Russia’s first trans politician reverts to birth gender

Roman Aleshin, who had previously gone by the name Yulia Aleshina, apologises to the nation and says the decision was inspired by praying for his ancestors
Yulia Aleshina, who has reverted to the name Roman Aleshin, detransitioned after a period of “spiritual anguish”
Yulia Aleshina, who has reverted to the name Roman Aleshin, detransitioned after a period of “spiritual anguish”

Russia’s first transgender politician has reverted to the gender he was assigned at birth, issuing an apology to the nation and stating that he was a “patriot”.

Roman Aleshin, 34, who had previously gone by the name Yulia Aleshina, said in a post on Telegram that he had made the decision during Orthodox Lent, when his mother told him he had been christened at seven months old.

“I went through old albums of my ancestors, prayed for them, and it helped the idea set in that I’m a guy,” he wrote, adding: “I’m a patriot of my country, that’s why I live in Russia. I apologise to the whole Russian people!”

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Aleshin said that the