Anthony Scaramucci: Biden will ask Trump survivors like me for help

After 11 days as Trump’s communications director and a crypto rollercoaster, this master of reinvention is fighting hard for the Democrats — and writing self-help
Scaramucci has publicly called Trump an aspiring authoritarian and “orange wrecking ball”
Scaramucci has publicly called Trump an aspiring authoritarian and “orange wrecking ball”

Anthony Scaramucci is asleep on a sofa when I arrive at his colonial-style villa on Long Island. In an election news cycle that would break just about anyone, the man who was fired by Donald Trump from his position as presidential communications director after just 11 days (a period of time now known in Washington as “a Scaramucci”) is exhausted.

As well he might be. In between loudly plotting revenge on his former boss and doing everything he can to prevent the “big baby” from winning the White House again, “the Mooch” is running his asset-management company (which courted ruin after entering into business with the disgraced entrepreneur Sam Bankman-Fried) and evangelising on cryptocurrency.

Still, he bounces up, apologises and puts on a suit,