BBC Russian

Biden and Trump agree two debates: ‘Let’s get ready to rumble’

President and Republican rival set dates in June and September, before early voting begins in the 2024 US election. RFK Jr, a third candidate, says his exclusion is undemocratic

Donald Trump has accepted President Biden’s challenge to debate him, setting up two televised showdowns between the pair.

CNN will host the first debate in Atlanta, without an audience present, on June 27, before the party nominations are finalised. ABC News will host the second on September 10.

On Wednesday morning, Biden announced that he would not participate in debates that have traditionally been organised by a non-partisan body, instead suggesting two dates earlier than usual in the election cycle. Traditionally, three head-to-heads have been broadcast between the contenders for the White House, and one for their vice-presidential candidates.

“Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate,” Biden, 81, said in the video. “Now