Scottish Greens expel gender rebels who say ‘sex is biological reality’

At least seven members reported to have received confirmation that their association with the party has been terminated for breaching its code of conduct
Sources say at least seven members have received confirmation that their association with the party has been terminated for breaching its code of conduct
Sources say at least seven members have received confirmation that their association with the party has been terminated for breaching its code of conduct

Rebel activists who signed a declaration that “sex is a biological reality” have been expelled from the Scottish Green Party.

Sources say at least seven members have received confirmation that their association with the party has been terminated for breaching its code of conduct.

The Scottish Green Declaration for Women’s Sex-Based Rights, which was addressed to the party leadership and signed by more than 40 people with links to the party, said that sex should not be confused with gender and that women and girls should have the right to maintain female-only spaces, such as changing rooms.

Campaigners argue sex should not be confused with gender and that women and girls should have the right to maintain female-only spaces
Campaigners argue sex should not be confused with gender and that women and girls should have the right to maintain female-only spaces

Among the signatories was Robin Harper, the party’s co-convener from 2004-2008, as well as past and present members.

The declaration also said that women’s rights, based on the