
Michael Matheson’s staying power exposes weakness at heart of Holyrood

John Swinney’s decision to back his colleague rendered the standards committee irrelevant, but voters may yet decide that they are not untouchable

The Sunday Times

Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose. The new collaborative, touchy-feely politics heralded by John Swinney have endured a smidgen under three weeks. I’ve had supermarket bouquets that have lasted longer.

On hearing the news that Rishi Sunak had called a general election, the first minister’s response was not to marvel at the novelty of allowing Scots to vote for their leaders — the past two first ministers and the past two prime ministers have been cantilevered into position without so much as a single ballot cast. It was to deem the timing “an act of disrespect to Scots” and to accuse Rishi Sunak of “contempt”.

As examples of political grievances go, this mash-up of ethnocentricity and huffy resentment is a classic of a