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M i c r o s o f t V i s u a l S t u d i o T o o l s
ALM and DevOps Enablement for Your Entire Team
Angela Dugan
Principal Consultant and ALM Practice Manager
Training and
What big initiatives are you hoping to get off the
ground this year?
Are you confident your organization can deliver?
What goals/challenges are you trying to address?
What collaboration/automation tools are you using?
TFS / VSTS Walkthrough
Angela@PolarisSolutions.com Twitter: @OakParkGirl
Open, flexible and extensible
cross-platform DevOps tools
More agility and flexibility for
continuous value delivery
Unlocks a greater ecosystem and
works with what you already use

Recommended for you

DevOps and Tools
DevOps and ToolsDevOps and Tools
DevOps and Tools

The document provides an overview of DevOps and related tools. It discusses DevOps concepts like bringing development and operations teams together, continuous delivery, and maintaining service stability through innovation. It also covers DevOps architecture, integration with cloud computing, security practices, types of DevOps tools, and some popular open source DevOps tools.

devops and tools
Dev ops concept
Dev ops conceptDev ops concept
Dev ops concept

DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization's ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes.

devopsdevops coursedevops online training
DevOps: What, who, why and how?
DevOps: What, who, why and how?DevOps: What, who, why and how?
DevOps: What, who, why and how?

More and more organizations are turning to DevOps as a way of working together to improve the efficiency and quality of software delivery and start adding more value to the business. But what exactly is DevOps and what does it mean for you and your organization? Join Microsoft Data Platform MVP Kendra Little to discover: • What is DevOps and what benefits can it offer your organization? • Who in your organization should be involved in DevOps? • Why should your organization adopt DevOps? • How can your organization start implementing DevOps?

Visual Studio ALM and DevOps Tools Walkthrough
The Microsoft DevOps solution
Plan & Track Work
Enterprise collaboration Agile planning tools
Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server give you the tools
you need to effectively create, manage and deliver against your backlog.
Dashboards & charts
Work Items For Tracking Everything
Angela@PolarisSolutions.com Twitter: @OakParkGirl

Recommended for you

DevOps and the Case for ROI to Executives
DevOps and the Case for ROI to ExecutivesDevOps and the Case for ROI to Executives
DevOps and the Case for ROI to Executives

This document summarizes a presentation about adopting DevOps practices to improve software delivery. It discusses how delivering software is challenging and costly, and that DevOps can help by improving collaboration between development and operations teams. A case study is presented from HM Health Solutions, who saw a 75% reduction in time spent fixing defects in testing and an 82% reduction in production after adopting DevOps practices like continuous integration, automated testing, and deployment. Tips are provided on getting started with an enterprise DevOps rollout.

Continuous testing
Continuous testing Continuous testing
Continuous testing

Why do we need to have software testing happen in a continuous manner? This deck explains the importance of Continuous Integration and a case study of 24x7 Testing.

agile24x7 testingcloud testing
Introduction to DevOps
Introduction to DevOpsIntroduction to DevOps
Introduction to DevOps

DevOps is a culture that improves collaboration between development and operations teams. It aims to speed up delivery of software and services according to business needs through automation. The three pillars of DevOps are infrastructure automation, continuous delivery, and reliability engineering. Automation improves productivity, reliability, and standardizes processes. This allows for faster, more cost effective and higher quality software delivery that better meets customer needs. DevOps builds trust between teams and increases business revenue through quicker feedback and turnaround.

Epic – large scale initiatives that define
strategy and roadmap
Feature – high level functional business
User Story – requirement capturing the role,
functionality, and value.
Task – work the team does to fulfill a Story.
User Story
Product & Portfolio Backlogs
Angela@PolarisSolutions.com Twitter: @OakParkGirl
Robust Kanban/Lean Visualization
Angela@PolarisSolutions.com Twitter: @OakParkGirl
Work Items in Visual Studio IDE
Angela@PolarisSolutions.com Twitter: @OakParkGirl

Recommended for you

DevOps Challenges and Best Practices
DevOps Challenges and Best PracticesDevOps Challenges and Best Practices
DevOps Challenges and Best Practices

The pursuit for the perfect synchrony between software development and IT operations is still ongoing, and striking the balance won’t happen any time soon. Understand and address these 5 common DevOps challenges to achieve a higher- functioning and collaborative organization.

agile software developmentdevopsit operations
DevOps Overview
DevOps OverviewDevOps Overview
DevOps Overview

Recently I was asked to explain what dev-ops is at a large enterprise software vendor undergoing transformation. In these slides, I present the concepts, tools and mindset that drive DevOPS.

Continuous Delivery Maturity Model
Continuous Delivery Maturity ModelContinuous Delivery Maturity Model
Continuous Delivery Maturity Model

Continuous Delivery presents a compelling vision of builds that are automatically deployed and tested until ready for production. Most teams aren't there yet. Some never want to go that far. Others want to push the envelope further. This deck presents a model for scoring yourself on the continuum and examples of how companies can decide what parts of CD to adopt first, later and not at all.

continuous deliverycontinuous integration
Work Item Charting
Angela@PolarisSolutions.com Twitter: @OakParkGirl
Reports via SSRS (TFS Only)
Reports via Excel (TFS Only)
Angela@PolarisSolutions.com Twitter: @OakParkGirl

Recommended for you

Enterprise DevOps: Scaling Build, Deploy, Test, Release
Enterprise DevOps: Scaling Build, Deploy, Test, ReleaseEnterprise DevOps: Scaling Build, Deploy, Test, Release
Enterprise DevOps: Scaling Build, Deploy, Test, Release

Slides from this webcast: bit.ly/mTUTq4 Discussion of what DevOps is, why we need it, what sorts of shared tooling helps it, and how it fits in to an enterprise rollout.

devopscontinuous integrationcontinuous delivery
Webinar: A Roadmap for DevOps Success
Webinar: A Roadmap for DevOps SuccessWebinar: A Roadmap for DevOps Success
Webinar: A Roadmap for DevOps Success

This document provides an overview of DevOps success including: 1) High-performing IT organizations that practice DevOps are able to deploy code more frequently, have faster lead times, and higher change success rates, leading to increased reliability, productivity, and market growth. 2) Organizations should align incentives, form cross-functional teams, and automate workflows to reduce manual work and cycle times for better visibility and job satisfaction. 3) Key DevOps practices include continuous integration, version control, and continuous delivery across all technologies to reduce deployment pain and increase deployment frequency. 4) When starting a DevOps transformation, companies should establish a single source of truth, standardize processes, iterate on those processes, and

An introduction to DevOps
An introduction to DevOpsAn introduction to DevOps
An introduction to DevOps

DevOps is becoming the latest revolution in the field of Information Technology. DevOps is an extension of agile principles which focuses of user's satisfaction. DevOps is a mix of Product Development, Quality Assurance, and System Operation. It brings down the silos between these departments to increase efficiency in the products of an enterprise. Nowadays, more and more enterprises are embracing DevOps for its advantages. This presentation is just an introduction of DevOps. People who don't have a deep understanding of computer & IT concepts, can easily follow the commentary on DevOps in this presentation.

advantagesdevelopersquality assurance
SharePoint Dashboards (TFS only)
Source Code Management
Flexible version control Collaborate on code
VSTS and TFS provide unparalleled flexibility for your evolving codebase.
All your code is linked directly to the story, bug, or task driving the work.
Any IDE, any code
Enterprise Source Control
Source Control on the Web

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Demystifying DevOps for Ops - Including Findings from the 2015 State of DevOp...
Demystifying DevOps for Ops - Including Findings from the 2015 State of DevOp...Demystifying DevOps for Ops - Including Findings from the 2015 State of DevOp...
Demystifying DevOps for Ops - Including Findings from the 2015 State of DevOp...

DevOps represents a profound change from the way most IT departments have traditionally worked: from siloed teams and high-anxiety releases to everyone collaborating on uneventful and more frequent releases of higher-quality code. It doesn't matter how large or small an organization is, or even whether it's historically slow moving or risk averse — there are ways to adopt DevOps sanely, and get measurable results in just weeks.

puppet labs devopsdevopsstate of devops report
Dev ops != Dev+Ops
Dev ops != Dev+OpsDev ops != Dev+Ops
Dev ops != Dev+Ops

DevOps, sibling of Agile is born of the need to improve IT service delivery agility to the more stable environment. DevOps movement emphasizes tearing the boundaries between makers (Development) & caretakers (Operations) of IT services/products.

continuous integrationdevopsshaluahuja
Continuous Delivery Maturity Model
Continuous Delivery Maturity ModelContinuous Delivery Maturity Model
Continuous Delivery Maturity Model

How do measure our progress in a journey towards continuous integration? What are other people doing? This presentation provides an measuring stick for CD Maturity and simple pattern for reviewing your current situation and deciding what to work on next.

urbancodecontinuous deliverydevops
Quality Management
Test planning
and tracking
Manual and
exploratory testing
A toolset optimized for QA professionals, giving them flexibility in how they
work while at the same time keeping them in sync with the rest of the team.
Performance and
load testing
Continuous acceptance testing
Business Processes
Business Rules and Logic
Service integrations
Data access
Automated testing
Manual testing
Automated testing
Test Case
Streamline quality
Take advantage of a toolset optimized for the
needs of testers, giving them flexibility in how
they work while at the same time keeping them
in sync with the rest of the team
Improved web-based Test Case Management
helps testers author, manage and execute test
cases using any modern web browser
Microsoft Test Manager further empowers your
testers by giving them comprehensive tools for
automated and manual testing in a desktop
application optimized for the needs of today’s
agile QA professional
Manual Testing
Run, record, play back
Capture detailed records of steps performed,
behaviors observed, and the status of each test
step with the fully-instrumented and configurable
Test Runner. Pause testing at any time to report
a bug, even if it’s not directly related to the
current test case
High-fidelity defect reports go directly to the
development team, including all the technical
data needed to reproduce and resolve the error
quickly. Record tests for later playback to speed
up test sessions and enable test automation

Recommended for you

DevOps 2016 summit
DevOps 2016 summitDevOps 2016 summit
DevOps 2016 summit

The document summarizes a DevOps 2016 Summit agenda. It includes presentations on Kubernetes DevOps by Ray Tsang from Google, DevOps powered by containers by Glenn West from Red Hat, Docker by a speaker from MediaTek, using Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana for log centralization and visualization, IoT Docker DevOps by Linker Network Software, shaking up culture with automation by a Yahoo Japan speaker, monitoring by a speaker from Gogolook, Chinese infrastructure by Sammy Lin, continuous integration/delivery by a speaker from Vpon, and what DevOps is through building on lean and agile practices.

Evolution of the DevOps Quality Management Office
Evolution of the DevOps Quality Management OfficeEvolution of the DevOps Quality Management Office
Evolution of the DevOps Quality Management Office

This document discusses the evolution of the DevOps Quality Management Office (QMO). It outlines the vision of continuous business-driven testing to reduce the time between development and operations. Key aspects of the DevOps-driven testing approach include continuous integration and delivery, lean techniques, standardization, test optimization, and establishing a hybrid test organization. The document also compares traditional vs DevOps testing approaches and provides examples of DevOps testing success levers. It proposes that the QMO can advise on developing a DevOps strategy and roadmap to improve throughput, availability, and time to market.

quality managementagile testinghp devops
The state of testing @ Microsoft
The state of testing @ MicrosoftThe state of testing @ Microsoft
The state of testing @ Microsoft

State of testing at Microsoft focuses on quality, collaboration throughout the development lifecycle. Microsoft provides tools to empower testing, feedback, and monitoring including test case management, manual and exploratory testing, browser-based testing, feedback management, quality dashboards, lab management, release management, and application insights. The tools are designed to put quality at the center and close the loop between development and operations.

microsoft test managermtmmicrosoft
Test Planning in MTM
Testing, super-charged
Run tests without a pre-defined list of test cases
and test steps with exploratory testing. Create
action recordings, capture rich comments and
screenshots and quickly report bugs
Testers can easily create test cases, complete
with test steps, from exploratory test recordings
which can then be added to test plans and
suites for future testing activities
Simultaneous test design and execution saves
time and effort and allows testers to create
real-world test scenarios, fast
Exploratory Testing
Testing on the Web

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Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Overview atidan
Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Overview   atidanVisual Studio Enterprise 2015 Overview   atidan
Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Overview atidan

This huge transformation for Visual Studio to enable the creation of any application is two-fold, on the server and on the client: On the client side, Visual Studio 2015 provides a solution to create first-class applications for any device including iOS, Android and Windows. On the server side, just like the rest of the Microsoft platform, Visual Studio is embracing Linux and provides a development environment for creating server applications that run on Linux. We will also support major platforms in our ALM tooling – with features like cross-platform build and heterogenous release management offered by TFS 2015 and Visual Studio Online What about “every developer”? Last year, at our Connect() event we made a significant announcement targeted at individual developers, such as students, start-ups, small businesses. With VS Community, eligible developers can use a full IDE, equivalent to the current VS Professional edition, for creating applications across the cloud and devices – for free! But what about Enterprises? With Visual Studio 2015, we are making it easier for enterprises to acquire and use Visual Studio, with a simpler model that will give developers working in organizations easier and more affordable access to Visual Studio. In this new model, we have introduced a new edition of Visual Studio called Visual Studio Enterprise.

Dev ops developer (session 3)
Dev ops developer (session 3)Dev ops developer (session 3)
Dev ops developer (session 3)

What is DevOps? It’s a fairly hot term in today’s application development and operations space,but there are many different definitions as to what DevOps really is. Ultimately, DevOps is abouthow teams build software, deploy software and maintain it throughout its lifecycle. There is nosingle, right answer to the question, but there are a number of tools and strategies that can helpcustomers adopt a winning DevOps process that allows dev and operations teams to moreproductive together.In this session, the audience will learn what DevOps is at a high level, provide strategies for howto implement a DevOps process that fits their organization’s needs and how the MicrosoftApplication Lifecycle Management (ALM) tooling can help with this. As part of the session,attendees can expect to learn how to set up the Microsoft ALM stack for their teams and how touse it effectively in their software development lifecycle, regardless of the role each individual plays on the team.

Implementing Azure DevOps with your Testing Project
Implementing Azure DevOps with your Testing ProjectImplementing Azure DevOps with your Testing Project
Implementing Azure DevOps with your Testing Project

Implementing Azure DevOps With Your Testing Project Are you challenged with different teams working on different platforms making it difficult to get insight into another team’s work? Is your team seeking ways to automate the code deployments so you can spend more time developing new features and writing more tests, and spend less time deploying and running manual tests? RTTS, a Microsoft Gold DevOps Partner, will take you through solving these challenges with Azure DevOps. Tuesday, June 16th 2020 @11am ET Session Overview ------------------------------------ During the webinar, we will walk you through the following process of utilizing Azure DevOps: - The challenges that inspired the Azure DevOps solution that you may experience as well - The strategy for implementing Azure Devops - Solutions in our every day processes to increase our times efficiency and save time - A demo of an Azure DevOps environment for testing teams The see a recording of the webinar, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vIic3wxaS4 To learn more about RTTS, please visit: https://www.rttsweb.com

Test Run Monitoring
Know your limits
Visual Studio makes integrating Load Testing
into your development process easy and will
help you avoid nasty surprises in production
Whether those surprises are caused by world-
wide distribution, the scale of your customer
base or problems that only manifest in multi-
day runs – Visual Studio Load Testing will give
you the analytics to solve those problems
before you deploy
VSTS Load Testing from Visual Studio
Cross-platform Build
Cross-platform build for
iOS, Java and Android
Flexible, extensible and
customizable builds
No matter what tools you use or what language you prefer - Team Foundation
Build builds your app your way, for your platforms. Just open your browser!
Cloud, hybrid or on-
premises infrastructure

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1 Ibm Solo Pruebas 2009
1 Ibm Solo Pruebas 20091 Ibm Solo Pruebas 2009
1 Ibm Solo Pruebas 2009

Rational Quality Manager provides test management capabilities including test planning, execution, and analysis. It allows for collaboration between team members and provides dashboards and reports. RQM is part of the IBM Rational Software Delivery Platform and integrates with other Rational tools through the Jazz technology platform. RQM provides centralized management of test assets, environments, and utilization metrics to improve efficiency of the testing process.

Agile & DevOps - It's all about project success
Agile & DevOps - It's all about project successAgile & DevOps - It's all about project success
Agile & DevOps - It's all about project success

The document provides information on DevOps practices and tools from Microsoft. It discusses how DevOps enables continuous delivery of value through integrating people, processes, and tools. Benefits of DevOps include more frequent and stable releases, lower change failure rates, and empowered development teams. The document provides examples of DevOps scenarios and recommends discussing solutions and migration plans with Microsoft.

agiledevopssoftware development
Microsoft DevOps Solution - DevOps
Microsoft DevOps Solution - DevOps  Microsoft DevOps Solution - DevOps
Microsoft DevOps Solution - DevOps

Slides I have used to have a customer engagement on DevOps and show what Microsoft has invested in DevOps.

microsoftsoftware developmentsolution delivery
TFS Build Service
Angela@PolarisSolutions.com Twitter: @OakParkGirl
Continuous Integration (CI) – a DevOps practice
• Delivery delays
• Non-working/low-quality code
• Incomplete solutions
• Rework
• Frequent integration
• Higher quality
• Repeatability
Load Testing
Integration testing
Automated functional
testing environment
Monitor + Learn
When all tests pass, the build is deployed
to testing environments for each
stage in the release process …
Continuous Delivery (CD) – a DevOps practice
• Slow delivery cadence
• Limited predictability when deploying
• Complexity when deploying
• Consistency
• Accelerated deployment
• Repeatability
• Human error reductionDEV

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Pete Marshall - casmadrid2015 - Continuous Delivery in Legacy Environments
Pete Marshall - casmadrid2015 - Continuous Delivery in Legacy EnvironmentsPete Marshall - casmadrid2015 - Continuous Delivery in Legacy Environments
Pete Marshall - casmadrid2015 - Continuous Delivery in Legacy Environments

This document discusses practices for implementing continuous delivery in legacy software environments. It outlines key characteristics of continuous delivery like keeping software deployable throughout its lifecycle. It then provides examples of how one company transitioned their monolithic legacy application to a continuous delivery model by using techniques like the strangler pattern, refactoring to separate concerns, and restructuring their organization into cross-functional product teams. The document emphasizes establishing technical foundations, learning through the build-deploy-learn cycle, and focusing on delivering value to customers.

continuous delivery
Nuevosoft Test Manager Overview
Nuevosoft Test Manager OverviewNuevosoft Test Manager Overview
Nuevosoft Test Manager Overview

Nuevosoft Test Manager is a simplest and most effective test management solution in the industry. It helps improve testcase quality using innovative methods.

test managertestcase managementsoftware test manager
Dev ops
Dev opsDev ops
Dev ops

This document discusses DevOps, including what it is, why it matters, challenges, and the Microsoft DevOps platform. DevOps is the union of development and operations to enable continuous delivery of value to end users. It replaces silos and promotes collaboration and shared practices. DevOps enables faster delivery through automation, monitoring, and other practices like continuous integration and delivery. Challenges include culture change, automation, legacy systems, and skills. The Microsoft DevOps platform supports continuous delivery, continuous testing, release management, and integration with any language or platform through tools like Visual Studio Team Services.

Continuous Delivery
Continuous Integration Release Management
Streamline and automate the workflow between development and IT Ops
and deliver higher quality software more frequently with less risk.
Continuous Quality
Ship better apps, faster
Visual Studio Release Management makes it easy to
automate deployment and testing of your applications
in multiple environments. Teams can create
release definitions and automate deployment in
repeatable, reliable ways while tracking simultaneous
in-flight releases. Easily incorporate automated
functional tests or manual approvals in a release
definition to automate the release process all the way
to production.
Release Management
RM is for you if:
You need to deploy apps
regularly to any platform
You use a Continuous
Integration (CI) system
You need to track the progress
of releases
You need control of the
You need audit history for all
releases and their deployments
Infrastructure as code (IAC) – a DevOps practice
• Optimize resources
• Accelerate delivery
• Deployment rate

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Agile testing
Agile testingAgile testing
Agile testing

Despite the belief that a shared context and collaboration drives quality, too often, software testers and quality professionals struggle to find their place within today's integrated agile teams. This session is a practitioner’s view of testing and testing practices within an iterative/incremental development environment. We will begin with a discussion of some of the challenges of testing within an agile environment and delve into the guiding principles of Agile Testing and key enabling practices. Agile Testing necessitates a change in mindset, and it is as much, if not more, about behavior, as it is about skills and tooling, all of which will be explored.

Azure DevOps
Azure DevOpsAzure DevOps
Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is a DevOps platform that provides tools to help teams plan work, collaborate on code development, and implement continuous delivery pipelines. It includes Azure Boards for tracking work items, Azure Repos for version control, Azure Pipelines for builds/releases, Azure Test Plans for testing, and Azure Artifacts for package management. These tools work together to help teams deliver value faster through practices like continuous integration, deployment, and monitoring. The document provides an overview of each tool and how they integrate as part of an end-to-end DevOps solution. It also shares customer stories about how companies like GEICO have been able to reduce release cycles and engage customers more through use of Azure DevOps.

Let's banish "it works on my machine"
Let's banish "it works on my machine"Let's banish "it works on my machine"
Let's banish "it works on my machine"

Between spending hours (or days!) making sure you can code and test locally and the difficulties of keeping remote environments up to date, sometimes we find ourselves falling back on "It works on my machine!". Getting rid of the difficulties in making new development environments and maintaining testing infrastructure is really key to banishing the dreaded phrase. In this session, we'll take you through some of the recent tools and techs that will not only make your life easier but will mean you never have to say "works on my machine" ever again.

devopsdevops toolsgithub codespaces
Cloud Dev/Test
Agile, flexible, scalable
React faster to business changes and keep up with
dev and test infrastructure demands. Reduce
effort and lower cost for dev and test infrastructure
resources. Get the compute, storage, and network
resources you need, in minutes instead of hours or
days. Test applications in a ‘production-like’
environment to uncover bugs and issues earlier in
the development cycle.
Plan the next iteration
When all tests pass, the build is deployed to testing environments for
each stage in the release process
Monitor + Learn
Application Insights
Track usage and performance
Get a 360° view of your app that includes
availability, performance and user behavior. Use a
powerful and easy-to-use experience to track and
improve the success of your application. Analyze data
across dimensions and make informed decisions
about your product’s future.
The Microsoft DevOps solution
Open and extensible

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Dev ops for mainframe innovate session 2402
Dev ops for mainframe innovate session 2402Dev ops for mainframe innovate session 2402
Dev ops for mainframe innovate session 2402

DevOps for the Mainframe aims to leverage continuous integration, cloud technologies, and beyond to deliver z/OS applications. The document discusses how DevOps principles can help enable rapid evolution of deployed z/OS services by reducing risk, decreasing costs, and improving quality. It provides examples of how tools from IBM can help implement a continuous delivery pipeline for mainframe development and testing that incorporates automated testing, configuration, and deployment.

system zdevopsmainframe
Drive business outcomes using Azure Devops
Drive business outcomes using Azure DevopsDrive business outcomes using Azure Devops
Drive business outcomes using Azure Devops

Azure Devops provides a set of cloud DevOps services that allow enterprises to deliver business outcomes, from an idea to production-level code. Azure Devops works for any language, any cloud, and any platform.

azuredevopsazure devops
About online examination system
About online examination systemAbout online examination system
About online examination system

We deliver results through our smart exam architecture and agile development methodology. Our architecture is designed for scale, reliability and security and supports AWS best practices. We use agile methods like Kanban boards and Git version control. Our code meets standards and we use tools like HelpnDoc for documentation. We implement test database designs and have experience with large-scale exam applications.

online assessment testquestion bank managementonline examination system
Extend, Customize & Integrate
Open platform Extensions
Customize and extend the Visual Studio platform and create the perfect
development environment that you'll love as much as your code.
Visual Studio
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio
Gallery Extensions
VS Team Services
Work Item Extensions

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QA with Microsoft Test Manager and Lab Management
QA with Microsoft Test Manager and Lab ManagementQA with Microsoft Test Manager and Lab Management
QA with Microsoft Test Manager and Lab Management

Plan, manage, and execute tests with Microsoft Test Manager and Lab Management in Visual Studio 2013 which will make it easier to conduct manual and automated testing across a variety of environments. This presentation covers the new exploratory testing approach offered by Microsoft Test Manager; the simplified setup and administration of Lab Management environments; and some of the other fit-and-finish features across the testing scenario.

exploratory testmanual testlab management
Visual Studio 2015 - Lançamento está próximo
Visual Studio 2015 - Lançamento está próximoVisual Studio 2015 - Lançamento está próximo
Visual Studio 2015 - Lançamento está próximo

Visual Studio e as novidades já anunciadas em prévios Release Candidates, veja as novidades e se prepare para grandes surpresas no dia 20/07

Improving The Software Development Lifecycle With Visual Studio Team System
Improving The Software Development Lifecycle With Visual Studio Team SystemImproving The Software Development Lifecycle With Visual Studio Team System
Improving The Software Development Lifecycle With Visual Studio Team System

The document discusses improving the software development lifecycle with Visual Studio Team System. It introduces Visual Studio Team System as an application lifecycle management solution that increases project transparency, facilitates team collaboration, and improves software quality. It then provides examples of extending Visual Studio Team System, including integrating it with Project Server for project management, adding continuous integration capabilities, and customizing processes. It concludes with tips for adopting Visual Studio Team System such as determining goals, developing a roadmap, and addressing potential resistance to changes.

Work Item Visualizer
State Visualizer
Do your existing tools support the process and practices your
team has adopted? Will they support the team in the future?
Developer Workstation
Team Collaboration
Workstations - On-Premises| Hybrid | Cloud Monitoring- On-Premises | Hybrid | CloudALM Services - On-Premises| Hybrid | Cloud
Environments - On-Premises| Hybrid | Cloud

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How to implement DevOps for Enterprise
How to implement DevOps for EnterpriseHow to implement DevOps for Enterprise
How to implement DevOps for Enterprise

Implementing enterprise DevOps for a large-scale organization is a challenge faced by many companies. Understand all the basics, challenges, strategies, tips, principles, best practices, and so much more you need to know for leveraging DevOps Successfully.

VSL Las Vegas 2023 - Measuring Up! How To Choose Agile Metrics
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VSL Las Vegas 2023 - Measuring Up! How To Choose Agile Metrics

Having a metrics mindset, choosing metrics for the right reasons, knowing how and when to use them, and some ideas for getting started

agilemetricsteam building
VSL MSHQ 2022 - Supercharged Feedback Techniques in 20 minutes - Dugan.pdf
VSL MSHQ 2022 - Supercharged Feedback Techniques in 20 minutes - Dugan.pdfVSL MSHQ 2022 - Supercharged Feedback Techniques in 20 minutes - Dugan.pdf
VSL MSHQ 2022 - Supercharged Feedback Techniques in 20 minutes - Dugan.pdf

Feedback helps us to build stronger teams, supports more effective problem-solving and collaboration, and ultimately contributes to happier people delivering better products. Without effective feedback, we can spend time focusing on the wrong things, solving the wrong problems, maybe not even knowing about problems in the first place! In my experience, people are generally not confident in their feedback skills. This makes feedback feel risky, vulnerable, scary, even downright anxiety-inducing and so then they give no feedback at all. Feedback Doesn't Have to Suck. In this fast-paced 20 minute session focused on supercharging your feedback skills, I will help you get a good foothold on where to start. We’ll warm up with an overview of what feedback is, attributes of high-quality feedback, and some “tips and tricks” to getting comfortable with giving and receiving candid feedback that has worked really well for me both as a manager and a team member. You’ll be a feedback champion before you know it!

Developer Workstation
Team Collaboration
This graphic shows OSS and partner products that are
integrated with the Microsoft DevOps solution
Visual Studio ALM and DevOps Tools Walkthrough
Purchase options
Hosted by Microsoft
Buy Visual Studio Team Services
Hosted in your data center
Buy Team Foundation Server
Team collaboration serverCloud services for teams
Feature comparison
Visual Studio Team Services Team Foundation Server
Plan & Track Work ■ ■
Source Code Management ■ ■
Package Management ■ ■
Test Management ■ ■
Cross-Platform Build ■ ■
Continuous Deployment ■ ■
Release Management ■ ■
Application Telemetry Application Insights/HockeyApp System Center/PreEmptive Analytics
Reporting Limited ■
Extend, Customize & Integrate ■ ■
Team Structure 1 Collection – Unlimited Projects/Teams Unlimited Collections/Projects/Teams
Identity & Permissions
Azure Active Directory
Microsoft accounts (formerly Live ID)
Active Directory Integration
Languages English Only Multilanguage Support
Data Location US, Europe, Australia DCs - India (coming soon) Data Stored On Premises
Backup/Data Migration Limited support, TFS Import (coming soon) Backup/Restore Tools Available
Support Phone, Online and Forums, Engineering Excellence
Phone, Online, Forums, Microsoft Premier
Frequent Updates (~3 weeks)
Automatically Upgraded
Periodic Updates (~3 or 4 months)
Planning Required

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VS Liv MSHQ 2022 - Measuring Up! How To Choose Agile Metrics - Dugan.pdf
VS Liv MSHQ 2022 - Measuring Up! How To Choose Agile Metrics - Dugan.pdfVS Liv MSHQ 2022 - Measuring Up! How To Choose Agile Metrics - Dugan.pdf
VS Liv MSHQ 2022 - Measuring Up! How To Choose Agile Metrics - Dugan.pdf

How many times have you been asked to deliver on metrics that did not make sense to you, that felt counterproductive to your or the team's effectiveness, or that were seemingly impossible to collect in a sane fashion? Oftentimes, I find that metrics being collected are ones that are easy to collect and report on but are not necessarily the ones that will help the team learn and improve. When it comes to software delivery, lean and agile practices and methodologies have taken the lead. Metrics have lagged a bit and often rely on very waterfall-style milestones and phase-gates to determine a team's effectiveness. In the spirit of continuous improvement, this session will take a look at the measures we can and should collect from agile teams, why these metrics are relevant and interesting, and how we can use them to help our teams continuously improve.

agilemetricsteam building
Adaptability Quotient - DevUp 2022.pdf
Adaptability Quotient  - DevUp 2022.pdfAdaptability Quotient  - DevUp 2022.pdf
Adaptability Quotient - DevUp 2022.pdf

This document discusses increasing adaptability through developing three skills: change awareness, cognitive flexibility, and focused attention. It defines adaptability quotient (AQ) as the capacity to adapt to and thrive in changing environments. The document provides strategies for strengthening each skill, such as asking probing questions to improve change awareness, thinking differently to boost cognitive flexibility, and focusing on new situations to enhance attention. It encourages scanning the environment for unknowns, loosening constraints, and returning to zero to view things differently. The document was written by Sara Caldwell and Angela Dugan of 3Cloud Solutions and promotes their consulting services and resources including an AQ assessment test.

Measuring Up - Agile Team Metrics - DevUp 2022.pdf
Measuring Up - Agile Team Metrics - DevUp 2022.pdfMeasuring Up - Agile Team Metrics - DevUp 2022.pdf
Measuring Up - Agile Team Metrics - DevUp 2022.pdf

The document discusses agile metrics used by Angela Dugan and Sara Caldwell of 3Cloud Solutions to measure team and product health. It introduces common metrics like work in progress, business value, and team health checks. It also cautions that metrics can be misused and should be viewed with care, using principles like considering multiple metrics, involving the team, and having surrounding conversations. The document aims to help readers understand how to properly use and interpret agile metrics.

Feature comparison
Visual Studio Team Services Team Foundation Server
Version Control
Team Foundation Version Control ■ ■
Distributed Version Control with Git ■ ■
Agile Planning & Collaboration
Scrum, Agile, CMMI ■ ■
Custom Process Templates & WIT Customization Limited ■
Work Item Tagging, Kanban Board, Feedback ■ ■
SharePoint, Project Server, System Center
Automated Builds On-Premises with CI Support for hybrid scenarios ■
Hosted Build Service with Continuous Integration ■
Application/Platform Support
Many Microsoft platforms and growing
(Build Server Software)
Fully customizable
Continuous Deployment to Azure ■ ■
Test Case Management ■ ■
Cloud-Based Load Testing Service ■
Work Item Queries and Favorites
Work Item Charting, Power BI
Work Item Queries and Favorites/Work Item
Charting/Business Intelligence Warehouse
Purchasing Visual Studio Team Services
Completely free for small teams
FREE: 5 users + unlimited stakeholders
FREE: 240 minutes cloud build time/month
FREE: 20k virtual user minutes for load testing/month
Pricing for additional team members
No. of
users: 5 10 20 50 100 200 1000
Cost per
month: FREE $30 $110 $350 $750 $1,150
Included for Visual Studio subscribers
Users with the following subscriptions can be
added to an unlimited number of VSTS accounts
for free, with “Basic” feature access:
• Visual Studio Enterprise - annual
• Visual Studio Enterprise - monthly
• Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN - including
subscriptions offered through BizSpark and the
Microsoft Partner Network
• Visual Studio Professional - annual
• Visual Studio Professional - monthly
• Visual Studio Professional with MSDN
• Visual Studio Test Professional with MSDN
• MSDN Platforms
Additional services per VSTS account
Cloud Build
FREE: 240 minutes/month of build on a Hosted
Agent with a max runtime of 30 mins for a single
build job
FREE: 1 Private Agent (new build system) or
XAML controller (legacy build system), for
running builds through your own server
Hosted Agents: $40/month (upgrades the free
agent to unlimited build time and increases the
max runtime to 360 mins)
Additional Private Agents: $15/month
Cloud-Based Load Testing*
* Requires Visual Studio Enterprise
- Services purchased via Microsoft Azure based on actual usage
- Additional services are accessible to all users on the account and shared among them
- Build time is actual computing time required to run the build, and does not
include queuing time (if any)
- Load test runs specify the number of virtual users and duration in minutes
Virtual users x minutes = virtual user minutes (VUM)
FREE: 20,000 virtual user minutes per month
$0.004/virtual user minute for 20,001-2M VUM
$0.002/VUM for 2,000,001-10M VUM
$0.001/VUM for usage above 10M VUM/month
Completely free for individuals and small teams Included for Visual Studio subscribers
Pricing for additional team members
Users with the following subscriptions get
both a Team Foundation Server license and a
Team Foundation Server User CAL:
• Visual Studio Enterprise - annual
• Visual Studio Enterprise - monthly
• Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN - including
subscriptions offered through BizSpark and the
Microsoft Partner Network
• Visual Studio Professional - annual
• Visual Studio Professional - monthly
• Visual Studio Professional with MSDN
• Visual Studio Test Professional with MSDN
• MSDN Platforms
With Team Foundation Server, you license the
server and the users connecting to the server.
Users who only need access to work items are
free, and other users need a user CAL (client
access license) for access to most features in
Team Foundation Server.
Purchasing Team Foundation Server
Team Foundation Server Express is free for
individual developers and small teams of five or
less and can easily be installed on a personal
desktop or laptop without a dedicated server.

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Measuring Up - PMI Agile Conference 2022.pdf
Measuring Up - PMI Agile Conference 2022.pdfMeasuring Up - PMI Agile Conference 2022.pdf
Measuring Up - PMI Agile Conference 2022.pdf

Measuring the right things for the right reasons to support team experimentation, learning, and improvement

agilemetricsteam building
VS Live 2021 Orlando - vst14 feedback skills
VS Live 2021 Orlando - vst14 feedback skillsVS Live 2021 Orlando - vst14 feedback skills
VS Live 2021 Orlando - vst14 feedback skills

Feedback helps us to build stronger teams, supports more effective problem-solve and collaboration, and ultimately contributes to delivering better products. Without it, we can spend time focusing on the wrong things, solving the wrong problems, maybe not even knowing about problems in the first place! So if feedback is critical to us growing and thriving, why aren't we all excitedly showering each other with feedback all the time, and BEGGING others to give it to us? In my experience, people are generally not enthusiastic or confident in their ability to give feedback. Feedback usually isn't happening because feedback feels risky, vulnerable, scary, even downright anxiety-inducing. As a manager, leader, and coach of many teams over the last 20+ years, I can help you get a good foothold on where to start. Even better, I can tell you where the bodies are buried so you avoid some of the mistakes I've experienced over the years too. In this session, we'll warm up with an overview of what feedback is and is not. We'll also review the qualities of high-quality feedback, as well as the other kinds of feedback so you know the difference. We'll finish off with a quick summary of some "tips and tricks" to getting comfortable with giving and receiving candid feedback that has worked really well for me. You'll be a feedback champion before you know it!

VS Live 2021 VST09 agile team metrics Fast Focus - angela dugan
VS Live 2021   VST09 agile team metrics Fast Focus - angela duganVS Live 2021   VST09 agile team metrics Fast Focus - angela dugan
VS Live 2021 VST09 agile team metrics Fast Focus - angela dugan

Are you still relying on the old standbys like percent complete, velocity, and burndown for monitoring the progress of your teams or projects? Those metrics may not be telling you what you think they are! In this fast-paced discussion, we'll talk about some of the pitfalls of commonly used metrics, and make the case for not so commonly used measures that give you the insights that you're really striving for. You will learn: Understand the connection between what you measure, your team performance, and product quality Explanation of how many commonly used metrics will fail to tell you what you really need to know Familiarity with uncommonly used metrics that will more reliably tell you how well your project or team are really doing

Why Consider VSTS?
Simplified server management.
Simplified administration.
Immediate access to the latest and greatest features.
Improved connectivity with remote sites.
A transition from capital expenditures (servers and the like) to
operational expenditures (subscriptions).
MSDN subscribers receive both TFS CAL and VSTS usage rights.
Options available for non-developers who need access
Angela@PolarisSolutions.com Twitter: @OakParkGirl
Angela@PolarisSolutions.com Twitter: @OakParkGirl
Visual Studio ALM and DevOps Tools Walkthrough

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Visual Studio ALM and DevOps Tools Walkthrough

  • 1. M i c r o s o f t V i s u a l S t u d i o T o o l s ALM and DevOps Enablement for Your Entire Team Angela Dugan Principal Consultant and ALM Practice Manager
  • 3. Agenda What big initiatives are you hoping to get off the ground this year? Are you confident your organization can deliver? What goals/challenges are you trying to address? What collaboration/automation tools are you using? TFS / VSTS Walkthrough [email protected] Twitter: @OakParkGirl
  • 4. Open, flexible and extensible cross-platform DevOps tools More agility and flexibility for continuous value delivery Unlocks a greater ecosystem and works with what you already use
  • 6. The Microsoft DevOps solution Overview
  • 7. Plan & Track Work Enterprise collaboration Agile planning tools Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server give you the tools you need to effectively create, manage and deliver against your backlog. Dashboards & charts
  • 8. Work Items For Tracking Everything [email protected] Twitter: @OakParkGirl
  • 9. AGILE PORTFOLIO AS WORK ITEMS Epic – large scale initiatives that define strategy and roadmap Feature – high level functional business requirement User Story – requirement capturing the role, functionality, and value. Task – work the team does to fulfill a Story. Feature User Story Task
  • 10. Product & Portfolio Backlogs [email protected] Twitter: @OakParkGirl
  • 12. Work Items in Visual Studio IDE [email protected] Twitter: @OakParkGirl
  • 15. Reports via SSRS (TFS Only)
  • 16. Reports via Excel (TFS Only) [email protected] Twitter: @OakParkGirl
  • 18. Source Code Management Flexible version control Collaborate on code VSTS and TFS provide unparalleled flexibility for your evolving codebase. All your code is linked directly to the story, bug, or task driving the work. Any IDE, any code
  • 20. Source Control on the Web
  • 21. Quality Management Test planning and tracking Manual and exploratory testing A toolset optimized for QA professionals, giving them flexibility in how they work while at the same time keeping them in sync with the rest of the team. Performance and load testing
  • 22. Continuous acceptance testing User Interface Services Business Processes Business Rules and Logic Service integrations Data access Identity Data Automated testing Manual testing Automated testing
  • 23. Test Case Management Streamline quality Take advantage of a toolset optimized for the needs of testers, giving them flexibility in how they work while at the same time keeping them in sync with the rest of the team Improved web-based Test Case Management helps testers author, manage and execute test cases using any modern web browser Microsoft Test Manager further empowers your testers by giving them comprehensive tools for automated and manual testing in a desktop application optimized for the needs of today’s agile QA professional
  • 24. Manual Testing Run, record, play back Capture detailed records of steps performed, behaviors observed, and the status of each test step with the fully-instrumented and configurable Test Runner. Pause testing at any time to report a bug, even if it’s not directly related to the current test case High-fidelity defect reports go directly to the development team, including all the technical data needed to reproduce and resolve the error quickly. Record tests for later playback to speed up test sessions and enable test automation
  • 26. Exploratory Testing Testing, super-charged Run tests without a pre-defined list of test cases and test steps with exploratory testing. Create action recordings, capture rich comments and screenshots and quickly report bugs Testers can easily create test cases, complete with test steps, from exploratory test recordings which can then be added to test plans and suites for future testing activities Simultaneous test design and execution saves time and effort and allows testers to create real-world test scenarios, fast
  • 30. Performance Testing Know your limits Visual Studio makes integrating Load Testing into your development process easy and will help you avoid nasty surprises in production Whether those surprises are caused by world- wide distribution, the scale of your customer base or problems that only manifest in multi- day runs – Visual Studio Load Testing will give you the analytics to solve those problems before you deploy
  • 31. VSTS Load Testing from Visual Studio
  • 32. Cross-platform Build Cross-platform build for iOS, Java and Android Flexible, extensible and customizable builds No matter what tools you use or what language you prefer - Team Foundation Build builds your app your way, for your platforms. Just open your browser! Cloud, hybrid or on- premises infrastructure
  • 33. TFS Build Service [email protected] Twitter: @OakParkGirl
  • 34. Continuous Integration (CI) – a DevOps practice Issues • Delivery delays • Non-working/low-quality code • Incomplete solutions • Rework Value • Frequent integration • Higher quality • Repeatability cspkg DEV
  • 35. Cloud Load Testing Integration testing environment Automated functional testing environment 3 Pre-production environment Staging environmen t Monitor + Learn When all tests pass, the build is deployed to testing environments for each stage in the release process … Release
  • 36. Continuous Delivery (CD) – a DevOps practice Issues • Slow delivery cadence • Limited predictability when deploying • Complexity when deploying Value • Consistency • Accelerated deployment • Repeatability • Human error reductionDEV
  • 37. Continuous Delivery Continuous Integration Release Management Streamline and automate the workflow between development and IT Ops and deliver higher quality software more frequently with less risk. Continuous Quality
  • 38. Release Management Ship better apps, faster Visual Studio Release Management makes it easy to automate deployment and testing of your applications in multiple environments. Teams can create release definitions and automate deployment in repeatable, reliable ways while tracking simultaneous in-flight releases. Easily incorporate automated functional tests or manual approvals in a release definition to automate the release process all the way to production.
  • 39. Release Management RM is for you if: You need to deploy apps regularly to any platform You use a Continuous Integration (CI) system You need to track the progress of releases You need control of the deployments You need audit history for all releases and their deployments
  • 40. Infrastructure as code (IAC) – a DevOps practice DEV OPS Value • Optimize resources • Accelerate delivery Measure • Deployment rate • MTTR
  • 41. Cloud Dev/Test environments Agile, flexible, scalable React faster to business changes and keep up with dev and test infrastructure demands. Reduce effort and lower cost for dev and test infrastructure resources. Get the compute, storage, and network resources you need, in minutes instead of hours or days. Test applications in a ‘production-like’ environment to uncover bugs and issues earlier in the development cycle.
  • 42. 4 Monitor Feedback Plan the next iteration When all tests pass, the build is deployed to testing environments for each stage in the release process Monitor + Learn
  • 43. Application Insights Track usage and performance Get a 360° view of your app that includes availability, performance and user behavior. Use a powerful and easy-to-use experience to track and improve the success of your application. Analyze data across dimensions and make informed decisions about your product’s future.
  • 44. The Microsoft DevOps solution Open and extensible
  • 45. Extend, Customize & Integrate Open platform Extensions Customize and extend the Visual Studio platform and create the perfect development environment that you'll love as much as your code. Visual Studio Marketplace
  • 46. 972 Visual Studio Code Extensions 5,910 Visual Studio Gallery Extensions 834 VS Team Services Extensions
  • 51. Do your existing tools support the process and practices your team has adopted? Will they support the team in the future?
  • 52. TFS Develop Developer Workstation Team Collaboration Build&Test Build/CI Test Deploy Release Monitor&Learn Monitor Microsoft Ecosystem Workstations - On-Premises| Hybrid | Cloud Monitoring- On-Premises | Hybrid | CloudALM Services - On-Premises| Hybrid | Cloud DEV TEST QA Environments - On-Premises| Hybrid | Cloud
  • 53. Develop Developer Workstation Team Collaboration Build&Test Build/CI Test Deploy Configuration Monitor&Learn Monitor This graphic shows OSS and partner products that are integrated with the Microsoft DevOps solution Mixed Ecosystem Release
  • 55. Purchase options Hosted by Microsoft Buy Visual Studio Team Services Hosted in your data center Buy Team Foundation Server Team collaboration serverCloud services for teams
  • 56. Feature comparison Visual Studio Team Services Team Foundation Server Plan & Track Work ■ ■ Source Code Management ■ ■ Package Management ■ ■ Test Management ■ ■ Cross-Platform Build ■ ■ Continuous Deployment ■ ■ Release Management ■ ■ Application Telemetry Application Insights/HockeyApp System Center/PreEmptive Analytics Reporting Limited ■ Extend, Customize & Integrate ■ ■ Team Structure 1 Collection – Unlimited Projects/Teams Unlimited Collections/Projects/Teams Identity & Permissions Azure Active Directory Microsoft accounts (formerly Live ID) Active Directory Integration Languages English Only Multilanguage Support Data Location US, Europe, Australia DCs - India (coming soon) Data Stored On Premises Backup/Data Migration Limited support, TFS Import (coming soon) Backup/Restore Tools Available Support Phone, Online and Forums, Engineering Excellence Phone, Online, Forums, Microsoft Premier Support Updates Frequent Updates (~3 weeks) Automatically Upgraded Periodic Updates (~3 or 4 months) Planning Required
  • 57. Feature comparison Visual Studio Team Services Team Foundation Server Version Control Team Foundation Version Control ■ ■ Distributed Version Control with Git ■ ■ Agile Planning & Collaboration Scrum, Agile, CMMI ■ ■ Custom Process Templates & WIT Customization Limited ■ Work Item Tagging, Kanban Board, Feedback ■ ■ SharePoint, Project Server, System Center Integration ■ Build Automated Builds On-Premises with CI Support for hybrid scenarios ■ Hosted Build Service with Continuous Integration ■ Application/Platform Support Many Microsoft platforms and growing (Build Server Software) Fully customizable Continuous Deployment to Azure ■ ■ Testing Test Case Management ■ ■ Cloud-Based Load Testing Service ■ Reporting Work Item Queries and Favorites Work Item Charting, Power BI Work Item Queries and Favorites/Work Item Charting/Business Intelligence Warehouse
  • 58. Purchasing Visual Studio Team Services Completely free for small teams FREE: 5 users + unlimited stakeholders FREE: 240 minutes cloud build time/month FREE: 20k virtual user minutes for load testing/month Pricing for additional team members No. of users: 5 10 20 50 100 200 1000 Cost per month: FREE $30 $110 $350 $750 $1,150 $4,35 0 Included for Visual Studio subscribers Users with the following subscriptions can be added to an unlimited number of VSTS accounts for free, with “Basic” feature access: • Visual Studio Enterprise - annual • Visual Studio Enterprise - monthly • Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN - including subscriptions offered through BizSpark and the Microsoft Partner Network • Visual Studio Professional - annual • Visual Studio Professional - monthly • Visual Studio Professional with MSDN • Visual Studio Test Professional with MSDN • MSDN Platforms
  • 59. Additional services per VSTS account Cloud Build FREE: 240 minutes/month of build on a Hosted Agent with a max runtime of 30 mins for a single build job FREE: 1 Private Agent (new build system) or XAML controller (legacy build system), for running builds through your own server THEREAFTER: Hosted Agents: $40/month (upgrades the free agent to unlimited build time and increases the max runtime to 360 mins) Additional Private Agents: $15/month Cloud-Based Load Testing* * Requires Visual Studio Enterprise - Services purchased via Microsoft Azure based on actual usage - Additional services are accessible to all users on the account and shared among them - Build time is actual computing time required to run the build, and does not include queuing time (if any) - Load test runs specify the number of virtual users and duration in minutes Virtual users x minutes = virtual user minutes (VUM) FREE: 20,000 virtual user minutes per month THEREAFTER: $0.004/virtual user minute for 20,001-2M VUM $0.002/VUM for 2,000,001-10M VUM $0.001/VUM for usage above 10M VUM/month
  • 60. Completely free for individuals and small teams Included for Visual Studio subscribers Pricing for additional team members Users with the following subscriptions get both a Team Foundation Server license and a Team Foundation Server User CAL: • Visual Studio Enterprise - annual • Visual Studio Enterprise - monthly • Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN - including subscriptions offered through BizSpark and the Microsoft Partner Network • Visual Studio Professional - annual • Visual Studio Professional - monthly • Visual Studio Professional with MSDN • Visual Studio Test Professional with MSDN • MSDN Platforms With Team Foundation Server, you license the server and the users connecting to the server. Users who only need access to work items are free, and other users need a user CAL (client access license) for access to most features in Team Foundation Server. Purchasing Team Foundation Server Team Foundation Server Express is free for individual developers and small teams of five or less and can easily be installed on a personal desktop or laptop without a dedicated server.
  • 61. Why Consider VSTS? Simplified server management. Simplified administration. Immediate access to the latest and greatest features. Improved connectivity with remote sites. A transition from capital expenditures (servers and the like) to operational expenditures (subscriptions). MSDN subscribers receive both TFS CAL and VSTS usage rights. Options available for non-developers who need access [email protected] Twitter: @OakParkGirl