‘Losing by 20 points was a victory for us’ – life as a winless team

Newcastle Falcons may become third side without a victory in Gallagher Premiership history – and tales of Rotherham Titans and London Welsh offer stark lessons
Newcastle can avoid a winless season if they beat Gloucester this weekend
Newcastle can avoid a winless season if they beat Gloucester this weekend

Focus on the process rather than the outcome, they say, and if the quality of your performance is good enough, the results will come. “When you do that, the score will take care of itself,” was the dictum of Bill Walsh, the former head coach of the NFL side San Francisco 49ers, which has influenced subsequent generations of coaches. Well, try telling all that to the players of Newcastle Falcons, rock bottom of the Gallagher Premiership, who will complete a full season of the scoreboard failing to take care of itself if they lose away to Gloucester on Saturday.

Played 17, lost 17, their record reads. For most of the players, it is a dream come true to play professional sport for a living. But