Moi Aussi review — a powerful message from Cannes’ #MeToo ambassador

The director Judith Godrèche’s short film had a profound impact at the film festival
Moi Aussi provides an exploration of pain, resilience and liberation
Moi Aussi provides an exploration of pain, resilience and liberation


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The actor and director Judith Godrèche arrived in Cannes as the ostensible “ambassador” of France’s #MeToo movement. She has spent the past three tumultuous months campaigning for French victims of sexual abuse, during which time she accused the film directors and former collaborators Jacques Doillon and Benôit Jacquot of rape (both deny the accusation) and called for an end to France’s so-called “omertà” around acts of sexual violence. She was added earlier this month to the official Cannes selection with her own short film called Moi Aussi. It’s a movie, she suggested, that would help start a “revolution” in the industry.

Tongues, of course, immediately started wagging, and when an anonymous list of ten alleged abusers in French film was sent to the National