Abandon obsession with woke issues, Police Scotland told

Certain offences could be ‘effectively decriminalised’ unless officers ensure all crimes are investigated properly, a retired superintendent has warned
In March, the force said it would no longer investigate every low-level crime after the success of a 12-week trial which allowed officers to focus on other priorities
In March, the force said it would no longer investigate every low-level crime after the success of a 12-week trial which allowed officers to focus on other priorities

Police Scotland must abandon its “obsession with woke issues” to ensure all crimes are properly investigated instead of “effectively decriminalising” certain offences, a retired superintendent has warned.

Fred McManus, the former president of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents, said the failure to dispatch officers to certain crimes due to budget cuts meant victims were “being treated as an afterthought and public trust is bound to suffer as a result”.

In March, the force said it would no longer investigate every low-level crime — such as theft from garden sheds — after the success of a 12-week trial in the northeast which allowed officers to focus on other priorities.

A report said the new approach to certain reported offences where there is no CCTV or