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Think tank secrets

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This was published 20 years ago

Think tank secrets

They love to talk. It's their lifeblood. Ask the people who run any of Australia's 20 policy think tanks about their latest idea, or what political influence they may have exerted over the years, and the words tumble forth. When it comes to one subject, though, most suddenly become coy: they do not like being asked who funds them.

Greg Lindsay, from the leading right-wing Centre for Independent Studies, admits that financial backing comes from some large corporations, but he will not readily name them.

One CIS research report that criticises single-parent families, called Taking children seriously, does list some supporters, including McDonald's Australia, the Pratt Foundation, J.O. Fairfax, Dame Elisabeth Murdoch and Philip Morris. Asked why the CIS accepts money from Philip Morris, known foremost as a tobacco company, Lindsay says why not? It also owns Kraft Foods, maker of Vegemite.

When pressed, Lindsay is prepared to identify some donors - such as BHP Billiton, Shell, Western Mining Corporation, ICI, Neville Kennard and Robert Champion de Crespigny - because it is hardly a secret that all support the CIS. It would be unfair to name the rest unless they chose to reveal themselves, says Lindsay, and many donate on condition of anonymity.

Others disagree about the private nature of think tanks in Australia. Mark Latham, Labor's Treasury spokesman and an ideas man who has flirted with think tanks, attending their conferences and even busing members around his electorate, argues there is good reason to provide full disclosure of who backs such organisations. He says the benefactors of think tanks should be declared if their purpose is to persuade governments to change policy based on their research ideas because the potential for conflicts of interest is obvious.


"There's got to be an argument in terms of transparency," Latham says. "They should be as accountable as public authorities or journalists. We've had the 'cash for comment' inquiry - these outfits have been overlooked."

Gerard Henderson from the Sydney Institute is very reluctant about identifying his supporters - and claims it is not relevant. For a start, he says, his organisation only promotes discussion and debate: it does not seek to lobby governments. He also says his weekly column in this newspaper - which is compiled using institute resources and gives his institute email address - is "totally separate". It is written in his name, not representing the institute's views.

Henderson has attracted publicity over a $10,000 "charitable donation" given to the institute by Philip Morris in 1993. Before then he wrote in support of tobacco industry positions, describing smokers as a "disadvantaged minority" and criticising "social regulators". He has written little on tobacco since.

Henderson says he writes on different subjects all the time - there were some issues about tobacco industry regulations that were relevant in the early 1990s but they subsided and there was not much more to write about. "There is no evidence of any link between what I write and the corporate supporters of the Sydney Institute," he says.

Henderson says some funding claims are plain silly - he scoffs at a parliamentary question asked by Latham suggesting the Sydney Institute was backed by US intelligence agencies.

On the sponsorship question, Henderson referred the Herald to the institute's chairman, Meredith Hellicar, who says benefactors are not disclosed except for "those who've been happy to out themselves".

Hellicar says the institute generally receives small sums from large numbers of corporate and individual donors, which mean it is immune from cutbacks when three or four withdraw each year. Sponsors have included Shell, Boral, AMP, Australia Post, Macquarie Bank, Corrs Chambers Westgarth and BT.

At the right-wing Institute of Public Affairs, Mike Nahan says his group lost Rio Tinto because the mining company wanted to maintain good relations with Aboriginal communities. The decision followed publication of IPA views criticising Aboriginal self-determination policies and notions of "white guilt".

"If you don't take money from the Government, where do you get it from?" asks Nahan. "You rely on philanthropy. All funding comes with strings attached, which means if you're narrowly reliant you are at high risk. It's OK if you are diverse. If you lose some, your eggs are not all in one basket."

IPA donors over the years have included Western Mining, BHP Billiton, Clough Engineering, Telstra and Dick Pratt's Visyboard. Like most think tanks, the IPA's survival relies heavily on tax exemptions that help lure donors.

Accountability should be important for think tanks, says Nahan, which is why he says the IPA intends for the first time to publish a full list of sponsors and contributions in next year's annual report.

Sceptics, such as Clive Hamilton from the progressive Australia Institute, challenge why the IPA is suddenly enthusiastic about disclosure. He claims Nahan was left with no choice because the IPA has just won a Howard Government contract to research how charities, welfare groups and aid organisations lobby government departments, as a prelude to forcing them to disclose their funding and possibly lose tax exemption status.

Nahan says it should not matter who supports think tanks providing interests are declared. As an example, he says the IPA conducted independent research on petroleum refining and structural change in the oil industry regardless of Caltex, Shell and Esso being financial backers. It was the same with IPA research on electricity privatisation (industry players were among its supporters) and greenhouse gases (mining companies ).

Nahan says that the IPA also receives backing from Philip Morris and BAT - about $15,000 from each - and he has no ethical qualms about it. "We've said in the past that claims about passive smoking are not based on science. Although data does show that individual smoking is deleterious to health, it's a personal choice issue because it's a legal good and cigarettes carry labelling that warn of the dangers."

Unsurprisingly, big business is attracted to right-wing think tanks when their philosophies coincide. Like their British and American counterparts, the Australian right-wing groups are devotees of a 20th-century Austrian economist, Friedrich von Hayek, who theorised on the benefits of free markets and small government. Even if there are no obvious strings attached to funding, right-wing think tanks are spreading a message corporate Australia wants heard.

Academic Ian Marsh challenged the avowed independence of the right-wing think tanks in a recent study. He wrote: "The market-liberal think tanks - the CIS and the IPA - are less engaged in enlightenment than in persuasion and popularising a market liberal policy agenda."

On the left of politics, the desire to influence debate and political outcomes is no less evident. The problem - as even leading proponents agree - is that the broad left movement in Australia has lost direction since the collapse of communism in the West and many Labor Party views appear indistinguishable from the Coalition.

Hamilton, an environmental economist, says he formed the Canberra-based Australia Institute - regarded as the only successful left-oriented think tank - in an attempt to fill "a yawning policy vacuum".

"We don't schmooze and we don't lobby," he says. "We are not politically well-connected and we prefer it that way. We sometimes take up policy issues - such as private health insurance, the US-Australia free trade agreement, climate change and tax policy - but increasingly we inquire into social change."

Hamilton, too, is coy about benefactors but claims they do not attach strings to funding. He says the institute has a mixed group of board members whose opinions do not necessarily tally with research findings. They include the ACTU president, Sharan Burrow, and Melbourne businessman Kim Todhunter, who heads Tricom Securities. The institute has 500 members and has drawn funds from commissioned research for organisations such as the NSW Environmental Protection Agency, BP, AGL, the Australian Conservation Foundation and Greenpeace.

But the bulk of its money comes from an offshoot of Rupert Murdoch's family - the Kantors - who became wealthier when they sold their stakes in Murdoch's company to him and channelled funding to Hamilton's group through two private organisations, the Poola Foundation and Treepot Foundation.

Peter Botsman, who headed the faded left-wing Evatt Foundation in the early 1990s, says that Australia's left has "crippled" some of its think tanks by refusing sufficient independence. "We were not successful in overcoming anti-intellectualism and distrust in the ALP," he says. "It was illegitimate for Labor to argue against what we did because we were just as likely to criticise Labor governments as any other."

These days Botsman calls himself a "flea" because he attaches himself to welfare and lobby groups for specific projects. Few have moved around as much as him, considering he briefly headed the fledgling Brisbane Institute in 1999 and then became executive director of the Whitlam Institute based at the University of Western Sydney until he quit abruptly last December.

Botsman says he has a confidentiality agreement that prevents him from talking about what happened at the Whitlam Institute, but it appears he again ruffled feathers over his free thinking by writing that Latham, a fellow director, had "damaged himself in the process" by calling John Howard an "arselicker". A few weeks later, it was reported that Latham had "dissatisfaction with management and development".

A little known group in Australia, the Search Foundation, is an example of how the left cannot make up its mind. One source said the foundation, headed by Peter Murphy, was intended to have an "ideas role" when it inherited assets of between $3 million and $5 million from the dissolved Communist Party of Australia. But the foundation has abdicated any think tank role - instead it funds other causes that submit specific project ideas on indigenous issues, the environment, refugees and East Timor.

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