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You can’t move for music documentaries — but this Beach Boys show is glorious

The band were unassuming middle-class dweebs who captured the ‘California dream’ for one reason

The Sunday Times
Sink or swim: the Beach Boys were choirboys, not rockers
Sink or swim: the Beach Boys were choirboys, not rockers

I complained in this column a week ago that there weren’t enough arts programmes — programmes on art, that is. Music: that’s a different matter. Turn on any streamer and it’s a Technicolor twatstorm of stupid titfers — the Beatles, Wham!, Bon Jovi, Brian Jones and the Stones. You can’t move for desiccated, sunglassed musos next to some drums/a guitar/a theremin, telling you: “Of course, what he was actually brilliant at, was the slide whistle.” Or sighing: “Well, that was when they found him in the pool.” Why?

Well, they’re easy to make, for a start — it’s not as if these guys need a script, and it’s just archive footage and soundtrack all the way. Then there’s the publicity, which will be provided, energetically,