I tried a £700 vitamin jab, the new must-have for rich homeowners

Forget fancy health clubs, luxury developments now offer Gwyneth Paltrow-style IV drips to residents. David Byers rolls up his sleeve and gives it a go …

David Byers receives an IV vitamin drip at Chelsea Barracks development in west London
David Byers receives an IV vitamin drip at Chelsea Barracks development in west London
The Times

I sprawl haphazardly across the plumpest of sofas in a smart wood-panelled room, deep within one of London’s most luxurious developments. I am surrounded by shelves stacked intricately with books and vases, while soft plink-plonk spa-style music plays in the background.

Standing over me is a young Canadian, Allie Johnson, who is chatty and exuberant as she rummages through a large bag and prepares her equipment.

She has in her possession a litre of something called Plasma-Lyte solution — she calls it “the champagne of IV fluids” — which she wants to inject into my veins.

“This fluid, they only use it in [operating] theatres. They wouldn’t use it in an average setting — even A&E — or on the wards really. It’s premium stuff.