The National:

RISHI Sunak was in Scotland on Monday for the launch of the Scottish Conservative manifesto.

Instead of listing policies which the Tories might enact if they pull off a miracle and manage to win the Westminster General Election in just ten days’ time, that manifesto almost exclusively focused on devolved issues.

In fact, the Tories mentioned the SNP at a rate of more than once per page – which if nothing else is a pretty impressive show of inability to stand on your own merit.

But while the soon-to-be-former Prime Minister was north of the Border telling Scots what he thinks they should hear, The National thought it only fair that Scots get their chance to do the same.

So, with that in mind, we hit the streets of Glasgow to find out what message the people of Scotland’s largest city would like Sunak to hear.

Unfortunately, several of the responses were too explicit to publish – but with the help of a couple of well-placed beeps we got some of the best reactions rounded up into one video.

You can see what Scots wanted to tell Rishi Sunak here:

The Tory leader will be hoping those sentiments aren’t reflected across the whole of the UK come election time on July 4.

However, if polling is anything to go by, they just might be.