Imagine: David Hockney a Bigger Picture; Gregg Wallace’s Recession Bites; CSI: Miami

Last Night’s TV

Imagine: David Hockney - a Bigger Picture


David Hockney quoted Walter Sickert to his puzzled interviewer: “Never believe what an artist says, only what he does.” Fortunately, Bruno Wollheim must have known this instinctively. Instead of going for a long sit-down with Britain’s greatest artist, he filmed him off and on for three years. What emerged, in last night’s Imagine, was an account of the artist’s lifelong but disputatious affair with the camera.

Hockney was, he told us, brought up in Yorkshire and California, the California available at the local cinema. His infatuation with it was consummated when he moved to Los Angeles. “I think,” he told us with candour, “all gay people like California because it is sunny and people wear