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Address by Mr. Kook Jin Moon

                 Peace Banquet with

        Members of Malaysian Parliament

                   Guest of Honor:

YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Pankikar Amin Bin Haji Mulia

         Speaker of the House of Representatives

                  Parliament of Malaysia

Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

                    June 19, 2011

Deputy Speaker YB Datuk Ronald Kiandee,

representing the Speaker of the House, members

of the Parliament of Malaysia, Ambassadors for

Peace, ladies and gentlemen:

On behalf of my parents, Dr. Sun Myung Moon

and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, as well as my sister In

Jin Moon and myself, I would like to express my

sincere gratitude for your invitation to visit your

wonderful country and speak here today.

I have long admired Malaysia as a moderate

Muslim country where Islam exists in harmony with

other religions. I believe that the invitations

extended to my parents, who are religious

leaders known throughout the world for their

emphasis on harmony among religions, give clear

evidence to this admirable aspect of Malaysian


Prime Minister Najib Razak in his address to the

United Nations last autumn called for a “Global

Movement of the Moderates” of all religions to

combat religious extremism. The Prime Minister’s

effort, which he repeated at the University of

Oxford just last month, is very much in keeping

with the teachings of my father and deserves the

support of religious persons everywhere.

My father was born in 1920 in what is now North

Korea. He was raised in a Christian home and met

Jesus in a vision when he was 15 years old. In the

public ministry that he began in 1945 and

continues to this day at age 91, my father teaches

that all religions have the mission to liberate

humankind from the spiritual ignorance that results

from our separation from God. He teaches that

religions should work in harmony with each other

to accomplish this task.

In Christian terms we refer to my father as

Messiah, Savior and the returning Christ. But he

does not come for the sake of Christians alone.

Nor does he consider it his mission to propagate
the Christian faith to the exclusion of other


Instead, my father is the conduit for all people to

inherit the True Love that is God’s divine essence.

This is how we become the true sons and

daughters of God. My father teaches that God’s

true love can and should be inherited by people in

all religious traditions, and that all religions can

achieve their ideals of unity and peace by

deepening their understanding of God.

I would like to read a passage from my father’s

autobiography to give you a better idea of his

approach to religious harmony and peace. This
autobiography was originally published in Korea in

2009 and has sold well over a million copies. The

Japanese translation has also sold more than a

million copies. Today, I will read from the English

translation, titled, “As a Peace-Loving Global

Citizen”. The section I will read is on pages 234 to

244 and is titled, “The Power of Religion to Turn

People to Goodness.” The passage has been

edited slightly in the interest of time. Please refer

to the book for the complete text.

   On August 2, 1990, Iraqi President Saddam

   Hussein staged an armed invasion of Kuwait,

   igniting the possibility of war in the Persian Gulf.

   This area has long been a tinderbox, and I
could see that the world was about to be swept

up in the vortex of war. I concluded that

Christian and Muslim leaders must meet to

stop the conflict. I acted immediately to do

everything I could to stop a war in which

innocent people were sure to die.

On October 2 of the same year, I convened on

short notice an emergency conference of the

Council for the World’s Religions in Cairo,

Egypt, to deliver my urgent message of peace

to the highest spiritual authorities of the Middle

East and the Muslim world. Many wondered

why I, a person with no apparent ties to the

Middle East, would convene such a meeting,
but to me it is simple. I believe every religion

should contribute to world peace. A conflict

between Christianity and Islam would be far

worse than the conflict between democracy

and communism. There is nothing more fearful

than religious war.

I sent a message imploring President George

H.W. Bush, who already was trying to limit the

conflict, to avoid war in the Arab world, and

instead work to bring about Saddam Hussein’s

retreat through diplomatic means.

Our emergency conference in Cairo involved

top Muslim leaders and grand muftis from nine
countries, including representatives of the

grand muftis of Syria and Yemen. At the core

of the meeting was my desperate appeal to the

Arab and Muslim world not to support Saddam

Hussein’s claim that this was a holy war.

Whether the United States won or Iraq won,

what good would it do? What value would it

have if it meant that bombs rained down,

destroying houses, fields, hills, and precious

innocent lives?

The Cairo conference was just one of our many

peace activities. On September 11, 2001, we

all felt utter horror when the World Trade

Center twin towers in New York City were
destroyed by terrorists. Some people said this

was the inevitable clash of civilizations

between Islam and Christianity. But my view is

different. In their purest form, Islam and

Christianity are not religions of conflict and

confrontation. They both place importance on

peace. In my view, it is bigoted to brand all

Islam as radical, just as it is bigoted to say that

Islam and Christianity are fundamentally

different. The essence of all religions is the


Immediately following the collapse of the

towers, I organized religious leaders from New

York and around the country to pray and
minister to the victims and first responders at

Ground Zero. Then, in October, I convened a

major interfaith conference for peace in New

York City. Ours was the first international

gathering in New York after the tragedy.

These dramatic contributions to peace in times

of war did not spring up from nothing. For

decades prior, I have invested in promoting

interreligious harmony.

In 1984, I brought together forty religious

scholars, instructing them to compare the

teachings that appear in the sacred texts of

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other major
world religions. The book that resulted from

their efforts was World Scripture: A

Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts,

published in 1991. What they found was that

the sacred texts of religions convey the same

or similar teachings more than seventy percent

of the time. The remaining thirty percent are

teachings that represent unique points of each

religion. This means that most of the teachings

of the major world religions are the same at

their core. The same is true of religious practice.

On the surface, some believers wear turbans,

some wear prayer beads around their necks,

others wear a cross, but they all seek the

fundamental truths of the universe and try to
understand the will of the Divine One.

People often become friends even if all they

have in common is the same particular hobby.

When two strangers meet and discover they

have the same hometown, they can

immediately communicate as if they had known

each other for decades. So, it is truly tragic that

religions, which share the same teachings

more than seventy percent of the time, still

struggle to understand each other and

communicate happily. They could talk about

the things they have in common and take each

other by the hand. Instead, they emphasize

their differences and criticize one another.
Our experience when compiling World

Scripture leads us to believe that it is not the

religions of the world that are in error but the

ways the faiths are taught. Bad teaching of

faith brings prejudice, and prejudice leads to

conflict. Muslims were branded terrorists after

the 9/11 attack. But the vast majority of simple,

believing families are peace-loving people.

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are sharply

divided against each other in today’s world, but

they share a common root. One of the main

issues that keep them divided is their

understanding of Jesus. To address this
problem, on May 19, 2003, I asked that

Christians de-emphasize the cross in relations

among the Abrahamic faiths. Thus, we enacted

a ceremony of taking down the cross. We

brought a cross from America, a predominantly

Christian culture, and buried it in the Field of

Blood in Israel. This is the field that was bought

with the thirty pieces of silver that Judas

Iscariot received for the betrayal of Jesus.

Later that year, on December 23, some three

thousand Ambassadors for Peace from all

religions, and from around the world, joined

with seventeen thousand Israelis and

Palestinians in Jerusalem’s Independence Park
to symbolically remove the crown of thorns

from the head of Jesus and replace it with a

crown of peace. They then marched for peace

through Jerusalem. Local authorities granted

permissions and protected our efforts, and

Palestinian and Israeli families supported our

march for peace by placing a light in front of

their homes.

Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest mosque in

Islam after those in Mecca and Medina, is

located in Jerusalem. It is the spot from which

the Prophet Mohammad is said to have

ascended to heaven. Ours was the only mixed

religious group welcomed to all parts of this
house of worship. The mosque leaders guided

the Christian and Jewish leaders who had

participated in the peace march to the sacred

spaces of the mosque. We were able to open a

door that had been closed tightly, and prepared

the way for many Muslim leaders to

communicate at a new level with their Christian

and Jewish brothers and sisters.

Human beings like peace, but they also enjoy

conflict. Human beings will take the most

gentle of animals and make them fight. They

will have roosters fight and peck each other

with their sharp beaks until pieces of soft flesh

begin to fall away. Then, people will turn
around and tell their children, “Don’t fight with

your friends. Play nice.”

The fundamental reason that wars occur is not

religion or race. It is connected to what lies

deep inside human beings. People like to

attribute the causes of armed conflicts to such

things as science or the economy, but the

actual fundamental problem lies within human

beings ourselves.

Religion’s role is to turn human beings toward

goodness and eliminate their evil nature that

finds enjoyment in fighting. Examine the major

religions of the world. They all hold a peaceful
world as their ideal. They all want to see a

kingdom of heaven, utopia, or paradise.

Religions have different names for this ideal,

but they all seek such a world. There are

numerous religions in the world, and virtually

everyone is divided into countless factions and

denominations. But the essential hope for all is

the same: They want the Kingdom of Heaven

and a world of peace. The human heart has

been torn to shreds by the violence and enmity

at our core. The kingdom of love will heal it.

The greatest obstacle to the world of peace is

avarice in peoples’ hearts. It starts in

individuals and expands to the nation, and
hearts stained with avarice cause division and

conflict at every level. Countless people

throughout history have shed their blood and

died in conflicts caused by avarice.

To eliminate such conflicts, we need a great

revolution to change the erroneous values and

thinking that are widespread in the world today.

The complex problems our societies face today

can be resolved quickly if there is a revolution

in peoples’ thinking. If each individual and

nation begins to look out for the other first,

working together with the other, the problems

of modern society will be resolved.

Throughout my life, I dedicated myself to

efforts for peace. Whenever peace is

discussed, I become emotional. Tears begin to

well up in my eyes, my voice chokes, and I can

hardly swallow. It moves me deeply just to

imagine the day when the world becomes one

and begins to enjoy peace. That is the nature

of peace. It links people who think differently,

are of different races, and speak different

languages. Our hearts yearn for this world and

harbor a hope that it will be realized.

However, peace comes through concrete

action, and not just having a vague dream. But

building a movement for peace has not always
been easy. There have been many difficulties,

and it has required large sums of money. I

have not done this for my own honor, or to

make money. All I did was invest my full effort,

so that we can have a world where a strong

and true peace takes root. For as long as I

have been doing this work, I have never been

lonely. This is because, ultimately, peace is the

desire of every person in the world. It is strange,

though. Everyone wants peace, but still it has

not come.

Each religion today thinks of itself as the

highest, rejecting and looking down on other

religions. It is not right to build fences against
other religions and denominations.

A religion is like a wide river flowing toward an

ideal, peaceful world. The river flows for long

distances before it comes to the wide expanse

of peace. On its way, many streams flow into it.

The streams cease to be streams from the

point they meet the river. From that point, they,

too, become part of the river. In this way, they

become one.

The river does not reject any of the streams

that flow into it. It accepts them all. It embraces

all the streams and forms a single flow as it

continues toward the ocean. People in the
world today do not understand this simple truth.

The streams that seek out the river and flow

into it are the numerous religions and

denominations of today. Each stream traces its

origin to a different spring, but they are all

going to the same destination. They are

seeking the ideal world overflowing with peace.

Peace will never come to this earth unless we

first tear down the walls between religions. For

thousands of years, religions have grown in

alliance with particular ethnic groups, and so

they are surrounded by high cultural walls.

Tearing these down is an extremely difficult

task. For thousands of years, each religion has
surrounded itself with such high walls, insisting

that it is the only correct religion. In some cases,

religions have expanded their influence and

entered into conflicts and fights with other

religions, using God’s name in places that had

nothing to do with His will.

The will of God lies in peace. A world

fragmented by differences in nationality, race,

and religion, where people attack and fight one

another and shed one another’s blood, is not

what God wants. When we shed blood and

fight each other in His name, we only cause

Him pain. A world torn to shreds has been

created out of the desires of people to promote
their own wealth and glory. It does not

represent the will of God. God clearly told me

so. I am only His errand boy, receiving His

words and carrying them out on Earth.

There are close to two hundred countries in the

world. For all these countries to enjoy peace,

the power of religion is absolutely necessary.

The power of religion is in the love that

overflows from it. I am a religious person

whose role is to convey love, so it is natural

that I would work for world peace. There is no

difference between Islam and Christianity in

their commitment to bring about a world of

In America, I lead a movement for peace,

bringing together thousands of clergy who

transcend denomination. Through this

movement, we discuss ways that people of all

faiths – Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists,

etc. – can come together. We devote our full

efforts to change the hardened hearts of


My purpose is the same today as it was

yesterday. It is to create one world with God at

the center, a world brought together like a

single nation without boundaries. All humanity

will be citizens of this world, sharing a culture of
love. In such a world, there will be no possibility

   for division and conflict. This will mark the

   beginning of a truly peaceful world.

Those are the words of my father.

My father has put tremendous energy and

resources into bringing harmony among the

world’s religions. He was worked tirelessly to

inspire all religious people to deepen their

understanding of God’s divine essence. He

believes that the walls that separate the major

religious traditions today will crumble when the

people in these traditions inherit the true love of

God. When that happens, religious people can
unite in harmony and lead the way toward a world

of peace.

Many people are surprised on visiting the

Unification Church World Headquarters Church in

central Seoul to find that we have a special room

to honor the prophet Mohammad, Jesus, Buddha

and Confucius, whom we refer to as the Four

Great Saints. The Unification Church maintains

friendly relations with the major orders of Korean

Buddhism. The leaders of both faiths regularly

attend each other’s religious events.

There   are   conflicts   in   every    country.   The

fundamental causes of these conflicts lie in the
hearts of the people. It is the responsibility of

religions to remove that cause, but religions

cannot do that unless they inherit God’s true love

and relate to each other in harmony.

Malaysia is showing the world a model for religious

harmony, and I look forward to seeing your

continued development in this area.

May the abundant blessings of God be on

Malaysia and your families.

Thank you.


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Address by Kook Jin Moon to Members of Malaysia Parlia

  • 1. Address by Mr. Kook Jin Moon Peace Banquet with Members of Malaysian Parliament Guest of Honor: YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Pankikar Amin Bin Haji Mulia Speaker of the House of Representatives Parliament of Malaysia Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia June 19, 2011 1
  • 2. Deputy Speaker YB Datuk Ronald Kiandee, representing the Speaker of the House, members of the Parliament of Malaysia, Ambassadors for Peace, ladies and gentlemen: On behalf of my parents, Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, as well as my sister In Jin Moon and myself, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your invitation to visit your wonderful country and speak here today. I have long admired Malaysia as a moderate Muslim country where Islam exists in harmony with other religions. I believe that the invitations 2
  • 3. extended to my parents, who are religious leaders known throughout the world for their emphasis on harmony among religions, give clear evidence to this admirable aspect of Malaysian society. Prime Minister Najib Razak in his address to the United Nations last autumn called for a “Global Movement of the Moderates” of all religions to combat religious extremism. The Prime Minister’s effort, which he repeated at the University of Oxford just last month, is very much in keeping with the teachings of my father and deserves the support of religious persons everywhere. 3
  • 4. My father was born in 1920 in what is now North Korea. He was raised in a Christian home and met Jesus in a vision when he was 15 years old. In the public ministry that he began in 1945 and continues to this day at age 91, my father teaches that all religions have the mission to liberate humankind from the spiritual ignorance that results from our separation from God. He teaches that religions should work in harmony with each other to accomplish this task. In Christian terms we refer to my father as Messiah, Savior and the returning Christ. But he does not come for the sake of Christians alone. Nor does he consider it his mission to propagate 4
  • 5. the Christian faith to the exclusion of other religions. Instead, my father is the conduit for all people to inherit the True Love that is God’s divine essence. This is how we become the true sons and daughters of God. My father teaches that God’s true love can and should be inherited by people in all religious traditions, and that all religions can achieve their ideals of unity and peace by deepening their understanding of God. I would like to read a passage from my father’s autobiography to give you a better idea of his approach to religious harmony and peace. This 5
  • 6. autobiography was originally published in Korea in 2009 and has sold well over a million copies. The Japanese translation has also sold more than a million copies. Today, I will read from the English translation, titled, “As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen”. The section I will read is on pages 234 to 244 and is titled, “The Power of Religion to Turn People to Goodness.” The passage has been edited slightly in the interest of time. Please refer to the book for the complete text. On August 2, 1990, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein staged an armed invasion of Kuwait, igniting the possibility of war in the Persian Gulf. This area has long been a tinderbox, and I 6
  • 7. could see that the world was about to be swept up in the vortex of war. I concluded that Christian and Muslim leaders must meet to stop the conflict. I acted immediately to do everything I could to stop a war in which innocent people were sure to die. On October 2 of the same year, I convened on short notice an emergency conference of the Council for the World’s Religions in Cairo, Egypt, to deliver my urgent message of peace to the highest spiritual authorities of the Middle East and the Muslim world. Many wondered why I, a person with no apparent ties to the Middle East, would convene such a meeting, 7
  • 8. but to me it is simple. I believe every religion should contribute to world peace. A conflict between Christianity and Islam would be far worse than the conflict between democracy and communism. There is nothing more fearful than religious war. I sent a message imploring President George H.W. Bush, who already was trying to limit the conflict, to avoid war in the Arab world, and instead work to bring about Saddam Hussein’s retreat through diplomatic means. Our emergency conference in Cairo involved top Muslim leaders and grand muftis from nine 8
  • 9. countries, including representatives of the grand muftis of Syria and Yemen. At the core of the meeting was my desperate appeal to the Arab and Muslim world not to support Saddam Hussein’s claim that this was a holy war. Whether the United States won or Iraq won, what good would it do? What value would it have if it meant that bombs rained down, destroying houses, fields, hills, and precious innocent lives? The Cairo conference was just one of our many peace activities. On September 11, 2001, we all felt utter horror when the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City were 9
  • 10. destroyed by terrorists. Some people said this was the inevitable clash of civilizations between Islam and Christianity. But my view is different. In their purest form, Islam and Christianity are not religions of conflict and confrontation. They both place importance on peace. In my view, it is bigoted to brand all Islam as radical, just as it is bigoted to say that Islam and Christianity are fundamentally different. The essence of all religions is the same. Immediately following the collapse of the towers, I organized religious leaders from New York and around the country to pray and 10
  • 11. minister to the victims and first responders at Ground Zero. Then, in October, I convened a major interfaith conference for peace in New York City. Ours was the first international gathering in New York after the tragedy. These dramatic contributions to peace in times of war did not spring up from nothing. For decades prior, I have invested in promoting interreligious harmony. In 1984, I brought together forty religious scholars, instructing them to compare the teachings that appear in the sacred texts of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other major 11
  • 12. world religions. The book that resulted from their efforts was World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, published in 1991. What they found was that the sacred texts of religions convey the same or similar teachings more than seventy percent of the time. The remaining thirty percent are teachings that represent unique points of each religion. This means that most of the teachings of the major world religions are the same at their core. The same is true of religious practice. On the surface, some believers wear turbans, some wear prayer beads around their necks, others wear a cross, but they all seek the fundamental truths of the universe and try to 12
  • 13. understand the will of the Divine One. People often become friends even if all they have in common is the same particular hobby. When two strangers meet and discover they have the same hometown, they can immediately communicate as if they had known each other for decades. So, it is truly tragic that religions, which share the same teachings more than seventy percent of the time, still struggle to understand each other and communicate happily. They could talk about the things they have in common and take each other by the hand. Instead, they emphasize their differences and criticize one another. 13
  • 14. Our experience when compiling World Scripture leads us to believe that it is not the religions of the world that are in error but the ways the faiths are taught. Bad teaching of faith brings prejudice, and prejudice leads to conflict. Muslims were branded terrorists after the 9/11 attack. But the vast majority of simple, believing families are peace-loving people. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are sharply divided against each other in today’s world, but they share a common root. One of the main issues that keep them divided is their understanding of Jesus. To address this 14
  • 15. problem, on May 19, 2003, I asked that Christians de-emphasize the cross in relations among the Abrahamic faiths. Thus, we enacted a ceremony of taking down the cross. We brought a cross from America, a predominantly Christian culture, and buried it in the Field of Blood in Israel. This is the field that was bought with the thirty pieces of silver that Judas Iscariot received for the betrayal of Jesus. Later that year, on December 23, some three thousand Ambassadors for Peace from all religions, and from around the world, joined with seventeen thousand Israelis and Palestinians in Jerusalem’s Independence Park 15
  • 16. to symbolically remove the crown of thorns from the head of Jesus and replace it with a crown of peace. They then marched for peace through Jerusalem. Local authorities granted permissions and protected our efforts, and Palestinian and Israeli families supported our march for peace by placing a light in front of their homes. Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest mosque in Islam after those in Mecca and Medina, is located in Jerusalem. It is the spot from which the Prophet Mohammad is said to have ascended to heaven. Ours was the only mixed religious group welcomed to all parts of this 16
  • 17. house of worship. The mosque leaders guided the Christian and Jewish leaders who had participated in the peace march to the sacred spaces of the mosque. We were able to open a door that had been closed tightly, and prepared the way for many Muslim leaders to communicate at a new level with their Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters. Human beings like peace, but they also enjoy conflict. Human beings will take the most gentle of animals and make them fight. They will have roosters fight and peck each other with their sharp beaks until pieces of soft flesh begin to fall away. Then, people will turn 17
  • 18. around and tell their children, “Don’t fight with your friends. Play nice.” The fundamental reason that wars occur is not religion or race. It is connected to what lies deep inside human beings. People like to attribute the causes of armed conflicts to such things as science or the economy, but the actual fundamental problem lies within human beings ourselves. Religion’s role is to turn human beings toward goodness and eliminate their evil nature that finds enjoyment in fighting. Examine the major religions of the world. They all hold a peaceful 18
  • 19. world as their ideal. They all want to see a kingdom of heaven, utopia, or paradise. Religions have different names for this ideal, but they all seek such a world. There are numerous religions in the world, and virtually everyone is divided into countless factions and denominations. But the essential hope for all is the same: They want the Kingdom of Heaven and a world of peace. The human heart has been torn to shreds by the violence and enmity at our core. The kingdom of love will heal it. The greatest obstacle to the world of peace is avarice in peoples’ hearts. It starts in individuals and expands to the nation, and 19
  • 20. hearts stained with avarice cause division and conflict at every level. Countless people throughout history have shed their blood and died in conflicts caused by avarice. To eliminate such conflicts, we need a great revolution to change the erroneous values and thinking that are widespread in the world today. The complex problems our societies face today can be resolved quickly if there is a revolution in peoples’ thinking. If each individual and nation begins to look out for the other first, working together with the other, the problems of modern society will be resolved. 20
  • 21. Throughout my life, I dedicated myself to efforts for peace. Whenever peace is discussed, I become emotional. Tears begin to well up in my eyes, my voice chokes, and I can hardly swallow. It moves me deeply just to imagine the day when the world becomes one and begins to enjoy peace. That is the nature of peace. It links people who think differently, are of different races, and speak different languages. Our hearts yearn for this world and harbor a hope that it will be realized. However, peace comes through concrete action, and not just having a vague dream. But building a movement for peace has not always 21
  • 22. been easy. There have been many difficulties, and it has required large sums of money. I have not done this for my own honor, or to make money. All I did was invest my full effort, so that we can have a world where a strong and true peace takes root. For as long as I have been doing this work, I have never been lonely. This is because, ultimately, peace is the desire of every person in the world. It is strange, though. Everyone wants peace, but still it has not come. Each religion today thinks of itself as the highest, rejecting and looking down on other religions. It is not right to build fences against 22
  • 23. other religions and denominations. A religion is like a wide river flowing toward an ideal, peaceful world. The river flows for long distances before it comes to the wide expanse of peace. On its way, many streams flow into it. The streams cease to be streams from the point they meet the river. From that point, they, too, become part of the river. In this way, they become one. The river does not reject any of the streams that flow into it. It accepts them all. It embraces all the streams and forms a single flow as it continues toward the ocean. People in the 23
  • 24. world today do not understand this simple truth. The streams that seek out the river and flow into it are the numerous religions and denominations of today. Each stream traces its origin to a different spring, but they are all going to the same destination. They are seeking the ideal world overflowing with peace. Peace will never come to this earth unless we first tear down the walls between religions. For thousands of years, religions have grown in alliance with particular ethnic groups, and so they are surrounded by high cultural walls. Tearing these down is an extremely difficult task. For thousands of years, each religion has 24
  • 25. surrounded itself with such high walls, insisting that it is the only correct religion. In some cases, religions have expanded their influence and entered into conflicts and fights with other religions, using God’s name in places that had nothing to do with His will. The will of God lies in peace. A world fragmented by differences in nationality, race, and religion, where people attack and fight one another and shed one another’s blood, is not what God wants. When we shed blood and fight each other in His name, we only cause Him pain. A world torn to shreds has been created out of the desires of people to promote 25
  • 26. their own wealth and glory. It does not represent the will of God. God clearly told me so. I am only His errand boy, receiving His words and carrying them out on Earth. There are close to two hundred countries in the world. For all these countries to enjoy peace, the power of religion is absolutely necessary. The power of religion is in the love that overflows from it. I am a religious person whose role is to convey love, so it is natural that I would work for world peace. There is no difference between Islam and Christianity in their commitment to bring about a world of peace. 26
  • 27. In America, I lead a movement for peace, bringing together thousands of clergy who transcend denomination. Through this movement, we discuss ways that people of all faiths – Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, etc. – can come together. We devote our full efforts to change the hardened hearts of people. My purpose is the same today as it was yesterday. It is to create one world with God at the center, a world brought together like a single nation without boundaries. All humanity will be citizens of this world, sharing a culture of 27
  • 28. love. In such a world, there will be no possibility for division and conflict. This will mark the beginning of a truly peaceful world. Those are the words of my father. My father has put tremendous energy and resources into bringing harmony among the world’s religions. He was worked tirelessly to inspire all religious people to deepen their understanding of God’s divine essence. He believes that the walls that separate the major religious traditions today will crumble when the people in these traditions inherit the true love of God. When that happens, religious people can 28
  • 29. unite in harmony and lead the way toward a world of peace. Many people are surprised on visiting the Unification Church World Headquarters Church in central Seoul to find that we have a special room to honor the prophet Mohammad, Jesus, Buddha and Confucius, whom we refer to as the Four Great Saints. The Unification Church maintains friendly relations with the major orders of Korean Buddhism. The leaders of both faiths regularly attend each other’s religious events. There are conflicts in every country. The fundamental causes of these conflicts lie in the 29
  • 30. hearts of the people. It is the responsibility of religions to remove that cause, but religions cannot do that unless they inherit God’s true love and relate to each other in harmony. Malaysia is showing the world a model for religious harmony, and I look forward to seeing your continued development in this area. May the abundant blessings of God be on Malaysia and your families. Thank you. 30