How to stop being overcharged for your home’s water usage

Thames Water bills 1.2 million households based on a ‘rateable value’ that has little to do with actual usage. Use these tips to make sure you’re being charged fairly

Thames Water has a monopoly on most of London, but the debt-ridden company is on the verge of financial collapse
Thames Water has a monopoly on most of London, but the debt-ridden company is on the verge of financial collapse
The Times

The devil, they say, is in the detail. I had always assumed that I was being billed accurately for my water usage. Wouldn’t you? After all, we are mostly billed for our services according to what we use, right? Our energy, our gas, even our mobile phone data. Turns out that I was wrong.

I live on my own in a tiny one-bedroom flat in south London and I go to the office five days a week, so when my latest bill from Thames Water came in at the end of February, it seemed incredibly steep. It amounted to £478 for a year of water. I looked at my phone incredulously. I did not remember ever paying that much for water and at first it