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Jeremy Corbyn’s online army: the Facebook groups peddling hate

<strong>The Facebook group Supporting Jeremy Corbyn &amp; John McDonnell has around 28,000 members</strong>
<strong>The Facebook group Supporting Jeremy Corbyn &amp; John McDonnell has around 28,000 members</strong>

We Support Jeremy Corbyn
The biggest Facebook group with about 68,000 members. Open group. Two members of Corbyn’s private office are members. A letter posted on the group last week suggested protests against anti-semitism in the Labour Party were the work of a “very powerful special interest group”.

The Labour Party Forum
About 40,000 members. Closed group. Violent, abusive and anti-semitic postings were found on the site, but they were not as prolific as on some others.

Supporting Jeremy Corbyn & John McDonnell
About 28,000 members. Open group. Four Corbyn aides are members. One user said: “Adolph, you should have finished the job.” This comment, posted last year, has still not been removed by the group’s administrators or Facebook.

We trust and support Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour
About 27,000 members. Closed group. Anti-semitic and violent postings include: “The holocaust was a big lie!”

I’m backing Jeremy Corbyn for Prime Minister
About 24,000 members. Closed group. When the controversy broke over porn found on Damian Green’s parliamentary computer, a member said: “Why don’t we just get on with it and lynch him.”


Jeremy Corbyn Leads Us to Victory
About 23,000 members. Open group. Corbyn was a member until a row started over racist posts. A picture of New York Times journalists was posted last week with Jewish symbols obscuring their heads.