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Word of the Day


Definition: (adjective) Lively and playful; frisky.
Synonyms: frolicky, frolicsome, rollicking, sportive
Usage: The substitute teacher found himself entirely overwhelmed by the energetic seventh-graders, whose coltish antics disrupted the lesson time and time again.
Article of the Day


With a name meaning "killers of monarchs," the Monarchomachs were originally members of the Protestant Reformed Church of France who opposed absolute monarchy at the end of the 16th century. Born out of the wars between Catholics and Protestants, the Monarchomachs promoted a theory of tyrannicide—the killing or assassination of tyrants for the common good—in their advocacy of popular sovereignty. What separated their political vision from the modern conception of democracy? More...
Daily Grammar Lesson

Indefinite Pronouns: People vs. Things

Both people and things can be identified in a sentence by an indefinite pronoun. Indefinite pronouns like "anyone," "everybody," "no one," and "someone" are only used to refer to people. What are some indefinite pronouns that are only used to refer to things? More...
Idiom of the Day


Any miscellaneous trinket or toy, especially one that is delicate or dainty. More...

This Day in History

King Abdullah I of Jordan Is Assassinated (1951)

Abdullah I was the king of Jordan from 1946 until his death. With Britain's support, he led Arab revolts against Turkish rule in WWI and, after the Ottoman Empire's collapse, became emir of the British mandate of Transjordan in 1921. When the mandate ended, he became king of the renamed Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. In 1948, he attacked the newly established state of Israel, annexing the portions of Palestine now known as the West Bank. In 1951, he was assassinated in Jerusalem by whom? More...
Today's Birthday

Petrarch (1304)

The "Father of Humanism," Petrarch was the greatest scholar of his age. He traveled widely, visiting fellow scholars and searching out manuscripts, and wrote numerous lyrics, sonnets, and canzoni. His awareness of the classical past as a source of literary and philosophical meaning for the present left a lasting influence on European literature and paved the way for the Renaissance. Many of Petrarch's poems are devoted to what woman, who awoke a lasting passion in him on Good Friday in 1327? More...
Today's Holiday

Colombia Independence Day (2024)

On the day they celebrate their independence from Spain, Colombians in the capital city of Bogotá often visit a historic place known as La Casa del Florero (The House of the Flowerpot). It was here that a Colombian storekeeper refused to lend a large flowerpot to the Spaniards. A riot ensued—the beginning of the revolt against Spain. There are Independence Day parades throughout the country on July 20. Schoolchildren march in their uniforms, and dancers perform in the costumes of their region. In the afternoon, people watch athletic games and listen to singing groups perform folk songs. More...
Quote of the Day
You, who are blessed with shade as well as light, you, who are gifted with two eyes, endowed with a knowledge of perspective, and charmed with the enjoyment of various colors, you, who can actually see…the Three Dimensions—how shall I make clear to you the extreme difficulty which we in Flatland experience in recognizing one another's configuration?
Edwin Abbott
Grammar Quiz
Word Trivia

Today's topic: warm

calid - Another way of saying "warm, tepid." More...

malmy - Pertains to weather that is warm and sticky. More...

nonchalant - Comes from French nonchaloir, "not heated," ultimately from Latin noncalere, "not warm or aroused." More...

tepid - From Latin tepere, "be warm." More...

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