flat white

Restoring the presumption of innocence

For a nation that used to pride itself on hosting festivals of ‘dangerous ideas’, there has certainly been a ridiculous…

23 Jul 2024

A pilot plant for Net Zero

Both solar and wind energy have fatal flaws – solar stops when the sun goes down or if a cloud…

23 Jul 2024

Green feels chop over Labor deals

Last month, 15 timber harvesting operations were suspended by the NSW timber industry controller Forestry Corporation. The Environment Protection Authority…

23 Jul 2024

Trump will change the (energy) world

The film VICE traces the rise of Dick Cheney to the position of US Vice President under the administration of…

23 Jul 2024

Hate speech or censorship? Queensland to give more power to activists

What began as a worthy goal to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace has been hijacked by activists seeking to…

23 Jul 2024

Peter Dutton must take a stand against the eSafety Commission

A new video of a talk by eSafety csar Julie Inman Grant is circulating on social media, revealing what many…

22 Jul 2024

The Coalition must follow Trump’s lead

Wokeism is collapsing. The most putrid ideology to ever inflict liberal democracies is finally crashing. The perpetrators, those silvertails who…

22 Jul 2024

Presidential puppets: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are finished

‘Inevitability’ – it should be the word for the week. It was inevitable that a tech crash would cripple our…

22 Jul 2024

Decolonisation destroys knowledge

In 1945, British author George Orwell said, ‘One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that: no…

22 Jul 2024

Victoria’s government is rotting away

Putrefaction anywhere is generally unwelcome, but when it occurs in government it’s particularly nauseating. We not only have to bear…

22 Jul 2024

A bone to pick with Biden

Permit me a timely if controversial ‘dog with a bone’ essay, in which I play the dog. Here’s the bone:…

21 Jul 2024

The Trump attack and the death of consensus

Assassination attempts are the boiling point at which politics explodes. They are the final straw, the irascible tension when consensus…

21 Jul 2024

Trajectory towards assassination

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump during a campaign rally highlights the deadly trajectory of modern political discourse. No longer…

19 Jul 2024

World politics

I tried to lose interest in UK politics but when you have been following events in that country for literally…

19 Jul 2024

France threatens the euro

Emmanuel Macron, on winning the French presidency against Marine Le Pen in 2017, ordered the EU anthem ‘Ode to Joy’…

19 Jul 2024

DEI and the Pink Panthers

‘There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at with no result,’ said Winston Churchill who survived at least…

19 Jul 2024

Taking potshots at Trump

It has become an internet meme to misquote the character Syndrome from the movie The Incredibles: ‘If everything is racist,…

19 Jul 2024

God bless America

Seated on the South Lawn of the White House on 15 September 2020, we couldn’t help but stand as President…

19 Jul 2024

Election interference

Half an inch. Just half an inch. If the bullet had been a centimetre or so to the shooter’s right…

19 Jul 2024

What’s progressive about social decline?

Has conservative thinking been too complacent about important English words being hijacked to obfuscate their meaning? After all, George Orwell…

19 Jul 2024

What the Harehills riots said about Britain

The Harehills disorders, which started last Thursday in Leeds after social services removed five children from a Romani family, is…

23 Jul 2024

Who should Kamala Harris make her running mate?

It’s Kamala. The result of the last 48 hours, capping off one of the most eventful weeks in American political…

23 Jul 2024

Don’t let Ukraine’s culture be erased

Ukraine’s cultural autonomy is again under assault by Russia. Vladimir Putin appears to believe that ‘Ukraine and Ukrainian culture independent…

23 Jul 2024

Macron’s scheming could have disastrous consequences for France

French voters are looking on aghast at the state of their country’s democracy. Faced with stalemate in the French National…

23 Jul 2024

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Kiwi life

New Zealand in crisis Given the destruction the previous Labour government inflicted on this country, and the damage caused by…

29 Jun 2024

New Zealand’s carbon sequestration problem

Ongoing concern about climate change has fuelled debate about the part carbon sequestration might play in reducing New Zealand’s net…

19 Jun 2024

Why New Zealand is cracking down on immigration

The government of New Zealand this week tightened the country’s working visa rules in order to stem historically high numbers…

10 Apr 2024

Why is New Zealand’s deputy PM rowing with Chumbawamba?

In their musical heyday, the English anarchist punk band Chumbawamba enjoyed a reputation for having an irreverent attitude towards those…

22 Mar 2024

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Is Donald Trump a ‘badass’?

Logan Paul, a wrestler with 23 million YouTube subscribers, called Donald Trump’s immediate reaction to his shooting ‘the most badass…

20 Jul 2024

Dear Mary: Help! My teeth are too white

Q. I ride a bike from Chiswick to the City each morning. It is a ten-mile journey that takes 45…

20 Jul 2024

Don’t bother calling the doctor

‘If you are calling about sinusitis, sore throat, earache in children, infected inset bite from the UK not overseas, impetigo,…

20 Jul 2024

The myth of collective wisdom

After 250 years of American independence, a nation home to many of the smartest and most talented people in the…

20 Jul 2024

A David and Goliath battle involving a billion-dollar pornography website

Laila Mickelwait’s Takedown describes in fascinating and often distressing detail both why Pornhub, the Canadian-owned internet pornography video-sharing website, needs…

20 Jul 2024

‘I’m a hypocrite and a total fraud’ – the confessions of a French Surrealist poet

Michel Leiris (1901-90) was one of those intellectual adventurers who are the astonishment of French literature in the 20th century.…

20 Jul 2024

In search of kindred spirits: An Absence of Cousins, by Lore Segal, reviewed

In Lore Segal’s An Absence of Cousins, Nat Cohn, a fellow at the Concordance Institute, a small college in Connecticut,…

20 Jul 2024

Margaret Tudor – queen, regent and hapless intermediary

The history of princesses and queens has become well-trodden ground in the women’s history genre, particularly the Tudors. Linda Porter’s…

20 Jul 2024

Repenting at leisure: Early Sobrieties, by Michael Deagler, reviewed

Garlanded with praise from Percival Everett (‘the real deal’), Michael Deagler’s debut novel Early Sobrieties arrives with a fully formed…

20 Jul 2024

Another mistress for Victor Hugo: Célina, by Catherine Axelrad, reviewed

Recently I visited Hauteville House, Victor Hugo’s home on Guernsey, now magnificently restored, where he spent 15 years of exile…

20 Jul 2024

The irrepressible musical gift of Huddie Ledbetter

Huddie Ledbetter, better known by the prison moniker Lead Belly, was a musical genius born in the southern United States…

20 Jul 2024

An AI visionary looks forward to the best of all possible worlds

In 1993 Vernor Vinge popularised the notion of the Singularity – the point at which exponentially accelerating trends in multiple…

20 Jul 2024