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UPF World Summit 2013 Speakers
Eight hundred people from 91 nations attended the opening plenary
of the Universal Peace Federation’s Summit at the Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel.
Faith leaders opened the Summit by offering prayers and lighting candles for peace.
• Peace and security are
                             blessings from God.
                           • It is vital to use all the
                             teachings that come
                             from God and take wise
                             and bold measures to
                             establish lasting peace and
 H.E. Mohammad Karim
 Khalili, Vice President
• Our region consists of
                                Allied countries, aspirant
                                countries, and partners
                                with NATO or the EU.
                              • Security and defense
                                reforms in the region have
                                grossly reduced the risks of
 Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj,
 Deputy Minister of Defense     confrontation.
• The more the following
                                 factors are present, the
                                 higher the well-being of
                                 people: free
                                 enterprise, genuine
                                 government, rule of
                                 law, opposition to
Hon. David John
Clarke, Member, Legislative
                                 totalitarianism, upholding
Council of the Parliament of
New South Wales                  the family unit, religious
                                 tolerance, and God-
                                 centered values.
• Where I was born, we
                             could hear the shooting of
                             the border police; now we
                             can cross the border freely.
                           • This has been a
                             complicated solution, but a
                             very successful one.

 Dr. Werner
 Fasslabend, Minister of
 Defense, 1990 to 2000
UPF World Summit 2013 Speakers
• Russia has been seeking
                                  forms of integration that
BELARUS                           would assert its supremacy
                                  and at the same time
                                  encourage the CIS
                                  countries to join
                                  associations proposed by
                                • The post-Soviet space in
                                  Europe and Asia went
H.E. Stanislav
Shushkevich, Chair of the         through revolutionary
Supreme Council, 1991 to 1994
                                  upheavals; but it seems
                                  that old patterns may
• Knowing the horrors of
                         war, today as a politician I
                         act in a way so that those
                         horrors of war would not
                         happen again, neither to us
                         nor to others.

H.E. Zivko
Budimir, President
• The Arusha Accords allowed us
                               to achieve a rapprochement
                               between the Hutu majority
                               and the Tutsi minority, the
                               negotiation of a cease-fire with
                               rebel Hutus with the backing
                               of the Tutsi leadership, a
                               peaceful integration of rebel
                               fighters into the national
H.E. Domitien
Ndayizeye, President, 2003     army, the organization of
to 2005
                               national elections, and the
                               inauguration of a newly
                               elected President.
• The main reason for human
                                development differences in
                                the Americas is that some
                                populations enjoy better
                                representative government
                                with good constitutions
                                and institutions of
                                governance, the rule of
Hon. David
Kilgour, Secretary of State     law, and the sanctity of
for Latin America and
Africa, 1997 to 2002            private property for all.
UPF World Summit 2013 Speakers
• International security will
CHINA                       face three major threats
                            in the 21st century:
                            threat from increasing
                            network attacks, threat
                            from climate change to
                            human survival and
Dr. Mingjun
                            development, and threat
Jiang, General
Director, International     from biological weapons
Eco-Safety Cooperative
Organization                in the future.
• The deployment of a
                                      Neutral International Force
                                      to secure the problematic
                                      Eastern border of the
                                      Democratic Republic of the
                                      Congo, especially with
                                      Rwanda and Uganda, will
                                      certainly help to create the
Hon. Mr. Lambert Mende
Omalanga, Minister of Information
                                      conditions for a lasting
• Faith, persistence and
                    adherence to the principles
                    of respect and dialogue can
                    and will carry us through.
                  • Egypt throughout its
                    history has been known to
                    promote and support
                    action towards peace and
Hon. Hisham         peaceful coexistence within
Badr, Assistant
Minister of
Foreign Affairs
                    and between nations.
UPF World Summit 2013 Speakers
• The culture of peace means
                          above all understanding
                          the Other in its
                          difference, understanding
                          the stranger, understanding
                          the one who belongs to
                          another nation, another
                          ethnic group, another
Dr. Sonia Ramzi,
former Head of the        religion.
Promotion of Cultural
Heritage, UNESCO
                        • A stranger is a friend whom
                          I have not yet met.
• The corrupt tendencies by
                        some in the private
                        sector, especially the
                        foreign ones, are causing
                        havoc in Africa, and they
                        are doing it with impunity.
                      • Ordinary people at the
                        grassroots normally do not
                        harbor ethnic or religious
H.E. Jerry
Rawlings, President     hateful feelings against one
, 1981 to 2000
                        another when
                        governments ensure the
                        rule of law or justice.
• Tolerance and harmony
                                 among faiths is practiced in
GUINEA-BISSAU                    our cities and villages.
                               • However, people’s
                                 economic and social well-
                                 being worsened with the
                                 instability that the country
                                 experienced in the last
                                 decade and a half; and only
H.E. Manuel Serifo Nhamadjo,
                                 a legitimate
                                 government, based on
                                 popular will expressed at
                                 the polls and imbued with
                                 patriotic spirit, can halt and
                                 reverse the process.
• You cannot imagine what it
                          means for a man like
                          me, coming from Israel, to
                          sit down to dinner here
                          with my neighbors from
                          Arab countries.
                        • This is more than I could
Hon. Ran
                          have believed would
Cohen, Member of the
Knesset, 1984 to 2009     happen in all my 20 years
                          of working for peace.
UPF World Summit 2013 Speakers
• Due to the incredible
                                difficulty in de-nuclearizing
JAPAN                           Pyongyang, the international
                                community must respond
                                with either massive rewards
                                or harsh penalties.
                              • We should envisage the
                                tentative freezing of the
                                nuclear and missile
                                development program
                                and/or its oversight by the
Amb. Tetsuya Endo,
former Ambassador in Charge     International Atomic Energy
of Japan-North Korea
Normalization Talks, former
                                Agency or another UN
Vice Chairman of the Atomic
Energy Commission
                                agency, with the ultimate
                                objective of total de-
• A nation should have the
                         primary responsibility for its
JAPAN                    own political system and
                         make it suit its peculiar
                         situation, such as its
                         history, tradition, culture, an
                         d popular dispositions.
                       • The international community
                         should honor a country’s
                         endeavors and extend
Amb. Yoichi              indirect help such as official
Yamaguchi, former
Ambassador to Turkey
and Myanmar              aid, trade, investment, techn
                         ology transfer, tourism, and
                         academic and cultural
• The international community
                                   has a mission to support the
                                   Arab peoples in the process
                                   of reform and transformation
                                   justice, democracy, and
                                   human dignity.
                                 • This means it also has to
                                   move with full force to stand
                                   in the face of the dictatorial
Dr. Hamdi Murad,
Professor at the World Islamic     regimes and thwart their
Sciences and Education
University, Amman                  plans and crimes against
                                   their peoples -- not to remain
                                   silent or stand by hesitating
                                   to move against these bloody
UPF World Summit 2013 Speakers
• Let us work together to
REPUBLIC OF KOREA     build ideal families and
                      nations, and let us join
                      together as nations, as
                      religions, as members of
                      civil society to create one
                      family under God.

Dr. Hyung Jin
Moon, Chairman.
Universal Peace
• Reunification should take
                             place through peace; it
                             takes time.
                           • There should be a de facto
                             reunification before the
                             legal reunification; this
                             would reduce expenditures
                             and help transform the
Gen. Dong Won
Lim, Minister of
                             ceasefire to a peace treaty.
Unification during the
administration of Korean
President Kim Dae-
jung, 1998 to 2003
• I insisted on reconciliation
                          and normalization of
                          relations with Serbia.
                        • I am proud that my son and
                          all our children will never
                          again live in fear, will never
                          again be taught of hate.

Hon. Hashim
Thaci, Prime Minister
• In the name of our
                        common human family, in
                        the name of humanity, I
                        appeal for your help for my
                        country, OUR
                        country, Mali, to come out
                        of its dangerous impasse.

Mme Mintou Doucoure
Traore, First Lady
• A pattern of thinking more
                                 about society than one's own
                                 family, more about the
                                 nation than one's
                                 society, and more about the
                                 world than one's own nation
                                 has been cultivated in the
                                 Mongolian mind-set.
                               • In the 21st century, with its
                                 overwhelming moral
H.E. Punsalmaagiin
Ochirbat, President, 1990 to
                                 decline, the Mongolians'
1997                             merit of morality passed on
                                 through their lineage should
                                 be awakened.
UPF World Summit 2013 Speakers
• There needs to be an
                              innovative strategy for
                              steady economic
                              growth, and this must be
                              based on an
                              inclusive, cooperative
                            • Cooperation is the only way
 Hon. Ek Nath
                              out of the current
 Dhakal, Minister of
 Cooperatives and Poverty
                              economic and political
• Peace is hard work; at the
                             end of the day, we keep
                             peace only if we keep our
                           • Are we prepared to keep
                             our commitment, even
                             when it becomes difficult?

 Dr. Willem van
 Eekelen, Former Defense
 Minister, Former Deputy
 Foreign Minister
• We must overcome
                               poverty and
                               creating more
                               jobs, sustainable and in
                               an appropriate
                               number, to slow the
                               migration of millions of
H.E. Arnoldo Aleman
Lacayo, President, 1997 to
                               Latin Americans who
                               leave their homes in
                               search of employment
                               and a better future.
• What is needed is an
                                  integrated and
                                  comprehensive yet coherent
                                  approach that includes, in
                                  addition to political and
                                  activities, transparent and
                                  urgent improvements in the
                                  areas of environmental
Prof. Ibrahim Gambari,
                                  protection, human
former UN Under-Secretary-
General for Political
                                  rights, good
Affairs, former Joint African
Union-United Nations Special
                                  governance, democratization
Representative for Darfur         , economic growth, and
                                  poverty eradication.
UPF World Summit 2013 Speakers
• From my experience at an
                                NGO aimed at promoting
                                development opportunities
                                for families in extreme
                                poverty and eliminate
                                hazardous child labor, we
                                realized that for a country
                                to achieve real
Hon. Roxana Mendez
Obarrio, Mayor, Panama City
                                peace, freedom, and
                                democracy we must
                                eradicate poverty and the
                                lack of education.
• We need to ask
                       ourselves, are we prepared
                       and ready to help others?
                     • Will we defend not only
                       our own liberty and
                       freedom but that of those
                       who are strangers to us?
Mr. Colin
                     • Will we keep helping until
Craig, Founding
Leader of the          people can stand on their
Conservative Party
• The world has the prospect
                            of creating a single global
                            ethics on the basis of norms
                            of behavior that are actually
                            being practiced in modern
                          • Economics, science, politics,
                            and other spheres of activity
Hon. Elena Drapeko,         have reached such a degree
First Vice Chair of the
Committee of Culture,
State Parliament
                            of complexity that they can
                            operate successfully only in
                            single social systems.
• We have to overcome
                                     differences between
                                     cultures and establish
                                     harmony between all kinds
                                     of people.
                                   • Each of us can contribute
                                     to peace, human
Hon. Alcino Martinho de Barros
                                     rights, and a stable society.
Pinto, President of the National
• During a time of conflict
                            between the people of the
                            two largest islands, the
                            women of the islands
                            banded together to help
                            defuse the conflict.

Mme Bronwyn Noda
Lilo, wife of the Prime
• I attempted to create in my
                          constituency a center for all
                          religions to be respected and
                          honored; I wanted people to
                          be able to visualize the ideals
                          of religious harmony, to
                          actually see it, feel it and
                          touch it.
Hon. D. M. Jayaratne,
Prime Minister
                        • In this interfaith peace park
                          there is a Buddhist temple, a
                          Christian church, a Hindu
                          kovil, and a Muslim mosque.
UPF World Summit 2013 Speakers
• Peaceful and stable
                             neighboring countries open
                             the way for economic
                             integration and promotion
                             of investment and trade.
                           • As brothers and sisters, as
                             mothers and fathers, as a
Mme Tunu Rehani
                             young generation, we
Pinda, wife of the Prime
                             should uphold the sanctity
                             of humanity before our
                             ambitions and desires.
• The New Deal brings a
TIMOR-LESTE       new hope for the
                  sustainable development
                  of fragile States, enabling
                  better leadership by the
                  recipient countries and
                  better coordination of
Hon. Xanana
Gusmao, Prime     international assistance.
• The struggle today is
                                between true
                                religion, which is life-
                                enhancing, and false
                                religion, which is death-
                                dealing. A crime in the
                                name of God is a crime
                                against God.
                              • The task of trying to
Rev. Dr. Marcus
Braybrooke, Chairman. World
                                persuade extremists to
Congress of Faiths              abandon their point of
                                view has to be taken up by
                                the interfaith community.
• Only when nations are
                                  prosperous can we begin to
                                  use our knowledge and our
                                  talents to help the less
                                • And only when free nations
                                  can continue to build
                                  strong families with a God
Hon. Dennis Hastert,
Speaker of the House of           centered value system can
Representatives, 1999 to 2007
                                  we hope to become a
                                  better world.
• Peace at any price
                      defeat, servitude, and
                      ultimately a peace that no
                      one who loves freedom
                      would want.
                    • In the world and in the
                      Americas, peace and
Hon. Dan
Burton, Member of     freedom can only come to
Congress, 1983 to
2013                  a people who are strong
                      enough and willing enough
                      to defend these freedoms.
• More than 30 African states
                               have embraced a new
                               thinking that puts “people”
                               first in their national
                             • These countries, under the
                               guidance of young
Hon. Morgan R.                 leaders, are steering the
Tsvangirai, Prime Minister
                               continent towards a
                               positive era of Afro-
The path to peace, prosperity, and human development involves cooperation among
governments, civil society, the private sector, the media, and people of faith..

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UPF World Summit 2013 Speakers

  • 2. Eight hundred people from 91 nations attended the opening plenary of the Universal Peace Federation’s Summit at the Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel.
  • 3. Faith leaders opened the Summit by offering prayers and lighting candles for peace.
  • 4. • Peace and security are AFGHANISTAN blessings from God. • It is vital to use all the teachings that come from God and take wise and bold measures to establish lasting peace and security. H.E. Mohammad Karim Khalili, Vice President
  • 5. • Our region consists of ALBANIA Allied countries, aspirant countries, and partners with NATO or the EU. • Security and defense reforms in the region have grossly reduced the risks of conventional Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj, Deputy Minister of Defense confrontation.
  • 6. • The more the following AUSTRALIA factors are present, the higher the well-being of people: free enterprise, genuine democratic government, rule of law, opposition to Hon. David John Clarke, Member, Legislative totalitarianism, upholding Council of the Parliament of New South Wales the family unit, religious tolerance, and God- centered values.
  • 7. • Where I was born, we AUSTRIA could hear the shooting of the border police; now we can cross the border freely. • This has been a complicated solution, but a very successful one. Dr. Werner Fasslabend, Minister of Defense, 1990 to 2000
  • 9. • Russia has been seeking forms of integration that BELARUS would assert its supremacy and at the same time encourage the CIS countries to join associations proposed by Russia. • The post-Soviet space in Europe and Asia went H.E. Stanislav Shushkevich, Chair of the through revolutionary Supreme Council, 1991 to 1994 upheavals; but it seems that old patterns may prevail.
  • 10. • Knowing the horrors of FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA war, today as a politician I act in a way so that those horrors of war would not happen again, neither to us nor to others. H.E. Zivko Budimir, President
  • 11. • The Arusha Accords allowed us BURUNDI to achieve a rapprochement between the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minority, the negotiation of a cease-fire with rebel Hutus with the backing of the Tutsi leadership, a peaceful integration of rebel fighters into the national H.E. Domitien Ndayizeye, President, 2003 army, the organization of to 2005 national elections, and the inauguration of a newly elected President.
  • 12. • The main reason for human CANADA development differences in the Americas is that some populations enjoy better representative government with good constitutions and institutions of governance, the rule of Hon. David Kilgour, Secretary of State law, and the sanctity of for Latin America and Africa, 1997 to 2002 private property for all.
  • 14. • International security will PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA face three major threats in the 21st century: threat from increasing network attacks, threat from climate change to human survival and Dr. Mingjun development, and threat Jiang, General Director, International from biological weapons Eco-Safety Cooperative Organization in the future.
  • 15. • The deployment of a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Neutral International Force to secure the problematic Eastern border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, especially with Rwanda and Uganda, will certainly help to create the Hon. Mr. Lambert Mende Omalanga, Minister of Information conditions for a lasting peace.
  • 16. • Faith, persistence and EGYPT adherence to the principles of respect and dialogue can and will carry us through. • Egypt throughout its history has been known to promote and support action towards peace and Hon. Hisham peaceful coexistence within Badr, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and between nations.
  • 18. • The culture of peace means EGYPT above all understanding the Other in its difference, understanding the stranger, understanding the one who belongs to another nation, another ethnic group, another Dr. Sonia Ramzi, former Head of the religion. Promotion of Cultural Heritage, UNESCO • A stranger is a friend whom I have not yet met.
  • 19. • The corrupt tendencies by some in the private GHANA sector, especially the foreign ones, are causing havoc in Africa, and they are doing it with impunity. • Ordinary people at the grassroots normally do not harbor ethnic or religious H.E. Jerry Rawlings, President hateful feelings against one , 1981 to 2000 another when governments ensure the rule of law or justice.
  • 20. • Tolerance and harmony among faiths is practiced in GUINEA-BISSAU our cities and villages. • However, people’s economic and social well- being worsened with the instability that the country experienced in the last decade and a half; and only H.E. Manuel Serifo Nhamadjo, President a legitimate government, based on popular will expressed at the polls and imbued with patriotic spirit, can halt and reverse the process.
  • 21. • You cannot imagine what it ISRAEL means for a man like me, coming from Israel, to sit down to dinner here with my neighbors from Arab countries. • This is more than I could Hon. Ran have believed would Cohen, Member of the Knesset, 1984 to 2009 happen in all my 20 years of working for peace.
  • 23. • Due to the incredible difficulty in de-nuclearizing JAPAN Pyongyang, the international community must respond with either massive rewards or harsh penalties. • We should envisage the tentative freezing of the nuclear and missile development program and/or its oversight by the Amb. Tetsuya Endo, former Ambassador in Charge International Atomic Energy of Japan-North Korea Normalization Talks, former Agency or another UN Vice Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission agency, with the ultimate objective of total de- nuclearization.
  • 24. • A nation should have the primary responsibility for its JAPAN own political system and make it suit its peculiar situation, such as its history, tradition, culture, an d popular dispositions. • The international community should honor a country’s endeavors and extend Amb. Yoichi indirect help such as official Yamaguchi, former Ambassador to Turkey development and Myanmar aid, trade, investment, techn ology transfer, tourism, and academic and cultural exchanges.
  • 25. • The international community has a mission to support the JORDAN Arab peoples in the process of reform and transformation toward justice, democracy, and human dignity. • This means it also has to move with full force to stand in the face of the dictatorial Dr. Hamdi Murad, Professor at the World Islamic regimes and thwart their Sciences and Education University, Amman plans and crimes against their peoples -- not to remain silent or stand by hesitating to move against these bloody
  • 27. • Let us work together to REPUBLIC OF KOREA build ideal families and nations, and let us join together as nations, as religions, as members of civil society to create one family under God. Dr. Hyung Jin Moon, Chairman. Universal Peace Federation
  • 28. • Reunification should take REPUBLIC OF KOREA place through peace; it takes time. • There should be a de facto reunification before the legal reunification; this would reduce expenditures and help transform the Gen. Dong Won Lim, Minister of ceasefire to a peace treaty. Unification during the administration of Korean President Kim Dae- jung, 1998 to 2003
  • 29. • I insisted on reconciliation KOSOVO and normalization of relations with Serbia. • I am proud that my son and all our children will never again live in fear, will never again be taught of hate. Hon. Hashim Thaci, Prime Minister
  • 30. • In the name of our MALI common human family, in the name of humanity, I appeal for your help for my country, OUR country, Mali, to come out of its dangerous impasse. Mme Mintou Doucoure Traore, First Lady
  • 31. • A pattern of thinking more about society than one's own MONGOLIA family, more about the nation than one's society, and more about the world than one's own nation has been cultivated in the Mongolian mind-set. • In the 21st century, with its overwhelming moral H.E. Punsalmaagiin Ochirbat, President, 1990 to decline, the Mongolians' 1997 merit of morality passed on through their lineage should be awakened.
  • 33. • There needs to be an NEPAL innovative strategy for steady economic growth, and this must be based on an inclusive, cooperative mindset. • Cooperation is the only way Hon. Ek Nath out of the current Dhakal, Minister of Cooperatives and Poverty economic and political Alleviation crisis.
  • 34. • Peace is hard work; at the THE NETHERLANDS end of the day, we keep peace only if we keep our commitment. • Are we prepared to keep our commitment, even when it becomes difficult? Dr. Willem van Eekelen, Former Defense Minister, Former Deputy Foreign Minister
  • 35. • We must overcome NICARAGUA poverty and underdevelopment creating more jobs, sustainable and in an appropriate number, to slow the migration of millions of H.E. Arnoldo Aleman Lacayo, President, 1997 to Latin Americans who 2002 leave their homes in search of employment and a better future.
  • 36. • What is needed is an integrated and NIGERIA comprehensive yet coherent approach that includes, in addition to political and military activities, transparent and urgent improvements in the areas of environmental Prof. Ibrahim Gambari, protection, human former UN Under-Secretary- General for Political rights, good Affairs, former Joint African Union-United Nations Special governance, democratization Representative for Darfur , economic growth, and poverty eradication.
  • 38. • From my experience at an PANAMA NGO aimed at promoting development opportunities for families in extreme poverty and eliminate hazardous child labor, we realized that for a country to achieve real Hon. Roxana Mendez Obarrio, Mayor, Panama City peace, freedom, and democracy we must eradicate poverty and the lack of education.
  • 39. • We need to ask NEW ZEALAND ourselves, are we prepared and ready to help others? • Will we defend not only our own liberty and freedom but that of those who are strangers to us? Mr. Colin • Will we keep helping until Craig, Founding Leader of the people can stand on their Conservative Party own?
  • 40. • The world has the prospect RUSSIAN FEDERATION of creating a single global ethics on the basis of norms of behavior that are actually being practiced in modern societies. • Economics, science, politics, and other spheres of activity Hon. Elena Drapeko, have reached such a degree First Vice Chair of the Committee of Culture, State Parliament of complexity that they can operate successfully only in single social systems.
  • 41. • We have to overcome SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE differences between cultures and establish harmony between all kinds of people. • Each of us can contribute to peace, human Hon. Alcino Martinho de Barros rights, and a stable society. Pinto, President of the National Assembly
  • 42. • During a time of conflict SOLOMON ISLANDS between the people of the two largest islands, the women of the islands banded together to help defuse the conflict. Mme Bronwyn Noda Lilo, wife of the Prime Minister
  • 43. • I attempted to create in my SRI LANKA constituency a center for all religions to be respected and honored; I wanted people to be able to visualize the ideals of religious harmony, to actually see it, feel it and touch it. Hon. D. M. Jayaratne, Prime Minister • In this interfaith peace park there is a Buddhist temple, a Christian church, a Hindu kovil, and a Muslim mosque.
  • 45. • Peaceful and stable TANZANIA neighboring countries open the way for economic integration and promotion of investment and trade. • As brothers and sisters, as mothers and fathers, as a Mme Tunu Rehani young generation, we Pinda, wife of the Prime Minister should uphold the sanctity of humanity before our ambitions and desires.
  • 46. • The New Deal brings a TIMOR-LESTE new hope for the sustainable development of fragile States, enabling better leadership by the recipient countries and better coordination of Hon. Xanana Gusmao, Prime international assistance. Minister
  • 47. • The struggle today is between true UNITED KINGDOM religion, which is life- enhancing, and false religion, which is death- dealing. A crime in the name of God is a crime against God. • The task of trying to Rev. Dr. Marcus Braybrooke, Chairman. World persuade extremists to Congress of Faiths abandon their point of view has to be taken up by the interfaith community.
  • 48. • Only when nations are UNITED STATES prosperous can we begin to use our knowledge and our talents to help the less fortunate. • And only when free nations can continue to build strong families with a God Hon. Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of centered value system can Representatives, 1999 to 2007 we hope to become a better world.
  • 49. • Peace at any price UNITED STATES guarantees defeat, servitude, and ultimately a peace that no one who loves freedom would want. • In the world and in the Americas, peace and Hon. Dan Burton, Member of freedom can only come to Congress, 1983 to 2013 a people who are strong enough and willing enough to defend these freedoms.
  • 50. • More than 30 African states ZIMBABWE have embraced a new thinking that puts “people” first in their national agenda. • These countries, under the guidance of young Hon. Morgan R. leaders, are steering the Tsvangirai, Prime Minister continent towards a positive era of Afro- optimism.
  • 51. The path to peace, prosperity, and human development involves cooperation among governments, civil society, the private sector, the media, and people of faith..