The HAVI Training and Technical Assistance

The HAVI offers training and technical assistance for individuals and organizations who are considering starting a new HVIP as well as for the advancement of established HVIPs and member programs. In addition to the many free resources available to help establish and support programs, we offer expanded training and technical assistance for interested programs.

Training and technical assistance (in-person and virtual) offered by the HAVI Staff and Faculty include:

  • Elements of a Sustainable HVIP

  • Introductory Training for Violence Prevention Professionals 

  • Violence Prevention Professional Certification

  • Supervisor Training

  • Tailored, one-on-one phone consultation/technical assistance 

  • Webinars on a range of topics pertinent to HVIPs

  • Site visits (either trainee visiting a HAVI-certified trainer program or HAVI-certified training faculty visiting a trainee site)

HAVI Training Faculty

We are pleased to announce the establishment of the HAVI-Certified Training and Technical Assistance Faculty as part of our HAVI National Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Center. Our faculty comprises HVIP professionals representing a range of experience and perspectives, including frontline workers, HVIP program managers, hospital administrators, and medical directors.

Our HAVI Training faculty possess a range of expertise in areas such as: 

  • HVIP best practices and implementation

  • Frontline staff recruitment and supervision

  • Community engagement and partnership development

  • Continuity of care and client safety planning

  • Working with traumatized populations

  • Trauma-informed care and practice in HVIPs

  • HVIP fundraising and advocacy

  • And many more areas of expertise 

To obtain expert help or to take advantage of our TTA services, please fill out this online request form to schedule a free informational phone consultation to determine how we may best assist you.