.
Timor-Leste has been the recipient of
international assistance which we are very
grateful for. Timor-Leste started to lead the G7+
dialogues, a group of 18 countries representing
more than 350 million people. We have been
insisting on the need to adopt new mechanisms
of cooperation because old ones have proved
The “New Deal” reflects the need for developing
countries to know their own reality (social,
political and economic), their weaknesses, and
their potential to conduct their own development
process in a credible, responsible, and gradual
way. To focus on the realities inherent to the
beneficiaries and their needs will have greater
impact on their people.
– Excerpt from the Address by H.E. Gusmao

A “New Deal” launched in South Korea
brings a new hope for the sustainable
development of fragile states, enabling
better leadership by the recipient
countries and better coordination of
international assistance.

A resistance leader against
the Indonesian provisional
government, H.E. Xanana
Gusmao was captured by
the Indonesians, tried, and
imprisoned. He continued
leading the resistance from
prison. After his release,
he began a campaign of
reconciliation and rebuilding.
Appointed to a senior role
in the UN administration
that governed Timor-Leste
until 2002, he was regarded
as the de facto leader of the
emerging nation. He became
the first President of the
Democratic Republic of
Timor-Leste and served from
2002 to 2007. Since 2007, he
has been Prime Minister.

Photo: (opposite page bottom left) H.E. Xanana Gusmao, Prime
Minister of Timor-Leste, meets Vice President Khalili of Afghanistan.


Peace | Security | Development


Rt. Hon. Morgan R. Tsvangirai
Past historical practices blurred the creation of
a compelling national vision and were unkind to
broad-based democratic aspirations. Our founding
generations seemed so overwhelmed by parochial
demands that they failed to move out of the box in
order to chart new paths for development
There is a realization of the continent’s potential
for growth underpinned by a dormant resource
base which, when fully exploited, can easily shift
the economic power balance in Africa’s favor.
Further, constitutionalism and the sanctity of the
rule of law are fast gaining currency as the basic
benchmarks for an emerging value system.
Military interference in politics is no longer
celebrated as people redefine their priorities and
embrace new cultures. Zimbabwe is among the
most recent beneficiaries of the changing African
mindset, having negotiated itself, with the help of
the Southern African Development Community
and the African Union, out of a failed state status
through radical policy interventions that saw the
completion of a new draft Constitution that is
expected to redefine a new value system for the
– Excerpt from the Address by Rt. Hon. Tsvangirai

More than 30 African states have
embraced a new thinking that puts
“people” first in their national agenda
and, under the guidance of young
leaders, are steering the continent
toward a positive era of Afro-optimism.

Rt. Hon. Morgan Tsvangirai
has contributed greatly to
the struggle for democracy in
the Republic of Zimbabwe.
He was Secretary General
of the Zimbabwe Congress
of Trade Unions and an
executive of the National
Mine Workers Union. He
was founding Chairman of
the National Constitutional
Assembly, a movement
established by church, civil
society, and human rights
groups to demand a peopledriven constitution. It led the
successful campaign against
the 2000 constitutional
referendum on increased
powers to the president.
In 2009 he became Prime







Photo: (opposite page, top) Rt. Hon. Morgan R. Tsvangirai,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe greets H.E.
Hashim Thaci, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo.















19 .ORG




Mrs. Bronwyn Noda Lilo

Hon. Alcino Martinho de Barros Pinto

Wife of the Prime Minister

President of the National Assembly

From 1998 to 2003, my country went
through a period of ethnic tension and
social unrest. The militants became so
powerful that it resulted in the effective
breakdown of the country’s economy.
Government resources were not distributed
equally, which resulted in delays of
payments of school grants, salaries of public
servants, and other obligations.

We make daily efforts to improve mutual
understanding, because we have reached
the conclusion that we are obligated to live
together, regardless of our differences. We try
to respect diversity and different ideas and
build consensus, because our numbers are too
few to respond to the challenges of the future.
World peace is not possible without overcoming
the barriers that for centuries have divided
people: barriers of race, religion, culture, and

The Solomon Islands women were
empowered to promote peace at the front
line, encouraging former combatants to
lay down their arms and talk peace. Our
women were an extremely helpful part of
the community-wide approach to disband
the conflict, which resulted in both parties
agreeing to surrender their arms and
observe a ceasefire.

Today my country enjoys peace and
security and is now one of the three
fastest growing economies in the
Pacific region.

Peace | Security | Development



It is not enough to condemn acts of war and
the production and trafficking of weapons,
or express indignation at the thousands of
refugees living in poverty and the children who
are victims of sexual exploitation and forced
labor. Each of us should contribute to the right
to live in peace by practicing the principle of
living for the sake of others.

The family is the most fundamental
social unit is essential to the
well-being of all of society, and
therefore no effort should be
spared to strengthen it.


Mme. Tunu Rehani Pinda

Hon. Choung Byoung Gug

Tanzania enjoys social-economic integration
with neighboring countries of the Great
Lakes Region, which includes Tanzania,
Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, and Rwanda.
Tanzania continues to work closely with
other member states of the South African
Development Community to ensure that our
friendly neighboring countries which will
conduct elections this year will do so in a
fair and democratic way. We will no longer
use our meager resources to provide basic
needs including infrastructure, energy,
water, health, education, and security
services to refugees.
Tanzania will continue to play an active
role in all processes that will ensure that
lasting peace is achieved in the region.
Conflicts bring instability and hence disrupt
production activities, which ultimately
undermine efforts of reducing poverty in
the region. Peaceful and stable neighboring
countries open the way for economic
integration and promotion of investment
and trade. Our people need peace and
security for their development.

Human beings have always aspired
for world peace. However, world
peace is difficult to attain because it is
difficult to overcome the differences of
ethnicity, religion, and nationality. In his
autobiography, Rev. Moon said: “Because
Korea has suffered national division and
hardship, it has the capacity to lead the
world into an era of peace.”
Sixty years after the Korean War, the
Republic of Korea has become one of the
top economies of the world. That would not
have been possible without help from the
global community. Now it is time for Korea
to aid the global community. Now it is time
for Korea to overcome national division and
contribute to world peace.
After a long, harsh winter comes spring.
This is the law of nature. The day
after tomorrow, the new South Korean
government will take office. The new
government promises to open a new,
hopeful era where everyone can be happy
based on economic equality and political

Wife of the Prime Minister

Member of Parliament, Republic of Korea






















21 .ORG


Peace & Security in East Asia

Dr. Anthony J. Guerra, President
President, The Washington Times Foundation, USA

“Some would say that the greatest deterrent to war is the unlikelihood
of victory for a would-be aggressor. If that is so, a rebalancing of the
defense priorities of the democratic nations of East Asia should be more
vigorously debated. We almost certainly need to pursue both a strong
defense and all the means of soft diplomacy, public and private, that can
be mustered.”

Gen. Dong Won Lim
Former Minister of Unification, Republic of Korea

“There should be give and take with North Korea. We should use both
sticks and carrots. We should persuade North Korea that it can prosper
without developing nuclear weapons. There should be a comprehensive,
fundamental approach to the nuclear issue, Reunification should
take place through peace; it takes time. There should be a de facto
reunification before the legal reunification; this would reduce
expenditures and help transform the ceasefire to a peace treaty.”

Rev. Jeung Rho Yoon
Chair, UPF-Korea

“Ambassadors for Peace are very important in UPF’s peace work.
There are mayors and governors working as Ambassadors for Peace as
well as educators and teachers. UPF-Korea has laid a foundation and
nurtured many trainers who go back to their countries and spread the
message they learned in Korea. We would like to share our activities
and experience and knowledge so we can we can join hands together in
peacemaking in Korea and the world.”

Amb. Tetsuya Endo
Former Ambassador, Japan-North Korea Normalization Talks, Japan

“North Korea is an important neighbor to Japan, and the two nations
are destined to be linked in one way or the other. Due to the incredible
difficulty in de-nuclearizing Pyongyang the international community
must respond with either massive rewards or harsh penalties. We should
envisage the tentative freezing of the nuclear and missile development
program and/or its oversight by the International Atomic Energy Agency
with the ultimate objective of total de-nuclearization.”

Peace | Security | Development


Peace & Security in East Asia

Hon. Dennis Hastert
Speaker of the US House of Representatives, 1999 to 2007

“Only when free people can freely discuss across political borders can
we ever help to solve the problems that exist around the world. Only
when nations are prosperous can we begin to use our knowledge and
our talents to help the less fortunate. And only when free nations can
continue to build strong families with a God-centered value system can
we hope to become a better world.”
Focus on Africa & the Middle East

H.E. Jean Ping
Former Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union;
Former UN General Assembly President

“Africa and the Middle East are two of the most dynamic regions of our
contemporary world, evidenced in developments such as the “Arab Spring”
across much of North Africa and in Arab nations of the Middle East, as
well as the rising, positive economic trends in Africa and the strengthening
of the African Union.”

Prof. Ibrahim Gambari
Former UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs

“While Africa has achieved much progress, it continues to grapple with
ways to end violent conflicts with their devastating record of deaths,
suffering, and displacement of civilian populations. What is needed is
an integrated and comprehensive yet coherent approach that includes,
in addition to political and military activities, transparent and urgent
improvements in the areas of environmental protection, human rights, good
governance, democratization, economic growth, and poverty eradication.”

H.E. Jerry Rawlings
President of Ghana, 1981 to 2000

“The corrupt tendencies by some in the private sector, especially the
foreign ones, are causing havoc in Africa, and they are doing it with
impunity. The quality of socio-economic justice on the continent is
low. Ordinary people at the grassroots normally do not harbor ethnic or
religious hateful feelings against one another when governments ensure the
rule of law or justice. Good leaders must be accountable to their people.”

H.E. Domitien Ndayizeye
President of Burundi, 2003 to 2005

“The strict enforcement of the Arusha Accords during the transition period
allowed us to achieve satisfactory results, including a rapprochement
between the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minority, the negotiation of
a cease-fire with rebel Hutus with the backing of the Tutsi leadership,
a peaceful integration of rebel fighters into the national army, the
organization of national elections, and the inauguration of a newly elected

Peace | Security | Development


Hon. Mr. Lambert Mende Omalanga
Minister of Information, Democratic Republic of the Congo

“The Government of the DR Congo will assume its responsibilities to
restore peace and security within its borders. We welcome the framework
Agreement for Peace in the Great Lakes Region between 11 states of that
region and the UN. The deployment of a Neutral International Force to
secure the problematic Eastern border of the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, especially with Rwanda and Uganda, will certainly help to create
the conditions for a lasting peace.”
Dr. Sonia Ramzi
Former Head of the Promotion of Cultural Heritage, UNESCO

“UNESCO’s constitution begins: “Since wars begin in the minds of men,
it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.”
It doesn’t mention women. Women, who give life, are also the dynamic
force to protect life. The culture of peace means above all understanding
the other in its differences, understanding the stranger, understanding
the one who belongs to another nation, another ethnic group, another
Hon. Hisham Badr
Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Egypt

“I come from a region that is witnessing a rare and difficult moment of
rebirth. It is a historic moment, when peoples of the region rose to defy
years of stagnation and expressed their development aspirations. Faith,
persistence, and adherence to the principles of respect and dialogue can
and will carry us through. Egypt, throughout its history, has been known
to promote and support action towards peace and peaceful coexistence
within and between nations.”
Dr. Hamdi Murad
Professor, World Islamic Sciences and Education University, Jordan

“The international community has a mission to support the Arab peoples
in the process of reform and transformation toward justice, democracy,
and human dignity. This means it also has to move with full force to stand
in the face of the dictatorial regimes and thwart their plans and crimes
against their peoples -- not to remain silent or stand by hesitating to move
against these bloody and unjust regimes.”

Hon. Ran Cohen
Member of the Israeli Knesset, 1984 to 2009

“You cannot imagine what it means for a man like me, coming from
Israel, to sit down here with my neighbors from Arab countries. This is
more than I could have believed would happen in decades of working
for peace. This is just the beginning of creating peace between people.
If we had a two-state solution, I could visit my new friend in East
Jerusalem. He is welcome in my home any time.”
























Focus on the Americas
Mr. Thomas McDevitt
Chairman, The Washington Times, USA

“At the end of World War II, US General Douglas MacArthur said
something quite prophetic: If we do not now devise some greater and
more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door. The problem
is basically theological and involves a spiritual recrudescence and
improvement of human character that will synchronize with our almost
matchless advances in science, art, literature and all material and
cultural developments of the past 2,000 years.”

Hon. Dan Burton
Member of the US Congress, 1983 to 2013

“We all want to make sure peace prevails. But one thing we must always
remember is there will always be tyrants who want to take over our
freedoms and force us into their way of life, or to take away those things
that we hold dear. While we talk about peace we must remember there
are those who advocate taking people’s rights away from them and
leading those people and those countries in different directions.”

Amb. Sam Zakhem
Former US Ambassador to Bahrain

“I was not born in the USA. It’s my adopted country. But no nation in
the history of mankind has sent its men and women to die so others may
live free. Americans nurtured the tree of freedom on shores far away
from its land. They nurtured the tree of freedom with their precious

H.E. Arnoldo Aleman Lacayo
President of Nicaragua, 1997 to 2002

“Although Latin America has achieved some success in dealing with
the global economic crisis, it remains fragile and needs better skills to
rise above these challenges and be able to join the globalized world with
impact and strength: We must overcome poverty and underdevelopment,
creating more jobs, sustainable and in an appropriate number, to slow
the migration of millions of Latin Americans who leave their homes in
search of employment and a better future.”

Peace | Security | Development


Focus on the Americas

Hon. Roxana Mendez Obarrio
Mayor, Panama City, Panama

“From my experience at an NGO aimed at promoting development
opportunities for families in extreme poverty and eliminating
hazardous child labor, we realized that for a country to achieve real
peace, freedom, and democracy we must eradicate poverty and the
lack of education. We give priority to the programs that benefit the
disadvantaged and give them access to the opportunities that the rapid
growth and dynamic economy of Panama provides to its citizens.”

Hon. David Kilgour
Canadian Secretary of State for Latin America and Africa, 1997 to 2002

“Secure property rights for all owners was a major key to sustained
human development. Simon Bolivar, el Liberator, eschewed a propertyowning democracy and the rule of law in favor of dictatorship. The
main reason for development differences in the Americas is that
some populations enjoy better representative government with good
constitutions and institutions of governance, the rule of law, and the
sanctity of private property for all.”

Hon. Dr. Don Meredith
Senator, Canada

“Canada’s longstanding commitment to the principles of peace; security,
and freedom go hand in hand with economic development. Canada
wants to engage its partners in the Americas to promote efficient,
innovative, and open markets. Canadians continue to provide assistance
to many countries through peacekeeping missions and through the
delivery of humanitarian aid. Our Initiative for Security in Central
America focuses on police training, border security, supporting conflict
resolution, human rights, and prevention of violence.”
Focus on Europe and Eurasia

Mr. Mark Brann
Regional Secretary General, UPF-Europe

“Despite tensions over issues such as the supply of gas, Russia and
Europe have far more in common than what divides them. With the
disappearance of the Cold War tensions has come a renewed sense of
common heritage and mutual interests. I believe it is both necessary
and desirable for Russia and Europe to forge a partnership for peace
in which together they seek to further the interests of humanity as a

Dr. Willem van Eekelen
Former Defense Minister, Netherlands

“The construction of Europe was an interesting mix of competition
and solidarity: competition among firms regardless of their nationality,
and solidarity with less developed regions. Peace requires hard work;
it is not something which floats down from the air, but is the result of
using all instruments available to the international community. Without
a minimum of security, there cannot be development; there cannot be
stability and security without lasting development.”

Dr. Werner Fasslabend
Minister of Defense, Austria, 1990 to 2000

“I was born and brought up only 500 meters from the former Iron
Curtain. There was hardly any night when I could not hear the barking
dogs that followed the people who tried to flee their own countries. Now
people can cross the border each day in order to work. This is one of
the biggest successes you can imagine. We have to try to preserve it and
expand it.”

Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj
Deputy Minister of Defense, Albania

“Our region consists of Allied countries, aspirant countries, and partners
with NATO or the EU. Security and defense reforms in the region have
grossly reduced the risks of conventional confrontation. This is reflected
through the development of small professional forces with mainly
defensive capabilities, under the control of civilian authorities. Forms
of regional cooperation have expanded in the political, economic, and
security areas and are expected to continue doing so.”

Peace | Security | Development


Focus on Europe and Eurasia

Hon. Elena Drapeko
First Vice Chair of the Committee of Culture, State Parliament,
Russian Federation

“Russia, like other countries of the world, is looking for ways to solve
the existing modern contradictions The world has the prospect of creating
a single global ethics on the basis of norms of behavior that are actually
being practiced in modern societies. Economics, science, politics, and
other spheres of activity have reached such a degree of complexity that
they can operate successfully only in single social systems.”

H.E. Stanislav Shushkevich
Chair of the Supreme Council, Belarus, 1991 to 1994

“Russia has been seeking forms of integration that would assert its
supremacy and at the same time encourage the CIS countries to join
associations proposed by Russia. The post-Soviet space in Europe and
Asia went through revolutionary upheavals; but it seems that old patterns
may prevail. Social reforms have slowed down or have been perverted to
such an extent that people no longer speak about building capitalism or
improving the wellbeing of the people.”

H.E. Punsalmaagiin Ochirbat
President, Mongolia, 1990 to 1997

“A pattern of thinking more about society than one’s own family, more
about the nation than one’s society, and more about the world than one’s
own nation has been cultivated in the Mongolian mind-set. Chinggis
Khaan said, “Develop yourself, then your family, and then your
nation.” In the 21st century, with its overwhelming moral decline, the
Mongolians’ merit of morality passed on through their lineage should
be awakened.”

Rev. Dr. Marcus Braybrooke
Chairman. World Congress of Faiths, UK

“If a society is to be cohesive, it needs shared values. Today the faiths
need to come together to affirm those shared values, as they have done
in the Global Ethic. The struggle today is between true religion and
its misuse as an ideology. Leaders of all faiths have made clear their
repudiation of the use of religion to justify terrorism. A crime in the
name of God is a crime against God.”























Focus on the Asia-Pacific Region

Hon. Jose De Venecia
Former Speaker, House of Representatives, Philippines; Chairman, International
Conference of Asian Political Parties

“Asia is the cradle of the great civilizations, the great religions, and the great
cultures of history. Today many are saying that the fulcrum of political and
economic power is moving inexorably to the east. We formed the International
Conference of Asian Political Parties, which includes more than 300 ruling and
opposition parties. The African leaders gathered here this morning expressed by
acclamation their interest in forming a similar conference.”

Amb. Yoichi Yamaguchi
former Ambassador of Japan to Turkey and Myanmar

“A nation should have the primary responsibility for its own political system
and make it suit its peculiar situation, such as its history, tradition, culture,
and popular dispositions. The international community should honor a
country’s endeavors and extend indirect help such as official development
aid, trade, investment, technology transfer, tourism, and academic and
cultural exchanges. More than anything, a country’s unity and stability must
be maintained while its people’s life and property must be protected.”

Dr. Mingjun Jiang
General Director, International Eco-Safety Cooperative Organization,
People’s Republic of China

“International security will face three major threats in the 21st century:
threat from increasing network attacks, threat from climate change to human
survival and development, and threat from biological weapons. Therefore,
peace and development are still the themes of the times. They are reflected
in exchanges and dialogues, integrity and cooperation, and the common
aspiration and pursuit of governments and peoples of various countries.”

Hon. Ek Nath Dhakal
Minister of Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation, Nepal

“In Nepal, we are learning to build peaceful, economic ties between India
and China for our own survival. There needs to be an innovative strategy for
steady economic growth, and this must be based on an inclusive, cooperative
mindset. Cooperation is the only way out of the current economic and
political crisis. When we do this, then both the Asian and world economies
can achieve robust, sustainable, and balanced growth.”


Peace | Security | Development


Focus on the Asia-Pacific Region

Hon. David John Clarke
Member, Legislative Council of the Parliament of New South Wales, Australia

“A number of factors are key in the Asia-Pacific: a level of economic
prosperity, social cohesion, and general well-being. The more the following
factors are present, the higher the well-being of people: free enterprise,
genuine democratic government, rule of law, opposition to totalitarianism,
upholding the family unit, religious tolerance, and God-centered values.
The age of totalitarianism is coming to an end, and the age of freedom and
democracy is with us.”

Mr. Colin Craig
Founding Leader of the Conservative Party, New Zealand

“We need to ask ourselves, are we prepared and ready to help others? Will
we defend not only our own liberty but that of those who are strangers
to us? Will we keep helping until people can stand on their own? Let us
not assume a false generosity for the sake of applause or to extend our
economic influence but give freely to others so that they may stand on
their own.”






















31 .ORG



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UPF World Summit 2013 on Peace, Security and Development

  • 1. General Report World Summit Seoul 2013 Seoul, Korea • February 22–25, 2013 ecurity | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 2. Message from the President Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, President, Universal Peace Federation O n February 22-25, 2013, in Seoul, Korea, the Universal Peace Federation convened the World Summit 2013 on the theme, “Peace, Security and Human Development.” This General Report offers an overview of the program of the World Summit 2013, featuring excerpts from many very distinguished Keynote Speakers, among which are included many current heads of state or government, vice heads, and first ladies. The General Reports also includes reports from each of five major panel sessions that give attention to regional peace and security issues and concerns. The Regions covered include East Asia; Africa and the Middle East; the Americas; Europe and Eurasia; and the Asia Pacific. Altogether more than 800 participants took part in World Summit 2013, representing well over 120 nations and all the world’s major religious traditions. World Summit 2013 was a great step forward, indeed a major breakthrough, in the mission and work of UPF, which has seen steady progress since its launch in 2005. While UPF’s many conference programs over many years have been of the highest order, the World Summit was in a class of its own. Never before had such a large number of sitting heads of state and leading figures in government, religion, academia, and the private sector been assembled under the auspices of UPF. We are particularly gratified that the World Summit 2013 served as a tribute to the lifelong efforts of its Founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, who passed away only six months prior. All the delegates joined in their expressions of appreciation to the legacy of the Founder, who, along with the Co-Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, devoted his entire life to the fulfillment of the hope of all ages, a unified world of peace. I hope this General Report will be an inspiration and encouragement to all people around the world who work for “peace, security and human development.” UPF will convene its next World Summit on February 27 to March 2, 2015. Keynote Speakers and High Officials of World Summit 2013. 2 Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 3.  SOUTH KOREA  Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon CO-FOUNDER, UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION In August of 2000, I appeared with my husband at the United Nations. At that time, in his Keynote Address, he offered three proposals: He asked the United Nations to establish an interreligious council within the UN system. In this way, the spiritual wisdom and values of the world’s religions can be utilized to strengthen the United Nations and its approach to peace, security, and human development. Whereas the initial response to this proposal was weak, there is growing awareness of its prophetic insight. Recently, in fact, the United Nations General Assembly established the “World Interfaith Harmony Week.” I could not help but feel that this was an expression of True Father’s vision. He called for the establishment of “peace zones” in places around the world where conflict and division create instability. The “peace zones” would not only serve as de¬militarized buffers between hostile nations but would be developed as zones of sustainable development. He spoke of the peace zones being populated by people from around the world who are dedicated to peace and cooperation. – Excerpt from the Address by Dr. Moon Our worldwide movement, and especially the Universal Peace Federation, stands ready to support and work with you in whatever way we can to advance the ideal of peace, security, and human development. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, cofounder of the Universal Peace Federation, was born in the Anju District of Pyongyang-namdo, in what is now North Korea on January 6, 1943. She and her mother escaped to the South and joined the Unification Church. She was blessed in marriage to Rev. Sun Myung Moon in 1960. She and her husband founded religious, academic, educational, arts, and peace organizations, bringing together political, religious, academic, media and civic leaders to work cooperatively in addressing the critical problems of the world. Peace Report Security | Developme Peace General | | Security | Developme Peace | Security | Developme .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION 3 .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
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  • 5.  AFGHANISTAN  Hon. Mohammad Karim Khalili VICE PRESIDENT Our people love peace, but unfortunately war and insecurity have been constantly imposed on them from outside. We thank the international community that has assisted in building peace and security and fighting against terrorism. During the past ten years, the people and government of Afghanistan, with assistance from international community, have achieved great and valuable successes in terms of strengthening security, human development, ensuring social welfare, and establishing democracy. But all these efforts are not adequate. The underlying contexts and factors of insecurity, violence, war, and recruitment by terrorists and extremists have to be tackled. Lack of education, poverty, and inadequate development are factors. In addition, extremism and violence do not have any relation with Islam, and Islam has denounced such actions and attitudes clearly and adamantly. It has been clearly stated in our holy book, the Qur’an, that “if someone kills an individual human being, it is as if he or she kills all human beings, and if someone saves the life of an individual human being, it is as if he or she saves the lives of all human beings.” – Excerpt from the Address by Hon. Khalili “When the gap between the nations in terms of their level of knowledge, technology and welfare is less and there is a relative balance between them, the possibility of peace between them is higher.” As a spokesman for the Council of the Islamic Alliance of Afghanistan, Hon. Karim Khalili traveled to Peshawar, Islamabad, Tehran and the UN headquarters in New York in order to bring together the Mujahedeen’s views and determine the political orientation of the struggle of the Muslim people of Afghanistan. In the first government of the Mujahedeen, he was Minister of Finance. In 1994, he headed the Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan and led resistance forces against the Taliban in central Afghanistan. He has been Vice President since 2004. Peace Photo: (opposite page, bottom right) Vice President Khalili with Dr. Sreerupa Mitra Chaudhury, Ministry of Women and Children, India. Report Security | Developme Peace General | | Security | Developme Peace | Security | Developme .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION 5 .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 6.  FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA  H.E. Zivko Budimir PRESIDENT From the ancient Greek philosophers to this day, people have been trying to decipher what is freedom, peace, and democracy and how it might be possible to provide them to mankind. Philosophers and advocates for peace have defined peace as a basic human right. During the war in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, I considered it my duty to defend my people, my country -- which I did -- and I am proud of it. I was a soldier and a general, and the ideals that I have fought for were freedom, justice, and truth, confident that those ideals -- once we attain and defend them -would ensure peace for everyone. Later, after the war, I realized that those against whom I fought were convinced that they were fighting for exactly the same ideals as well. Realizing this has introduced me to a new “dimension” of comprehension of events and phenomena. This dimension has largely determined my further life stances, and I believe actions as well. – Excerpt from the Address by H.E. Budimir Knowing the horrors of war, today as a politician, I act in a way so that those horrors of war would not happen again, neither to us nor to others. A Bosnian politician, H.E. Živko Budimir is President of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the two autonomous entities that compose Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was chosen as President after a political crisis following the 2010 general election, when the political parties were unable to form a government. He was previously Colonel General in the Army of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Major General in the Croatian Army. Photo: (opposite page) H.E. Zivko Budimir and First Lady Budimir at the Closing Program of World Summit 2013. 6 Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
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  • 8.  GUINEA-BISSAU  H.E. Manuel Serifo Nhamadjo PRESIDENT Four decades after independence and a succession of complex political and military developments, with the support of the international community and ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), Guinea-Bissau has demonstrated its ability to normalize its situation. We have a transitional government that, despite the difficult global economic situation, is stabilizing some key economic indicators, paying salaries, and containing social tensions. We have a parliament that functions normally through an inclusive political debate among all stakeholders, including political forces who felt excluded due to the April 2012 coup d´état. The constitution was amended to ensure that all state mechanisms are active until the scheduled elections. We resumed the operation of other organs of sovereignty, such as the Supreme Court. However, people’s economic and social wellbeing has worsened with the instability that the country experienced in the last decade and a half; and only a legitimate government, based on popular will expressed at the polls and imbued with patriotic spirit, can halt and reverse the process. – Excerpt from the Address by H.E. Nhamadjo Tolerance and harmony among faiths is practiced in our cities and villages. 8 Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION A Member of Parliament since 1994, H.E. Manuel Serifo Nhamajo served as Executive Chairman of the Committee of National Reconciliation and became President of the General Assembly. After the 2012 military coup, the Economic Community of West African States reached a compromise agreement with the military leaders, and they turned over power to an interim government under H.E. Manuel Serifo Nhamajo, whom they considered the most trustworthy candidate. President Nhamajo is determined to bring peace, reconciliation, and unity to his country.
  • 9. H. E. Manuel Nhamadjo being congratulated by UPF President Dr. Thomas Walsh, upon receiving UPF’s Leadership and Good Governance Award. Also pictured are First Lady Mme. Penda Djau and Mr. Adama Doumbia of UPF Africa. Peace Report Security | Developme Peace General | | Security | Developme Peace | Security | Developme .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION 9 .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
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  • 11.  KOSOVO  H.E. Hashim Thaci PRIME MINISTER When I say that Kosovo has earned a special place in world history, I refer to the path my people have taken in order to achieve peace, freedom, and democracy. Kosovo was a unit in the former Yugoslavia, a country that fell apart completely under the rule of a nationalist regime in a series of bloody wars. I am proud to have been at the forefront of people who chose human rights, dedication to peace, tolerance, and economic development -- people who cherished entrepreneurship and an open society as a way to move forward and develop our war-torn society. Serbia changed politicians and became democratic, but unfortunately their discourse towards Kosovars did not change much at the beginning, and they were reluctant to acknowledge the crimes committed against Kosovars and accept the reality of the new state. I insisted on reconciliation and normalization of relations with Serbia, and here is where we hope our contribution to world peace will be most appreciated. – Excerpt from the Address by H.E. Thaci I am proud that my son and all our children will never again live in fear, will never again be taught of hate. Photos: (opposite page, top) H.E. Hashim Thaci receives UPF’s Leadership and Good Governance Award, presented by UPF Co-Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. (opposite page, bottom right) H.E. Thaci with Hon. Alcino Martinho de Barros Pinto, President of the National Assembly of Sao Tome and Principe. H.E. Hashim Thaci began his political career a student leader of the Kosovo resistance movement. As Prime Minister of the Provisional Government of Kosovo after the 1999 war, he led negotiations with the international community. Head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, after the parliamentary elections of 2007 he was elected Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo. On February 17, 2008, in the Assembly of Kosovo, he declared the Republic of Kosovo to be an independent, sovereign, and democratic state. Peace Report Security | Developme Peace General | | Security | Developme Peace | Security | Developme .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION 11 .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 12.  MALI  Mme. Mintou Doucoure Traore FIRST LADY Since March 2012, two thirds of our territory was occupied by irredentists and terrorists claiming to uphold Islam in its most fanatic and reactionary form, as well as narcotics dealers and other authors of cross-border organized crime. Thousands of people have been forced from their homes, especially women and children who lack of drinking water, sanitary facilities, food, and clothing. Those who stayed have suffered abuse: women and girls were raped, people accused of theft had their hands or feet amputated, couples were stoned to death, people were murdered for financial reasons, soldiers were massacred, and tombs were desecrated. We may wear different clothes, have different skin color, and speak different languages, but fundamentally we are all the same human beings. That is what allows us to understand each other and feel close to each other. Because we all live on this little planet, we must live in peace and harmony with each other and with nature itself. Consequently, we must help each other and share the benefits. – Excerpt from the Address by Mme. Traore In the name of our common human family, in the name of humanity, I appeal for your help of my country, our country, Mali, to come out of its dangerous impasse. 12 A specialist in kinesiotherapy, Mme. Mintou Doucoure Traore has worked in the departments of Health, Social Affairs, Women’s Promotion, and Education. In 1987, she formed the Association for Development and Population Affairs. As First Lady, she promotes the well-being of women and youth and advocates for the Malians who have been displaced because of the war launched by terrorists and drug traffickers in the north of Mali. Photo: (opposite page, bottom) First Lady of Mali, Mme. Traore (center in yellow dress) pictured from left ot right, with Mrs. Tunu Rehani Pinda, wife of the Prime Minister of Tanzania; former First Lady Mme. Sharav Tsevelmaa of Mongolia; First Lady Mme. Adi Koila Nailatikau Mara of Fiji; and First Lady Mme. Isolina Da Fonseca Nhamajo of Guinea-Bissau, along with the “Little Angels” performers at the Closing Program for the World Summit 2013. Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
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  • 14.  SRI LANKA  Hon. D. M. Jayaratne PRIME MINISTER Sri Lanka gained the long-awaited peace and security recently, under the leadership of H.E. the President of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa, after defeating the terrorism which had lasted three decades. Since then, Sri Lanka has become one of the safest places in the region with a rapid economic growth. In the interfaith peace park of Gampola there is a Buddhist temple, a Christian church, a Hindu kovil, and a Muslim mosque. The houses of worship of the four major world’s religions are there for people to see and experience. They can enter the holy places and pray, sing, chant, or meditate. When I designed this Ambuluvawa, I made only one gate to the park. I did this on purpose. Everyone, whatever their faith or tradition, must walk through one gate to the park. In other words, our attitude must be to respect all faiths, because they have a common ideal, peace in ourselves and with our neighbors. D. M. Jayaratne has been Prime Minister of Sri Lanka since 2010. He has held posts as Minister of Land, Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Post and Telecommunication, and Minister of Plantation Industries. In addition to being Prime Minister, he is also Minister of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs. I created in my constituency a center where all religions can be respected and honored, a place where people could visualize the ideals of religious harmony, feel it and touch it. Caption: Se rernatu ritioribus numquam aliquibuscia quis etur re rem sit fugit, que qui occullabo. Itas que andem comnis delitia pre illabor Tius si qui re es conseriam vellaccumqui (30 WORDS)
  • 15.  SRI LANKA  H.E. D. M. Jayaratne PRIME MINISTER Sri Lanka gained the long-awaited peace and security recently, under the leadership of the President of Sri Lanka, H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksa, after defeating the terrorism which had lasted three decades. Since then, Sri Lanka has become one of the safest places in the region with a rapid economic growth. In the interfaith peace park of Gampola there is a Buddhist temple, a Christian church, a Hindu kovil, and a Muslim mosque. The houses of worship of the four major world’s religions are there for people to see and experience. They can enter the holy places and pray, sing, chant, or meditate. When I designed this Ambuluvawa, I made only one gate to the park. I did this on purpose. Everyone, whatever their faith or tradition, must walk through one gate to the park. In other words, our attitude must be to respect all faiths, because they have a common ideal, peace in ourselves and with our neighbors. – Excerpt from the Address by H.E. Jayaratne I created in my constituency a center where all religions can be respected and honored, a place where people could visualize the ideals of religious harmony, feel it and touch it. H.E. D. M. Jayaratne has been Prime Minister of Sri Lanka since 2010. He has held posts as Minister of Land, Agriculture and Forestry, Minister of Post and Telecommunication, and Minister of Plantation Industries. In addition to being Prime Minister, he is also Minister of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs. Photo: (opposite page, bottom) H.E. D. M. Jayaratne, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka (center in white suit) pictured from right to left with President Budimir of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Speaker of the USA House of Representatives Dennis Hastert, Dr. Sreerupa Mitra Chaudhury of India, UPF Chairman Dr. Hyung Jin Moon with Mrs. Yeon Ah Moon, UPF Vice Chair Dr. Chang Shik Yang, and UPF Asia Chair Dr. Chung Sik Yong. Peace Report Security | Developme Peace General | | Security | Developme Peace | Security | Developme .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION 15 .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 16.  TIMOR-LESTE  H.E. Xanana Gusmao PRIME MINISTER We forged a reconciliation process with Indonesia and proceeded with the proper mechanisms to slowly heal our internal wounds. It is time to reflect if these failures of the so-called good will of these international organizations, political and military, are not associated with the eternal primacy of economic interests that act against the genuine will of a nation and its people. Timor-Leste has been the recipient of international assistance which we are very grateful for. Timor-Leste started to lead the G7+ dialogues, a group of 18 countries representing more than 350 million people. We have been insisting on the need to adopt new mechanisms of cooperation because old ones have proved inefficient. The “New Deal” reflects the need for developing countries to know their own reality (social, political and economic), their weaknesses, and their potential to conduct their own development process in a credible, responsible, and gradual way. To focus on the realities inherent to the beneficiaries and their needs will have greater impact on their people. – Excerpt from the Address by H.E. Gusmao A “New Deal” launched in South Korea brings a new hope for the sustainable development of fragile states, enabling better leadership by the recipient countries and better coordination of international assistance. A resistance leader against the Indonesian provisional government, H.E. Xanana Gusmao was captured by the Indonesians, tried, and imprisoned. He continued leading the resistance from prison. After his release, he began a campaign of reconciliation and rebuilding. Appointed to a senior role in the UN administration that governed Timor-Leste until 2002, he was regarded as the de facto leader of the emerging nation. He became the first President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and served from 2002 to 2007. Since 2007, he has been Prime Minister. Photo: (opposite page bottom left) H.E. Xanana Gusmao, Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, meets Vice President Khalili of Afghanistan. 16 Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
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  • 19.  ZIMBABWE  Rt. Hon. Morgan R. Tsvangirai PRIME MINISTER Past historical practices blurred the creation of a compelling national vision and were unkind to broad-based democratic aspirations. Our founding generations seemed so overwhelmed by parochial demands that they failed to move out of the box in order to chart new paths for development There is a realization of the continent’s potential for growth underpinned by a dormant resource base which, when fully exploited, can easily shift the economic power balance in Africa’s favor. Further, constitutionalism and the sanctity of the rule of law are fast gaining currency as the basic benchmarks for an emerging value system. Military interference in politics is no longer celebrated as people redefine their priorities and embrace new cultures. Zimbabwe is among the most recent beneficiaries of the changing African mindset, having negotiated itself, with the help of the Southern African Development Community and the African Union, out of a failed state status through radical policy interventions that saw the completion of a new draft Constitution that is expected to redefine a new value system for the country. – Excerpt from the Address by Rt. Hon. Tsvangirai More than 30 African states have embraced a new thinking that puts “people” first in their national agenda and, under the guidance of young leaders, are steering the continent toward a positive era of Afro-optimism. Rt. Hon. Morgan Tsvangirai has contributed greatly to the struggle for democracy in the Republic of Zimbabwe. He was Secretary General of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions and an executive of the National Mine Workers Union. He was founding Chairman of the National Constitutional Assembly, a movement established by church, civil society, and human rights groups to demand a peopledriven constitution. It led the successful campaign against the 2000 constitutional referendum on increased powers to the president. In 2009 he became Prime Minister. General Report | Security | Developme Peace Photo: (opposite page, top) Rt. Hon. Morgan R. Tsvangirai, Prime Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe greets H.E. Hashim Thaci, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo. Peace | Security | Developme Peace | Security | Developme .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION 19 .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 20.  SOLOMON ISLANDS   SAO TOME & PRINCIPE  Mrs. Bronwyn Noda Lilo Hon. Alcino Martinho de Barros Pinto Wife of the Prime Minister President of the National Assembly From 1998 to 2003, my country went through a period of ethnic tension and social unrest. The militants became so powerful that it resulted in the effective breakdown of the country’s economy. Government resources were not distributed equally, which resulted in delays of payments of school grants, salaries of public servants, and other obligations. We make daily efforts to improve mutual understanding, because we have reached the conclusion that we are obligated to live together, regardless of our differences. We try to respect diversity and different ideas and build consensus, because our numbers are too few to respond to the challenges of the future. World peace is not possible without overcoming the barriers that for centuries have divided people: barriers of race, religion, culture, and nationality. The Solomon Islands women were empowered to promote peace at the front line, encouraging former combatants to lay down their arms and talk peace. Our women were an extremely helpful part of the community-wide approach to disband the conflict, which resulted in both parties agreeing to surrender their arms and observe a ceasefire. Today my country enjoys peace and security and is now one of the three fastest growing economies in the Pacific region. 20 Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION It is not enough to condemn acts of war and the production and trafficking of weapons, or express indignation at the thousands of refugees living in poverty and the children who are victims of sexual exploitation and forced labor. Each of us should contribute to the right to live in peace by practicing the principle of living for the sake of others. The family is the most fundamental social unit is essential to the well-being of all of society, and therefore no effort should be spared to strengthen it.
  • 21.  TANZANIA   SOUTH KOREA  Mme. Tunu Rehani Pinda Hon. Choung Byoung Gug Tanzania enjoys social-economic integration with neighboring countries of the Great Lakes Region, which includes Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, and Rwanda. Tanzania continues to work closely with other member states of the South African Development Community to ensure that our friendly neighboring countries which will conduct elections this year will do so in a fair and democratic way. We will no longer use our meager resources to provide basic needs including infrastructure, energy, water, health, education, and security services to refugees. Tanzania will continue to play an active role in all processes that will ensure that lasting peace is achieved in the region. Conflicts bring instability and hence disrupt production activities, which ultimately undermine efforts of reducing poverty in the region. Peaceful and stable neighboring countries open the way for economic integration and promotion of investment and trade. Our people need peace and security for their development. Human beings have always aspired for world peace. However, world peace is difficult to attain because it is difficult to overcome the differences of ethnicity, religion, and nationality. In his autobiography, Rev. Moon said: “Because Korea has suffered national division and hardship, it has the capacity to lead the world into an era of peace.” Sixty years after the Korean War, the Republic of Korea has become one of the top economies of the world. That would not have been possible without help from the global community. Now it is time for Korea to aid the global community. Now it is time for Korea to overcome national division and contribute to world peace. After a long, harsh winter comes spring. This is the law of nature. The day after tomorrow, the new South Korean government will take office. The new government promises to open a new, hopeful era where everyone can be happy based on economic equality and political democratization. Wife of the Prime Minister Member of Parliament, Republic of Korea Peace Report Security | Developme Peace General | | Security | Developme Peace | Security | Developme .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION 21 .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 22. Peace & Security in East Asia Speakers Dr. Anthony J. Guerra, President President, The Washington Times Foundation, USA “Some would say that the greatest deterrent to war is the unlikelihood of victory for a would-be aggressor. If that is so, a rebalancing of the defense priorities of the democratic nations of East Asia should be more vigorously debated. We almost certainly need to pursue both a strong defense and all the means of soft diplomacy, public and private, that can be mustered.” Gen. Dong Won Lim Former Minister of Unification, Republic of Korea “There should be give and take with North Korea. We should use both sticks and carrots. We should persuade North Korea that it can prosper without developing nuclear weapons. There should be a comprehensive, fundamental approach to the nuclear issue, Reunification should take place through peace; it takes time. There should be a de facto reunification before the legal reunification; this would reduce expenditures and help transform the ceasefire to a peace treaty.” Rev. Jeung Rho Yoon Chair, UPF-Korea “Ambassadors for Peace are very important in UPF’s peace work. There are mayors and governors working as Ambassadors for Peace as well as educators and teachers. UPF-Korea has laid a foundation and nurtured many trainers who go back to their countries and spread the message they learned in Korea. We would like to share our activities and experience and knowledge so we can we can join hands together in peacemaking in Korea and the world.” Amb. Tetsuya Endo Former Ambassador, Japan-North Korea Normalization Talks, Japan “North Korea is an important neighbor to Japan, and the two nations are destined to be linked in one way or the other. Due to the incredible difficulty in de-nuclearizing Pyongyang the international community must respond with either massive rewards or harsh penalties. We should envisage the tentative freezing of the nuclear and missile development program and/or its oversight by the International Atomic Energy Agency with the ultimate objective of total de-nuclearization.” 22 Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 23. Peace & Security in East Asia Speakers Hon. Dennis Hastert Speaker of the US House of Representatives, 1999 to 2007 “Only when free people can freely discuss across political borders can we ever help to solve the problems that exist around the world. Only when nations are prosperous can we begin to use our knowledge and our talents to help the less fortunate. And only when free nations can continue to build strong families with a God-centered value system can we hope to become a better world.”
  • 24. Focus on Africa & the Middle East Speakers H.E. Jean Ping Former Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union; Former UN General Assembly President “Africa and the Middle East are two of the most dynamic regions of our contemporary world, evidenced in developments such as the “Arab Spring” across much of North Africa and in Arab nations of the Middle East, as well as the rising, positive economic trends in Africa and the strengthening of the African Union.” Prof. Ibrahim Gambari Former UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs “While Africa has achieved much progress, it continues to grapple with ways to end violent conflicts with their devastating record of deaths, suffering, and displacement of civilian populations. What is needed is an integrated and comprehensive yet coherent approach that includes, in addition to political and military activities, transparent and urgent improvements in the areas of environmental protection, human rights, good governance, democratization, economic growth, and poverty eradication.” H.E. Jerry Rawlings President of Ghana, 1981 to 2000 “The corrupt tendencies by some in the private sector, especially the foreign ones, are causing havoc in Africa, and they are doing it with impunity. The quality of socio-economic justice on the continent is low. Ordinary people at the grassroots normally do not harbor ethnic or religious hateful feelings against one another when governments ensure the rule of law or justice. Good leaders must be accountable to their people.” H.E. Domitien Ndayizeye President of Burundi, 2003 to 2005 “The strict enforcement of the Arusha Accords during the transition period allowed us to achieve satisfactory results, including a rapprochement between the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minority, the negotiation of a cease-fire with rebel Hutus with the backing of the Tutsi leadership, a peaceful integration of rebel fighters into the national army, the organization of national elections, and the inauguration of a newly elected President.” 24 Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 25. Hon. Mr. Lambert Mende Omalanga Minister of Information, Democratic Republic of the Congo “The Government of the DR Congo will assume its responsibilities to restore peace and security within its borders. We welcome the framework Agreement for Peace in the Great Lakes Region between 11 states of that region and the UN. The deployment of a Neutral International Force to secure the problematic Eastern border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, especially with Rwanda and Uganda, will certainly help to create the conditions for a lasting peace.” Dr. Sonia Ramzi Former Head of the Promotion of Cultural Heritage, UNESCO “UNESCO’s constitution begins: “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” It doesn’t mention women. Women, who give life, are also the dynamic force to protect life. The culture of peace means above all understanding the other in its differences, understanding the stranger, understanding the one who belongs to another nation, another ethnic group, another religion.” Hon. Hisham Badr Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Egypt “I come from a region that is witnessing a rare and difficult moment of rebirth. It is a historic moment, when peoples of the region rose to defy years of stagnation and expressed their development aspirations. Faith, persistence, and adherence to the principles of respect and dialogue can and will carry us through. Egypt, throughout its history, has been known to promote and support action towards peace and peaceful coexistence within and between nations.” Dr. Hamdi Murad Professor, World Islamic Sciences and Education University, Jordan “The international community has a mission to support the Arab peoples in the process of reform and transformation toward justice, democracy, and human dignity. This means it also has to move with full force to stand in the face of the dictatorial regimes and thwart their plans and crimes against their peoples -- not to remain silent or stand by hesitating to move against these bloody and unjust regimes.” Hon. Ran Cohen Member of the Israeli Knesset, 1984 to 2009 “You cannot imagine what it means for a man like me, coming from Israel, to sit down here with my neighbors from Arab countries. This is more than I could have believed would happen in decades of working for peace. This is just the beginning of creating peace between people. If we had a two-state solution, I could visit my new friend in East Jerusalem. He is welcome in my home any time.” Peace Report Security | Development Peace General | | Security | Development Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG 25 UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 26. Focus on the Americas Speakers Mr. Thomas McDevitt Chairman, The Washington Times, USA “At the end of World War II, US General Douglas MacArthur said something quite prophetic: If we do not now devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door. The problem is basically theological and involves a spiritual recrudescence and improvement of human character that will synchronize with our almost matchless advances in science, art, literature and all material and cultural developments of the past 2,000 years.” Hon. Dan Burton Member of the US Congress, 1983 to 2013 “We all want to make sure peace prevails. But one thing we must always remember is there will always be tyrants who want to take over our freedoms and force us into their way of life, or to take away those things that we hold dear. While we talk about peace we must remember there are those who advocate taking people’s rights away from them and leading those people and those countries in different directions.” Amb. Sam Zakhem Former US Ambassador to Bahrain “I was not born in the USA. It’s my adopted country. But no nation in the history of mankind has sent its men and women to die so others may live free. Americans nurtured the tree of freedom on shores far away from its land. They nurtured the tree of freedom with their precious blood.” H.E. Arnoldo Aleman Lacayo President of Nicaragua, 1997 to 2002 “Although Latin America has achieved some success in dealing with the global economic crisis, it remains fragile and needs better skills to rise above these challenges and be able to join the globalized world with impact and strength: We must overcome poverty and underdevelopment, creating more jobs, sustainable and in an appropriate number, to slow the migration of millions of Latin Americans who leave their homes in search of employment and a better future.” 26 Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 27. Focus on the Americas Speakers Hon. Roxana Mendez Obarrio Mayor, Panama City, Panama “From my experience at an NGO aimed at promoting development opportunities for families in extreme poverty and eliminating hazardous child labor, we realized that for a country to achieve real peace, freedom, and democracy we must eradicate poverty and the lack of education. We give priority to the programs that benefit the disadvantaged and give them access to the opportunities that the rapid growth and dynamic economy of Panama provides to its citizens.” Hon. David Kilgour Canadian Secretary of State for Latin America and Africa, 1997 to 2002 “Secure property rights for all owners was a major key to sustained human development. Simon Bolivar, el Liberator, eschewed a propertyowning democracy and the rule of law in favor of dictatorship. The main reason for development differences in the Americas is that some populations enjoy better representative government with good constitutions and institutions of governance, the rule of law, and the sanctity of private property for all.” Hon. Dr. Don Meredith Senator, Canada “Canada’s longstanding commitment to the principles of peace; security, and freedom go hand in hand with economic development. Canada wants to engage its partners in the Americas to promote efficient, innovative, and open markets. Canadians continue to provide assistance to many countries through peacekeeping missions and through the delivery of humanitarian aid. Our Initiative for Security in Central America focuses on police training, border security, supporting conflict resolution, human rights, and prevention of violence.” 27
  • 28. Focus on Europe and Eurasia Speakers Mr. Mark Brann Regional Secretary General, UPF-Europe “Despite tensions over issues such as the supply of gas, Russia and Europe have far more in common than what divides them. With the disappearance of the Cold War tensions has come a renewed sense of common heritage and mutual interests. I believe it is both necessary and desirable for Russia and Europe to forge a partnership for peace in which together they seek to further the interests of humanity as a whole.” Dr. Willem van Eekelen Former Defense Minister, Netherlands “The construction of Europe was an interesting mix of competition and solidarity: competition among firms regardless of their nationality, and solidarity with less developed regions. Peace requires hard work; it is not something which floats down from the air, but is the result of using all instruments available to the international community. Without a minimum of security, there cannot be development; there cannot be stability and security without lasting development.” Dr. Werner Fasslabend Minister of Defense, Austria, 1990 to 2000 “I was born and brought up only 500 meters from the former Iron Curtain. There was hardly any night when I could not hear the barking dogs that followed the people who tried to flee their own countries. Now people can cross the border each day in order to work. This is one of the biggest successes you can imagine. We have to try to preserve it and expand it.” Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj Deputy Minister of Defense, Albania “Our region consists of Allied countries, aspirant countries, and partners with NATO or the EU. Security and defense reforms in the region have grossly reduced the risks of conventional confrontation. This is reflected through the development of small professional forces with mainly defensive capabilities, under the control of civilian authorities. Forms of regional cooperation have expanded in the political, economic, and security areas and are expected to continue doing so.” 28 Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 29. Focus on Europe and Eurasia Speakers Hon. Elena Drapeko First Vice Chair of the Committee of Culture, State Parliament, Russian Federation “Russia, like other countries of the world, is looking for ways to solve the existing modern contradictions The world has the prospect of creating a single global ethics on the basis of norms of behavior that are actually being practiced in modern societies. Economics, science, politics, and other spheres of activity have reached such a degree of complexity that they can operate successfully only in single social systems.” H.E. Stanislav Shushkevich Chair of the Supreme Council, Belarus, 1991 to 1994 “Russia has been seeking forms of integration that would assert its supremacy and at the same time encourage the CIS countries to join associations proposed by Russia. The post-Soviet space in Europe and Asia went through revolutionary upheavals; but it seems that old patterns may prevail. Social reforms have slowed down or have been perverted to such an extent that people no longer speak about building capitalism or improving the wellbeing of the people.” H.E. Punsalmaagiin Ochirbat President, Mongolia, 1990 to 1997 “A pattern of thinking more about society than one’s own family, more about the nation than one’s society, and more about the world than one’s own nation has been cultivated in the Mongolian mind-set. Chinggis Khaan said, “Develop yourself, then your family, and then your nation.” In the 21st century, with its overwhelming moral decline, the Mongolians’ merit of morality passed on through their lineage should be awakened.” Rev. Dr. Marcus Braybrooke Chairman. World Congress of Faiths, UK “If a society is to be cohesive, it needs shared values. Today the faiths need to come together to affirm those shared values, as they have done in the Global Ethic. The struggle today is between true religion and its misuse as an ideology. Leaders of all faiths have made clear their repudiation of the use of religion to justify terrorism. A crime in the name of God is a crime against God.” Peace Report Security | Development Peace General | | Security | Development Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION 29.ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 30. Focus on the Asia-Pacific Region Speakers Hon. Jose De Venecia Former Speaker, House of Representatives, Philippines; Chairman, International Conference of Asian Political Parties “Asia is the cradle of the great civilizations, the great religions, and the great cultures of history. Today many are saying that the fulcrum of political and economic power is moving inexorably to the east. We formed the International Conference of Asian Political Parties, which includes more than 300 ruling and opposition parties. The African leaders gathered here this morning expressed by acclamation their interest in forming a similar conference.” Amb. Yoichi Yamaguchi former Ambassador of Japan to Turkey and Myanmar “A nation should have the primary responsibility for its own political system and make it suit its peculiar situation, such as its history, tradition, culture, and popular dispositions. The international community should honor a country’s endeavors and extend indirect help such as official development aid, trade, investment, technology transfer, tourism, and academic and cultural exchanges. More than anything, a country’s unity and stability must be maintained while its people’s life and property must be protected.” Dr. Mingjun Jiang General Director, International Eco-Safety Cooperative Organization, People’s Republic of China “International security will face three major threats in the 21st century: threat from increasing network attacks, threat from climate change to human survival and development, and threat from biological weapons. Therefore, peace and development are still the themes of the times. They are reflected in exchanges and dialogues, integrity and cooperation, and the common aspiration and pursuit of governments and peoples of various countries.” Hon. Ek Nath Dhakal Minister of Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation, Nepal “In Nepal, we are learning to build peaceful, economic ties between India and China for our own survival. There needs to be an innovative strategy for steady economic growth, and this must be based on an inclusive, cooperative mindset. Cooperation is the only way out of the current economic and political crisis. When we do this, then both the Asian and world economies can achieve robust, sustainable, and balanced growth.” 30 Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 31. Focus on the Asia-Pacific Region Speakers Hon. David John Clarke Member, Legislative Council of the Parliament of New South Wales, Australia “A number of factors are key in the Asia-Pacific: a level of economic prosperity, social cohesion, and general well-being. The more the following factors are present, the higher the well-being of people: free enterprise, genuine democratic government, rule of law, opposition to totalitarianism, upholding the family unit, religious tolerance, and God-centered values. The age of totalitarianism is coming to an end, and the age of freedom and democracy is with us.” Mr. Colin Craig Founding Leader of the Conservative Party, New Zealand “We need to ask ourselves, are we prepared and ready to help others? Will we defend not only our own liberty but that of those who are strangers to us? Will we keep helping until people can stand on their own? Let us not assume a false generosity for the sake of applause or to extend our economic influence but give freely to others so that they may stand on their own.” Peace Report Security | Developme Peace General | | Security | Developme Peace | Security | Developme .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION 31 .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION
  • 32. UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION UPF.ORG International 200 White Plains Road, Fl. 1 Tarrytown, NY 10591 • USA Phone: 1 914 631-1331 Fax: 1 914 332-1582 [email protected] Office of UN Relations 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 529 New York, NY 10017 • USA Phone: 1 212 588-1802 Fax: 1 212 826-2176 [email protected] Washington DC 3600 New York Ave., NE, 3rd floor Washington, DC 20002 Office: 1 202 636-3236 Fax: 1 202 636-0777 [email protected] Copyright ©2005-2013 Universal Peace Federation. All rights reserved. UPF is an NGO in SpecialeConsultative Statuso p m e n tthe Economic and Social Peac | S e c u r i t y | D e v e l with Council of the United Nations. We support and promote the work of the United Nations and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals Peace | Security | Development Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION Peace | Security | Development .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION .ORG UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION Peace | Security | Development