BBC Russian

Airstrikes resume as David Cameron tells Iran: You’re accountable for terror

Britain and the US have attacked the Houthis to punish Tehran’s proxies again. The foreign secretary says Britain must use every tool at its disposal to ‘put out fires’

Lord Cameron inspects British military Land Rovers donated to the Lebanese Land Border Regiment at Rayak base
Lord Cameron inspects British military Land Rovers donated to the Lebanese Land Border Regiment at Rayak base
Caroline Wheeler
The Sunday Times

As the sound of blanks being fired echoed across the Beqaa valley, close to the Syrian border, the Lebanese army captured a pair of suspected terrorists.

Watching the drill from above on a viewing platform was Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton, who had come to Rayak, east Lebanon, to meet soldiers trained by the British Army.

Britain is proposing a plan to de-escalate tensions on the Lebanon-Israel border, where the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah and Israeli forces have been trading fire almost daily for the past four months, sparking fears of a wider war. It would include Britain training the Lebanese border regiment to carry out more security work along the shared frontier.

Houthi rebels filmed practicing on Israeli and US targets

“There are a lot of fires alight in the world and