‘Epidemic’ of young uninsured drivers as premiums surge

Average fully comprehensive cover quote for drivers aged 17-24 is now tops £2,000 a year
The cost of running, taxing and insuring a car is more than £3,000 annually for young drivers on average
The cost of running, taxing and insuring a car is more than £3,000 annually for young drivers on average

The number of young motorists found driving without insurance is surging because of the soaring cost of premiums, motoring groups have warned.

Between 2022 and last year, the number of drivers aged 17-20 punished for not having car insurance rose by 28 per cent. The figure has jumped by more than 200 per cent since 2021.

IAM RoadSmart, formerly the Institute for Advanced Motorists, warned of an “epidemic of uninsured younger motorists” on the roads.

The data was released by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency under the Freedom of Information act. It revealed that 2,902 IN10 endorsements — for “using a vehicle uninsured against third-party risks” — were added to the licences of those aged 17-20 in 2021. The figure increased to 5,486 in