Jeremy Corbyn threatens independent run as Labour seeks new MP

The former leader faces being blocked from standing for the party at the next election, having lost the whip in 2020
Jeremy Corbyn has sat as an independent MP since 2020, but has said he wants to stand as Labour MP
Jeremy Corbyn has sat as an independent MP since 2020, but has said he wants to stand as Labour MP

Labour is set for a showdown with Jeremy Corbyn’s local party and left-wing MPs amid moves to block the former leader from standing at the next general election.

Labour has opened the process to select a candidate for Islington North, where Corbyn is the independent MP, having lost the Labour whip.

Corbyn has said he wishes to continue to represent the area, and the local party have expressed their support for the former leader.

But Sir Keir Starmer said on Thursday that Corbyn would not be Labour’s candidate, and The Times understands he will not even be allowed on the shortlist.

It is understood that Corbyn, who is still a party member, could technically put his name forward for selection, but Labour’s National Executive Committee