Brexit: four years on, have Times readers’ opinions changed?

On the anniversary of Britain’s formal withdrawal from the EU we asked readers for their views — and you responded in your thousands

About a quarter of Times readers surveyed said that they voted Leave in the 2016 referendum
About a quarter of Times readers surveyed said that they voted Leave in the 2016 referendum
The Times

Four years after Britain formally left the EU, Times readers remain as divided as ever, but largely unchanged in their views on Brexit.

Of the 4,444 Times readers who responded to our survey, about a quarter said that they voted Leave in the 2016 referendum and three quarters Remain.

Of those, just 1 per cent of Remainers and 3 per cent of Leavers admitted changing their minds on the key issues, but almost a third of Leavers did express frustration at the way Brexit had been handled, with many feeling let down.

Peter Jeffrey, 66, from Sutton, who voted Leave, said: “The government has failed to capitalise on the benefits of Brexit, a need to get on with it in terms of trade agreements, stopping