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Stephen Mulhern: ‘Dad was Del Boy. I looked out for the police’

The presenter and magician, 47, on growing up on a market stall and avoiding the gym

Danny Scott
The Sunday Times

Mulhern was born in Stratford, east London. He learnt his first magic tricks aged 11 and became the youngest member of the Magic Circle at 17. He worked as a redcoat at Butlin’s Minehead before moving into children’s TV, hosting Ministry of Mayhem (later Saturday Showdown) with Holly Willoughby from 2004 to 2006. He now presents Deal or No Deal, Catchphrase and Dancing on Ice. The third in his Max Magic series of children’s books has just been published. He lives near Chiswick, west London.

I can’t stand doing nothing. Even if I’m awake at five, I’ll be out of bed and in the kitchen: two poached eggs, bacon, sausage, two slices of bread and butter, mug of tea. Bit of LBC on the radio, have a listen to what people are talking about.

It must be something to do with the market-trader background. My dad was a flypitcher on Petticoat Lane in east London. If you’re not sure what a flypitcher is, my dad was Del Boy from Only Fools and Horses and I was Rodney. Crack of dawn, Dad was out there selling novelty toys or them slice-and-dice vegetable choppers, me and my brothers looking out for the police.

Dad would let me have a go on the stall, and that’s where I learnt how to perform in front of the hardest kind of audience: real people. If you were to ask me who I’d like as a guest on my show, either Adele or Anne from Colchester, it’s Anne every time. I’m sure Adele’s lovely, but Anne will deliver.

Mulhern with Holly Willoughby on Saturday Showdown in 2006
Mulhern with Holly Willoughby on Saturday Showdown in 2006

My bathroom routine is shave, teeth, then put the shampoo on your hair before you get in the shower. It’s supposed to leave your hair much cleaner. And it works!


I swim a few times a week, but that’s it for exercise. Have you seen Andi Peters? He’s a beefcake. I gave it a go, but my mate said, “Does your audience really want to see Mr Universe present Deal or No Deal ?” He’s right. So, professionally, I make it my goal to avoid the gym.

I do like a nice suit when I’m working, and if there’s a decent budget I’ll go somewhere like Thom Sweeney, but I’m just as happy in River Island. Fellas, here’s my top tip: buy the suit two sizes too big, then go to a tailor and get it fitted. I guarantee the first time you wear it, someone will ask you where you got your suit.

I grew up in east London and my parents now live near Benfleet in Essex. I love going to see ’em — pie and mash for lunch or down the cockle sheds in Leigh-on-Sea. Like me, Dad is funny with his food. We’re a plain-eating family. He finds what he likes and that’s all he’ll have for the next six months. To me, it makes perfect sense.

Magic is still a huge part of my life. I do a season at Butlin’s every summer, honing my magic skills. Even if I’m going shopping, I’ll have a pack of cards in my pocket. And if someone stops for a chat or a selfie I’ll try out a new trick.

What with your David Blaines and your Dynamos, magic has acquired a certain amount of cool. But I didn’t get into magic to be cool, I did it because I loved it. Other kids watched Match of the Day and got into football, I watched Paul Daniels and decided to learn magic. And it was the magic that led me to be a redcoat at Butlin’s. It gave me a career.


Mulhern also hosted You Can Do Magic on ITV in 2000
Mulhern also hosted You Can Do Magic on ITV in 2000

I don’t splash out on much these days — maybe a nice holiday for my mum and dad — but I have bought a few bits of magic memorabilia. I’ve got Tommy Cooper’s wallet, one of David Nixon’s original tricks, one of Ali Bongo’s wands.

London is an exciting city, but I’m not one for going out on the razzle. My ideal Friday night is cheese on toast and a bit of telly. I start with old episodes of Judge Judy. I’m in bed by 10.30, listening to vintage Steve Penk wind-ups on my headphones.

Does it sound boring? I prefer to see it as making sure I do a good job. That’s how I was brought up. If Dad wasn’t at the top of his game on the market, he didn’t sell anything and the bills didn’t get paid. If I’m not at the top of my game, there’s a thousand people out there ready to take my place.
Max Magic: The Incredible Holiday Hideout by Stephen Mulhern, Tom Easton and illustrations by Begoña Fernández Corbalán is out now (Piccadilly Press £7.99)

Words of wisdom

Best advice I was given
Keep pushing that door. One day, it will open

Advice I’d give
Make a showreel on your phone and send it to the producers of all your favourite shows


What I wish I’d known
Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Concentrate on yourself