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Other views

“I don’t subscribe to a kid gloves approach. Victims [say that] the bullies are in control and enjoy what they do.”

Liz Carnell, Bullying Online director, is pleased that the Government has overturned Anti-Bullying Alliance advice that bullies should only be punished as a last resort, in Young People Now (Sept 7)

“We save the worst [students] from their own incapacity but we do little for the best.”

Alan Ryan, of New College, Oxford, on the downside of good course delivery, in The Times Higher Education Supplement (Sept 9)


“I’m concerned at the narrowness of the regeneration here. It focuses on booze and buildings.”

Liverpool councillor Steve Munby seeks a designated gay quarter to boost the city economy, in Regeneration & Renewal (Sept 9)

“I do not know many other organisations . . . where they expect people to travel through 10 or 20 years of a career and not reiterate what they stand for.”

Bernard Hogan-Howe, the chief constable of Merseyside Police, says he believes that the force does not do enough to train all of its officers, in his interview in Police Review (Sept 9)


“I hate the word social.”

David Cowans, director of the Places for People Group, prefers to see those in government housing as customers, in Inside Housing (Sept 9)

“It’s like asking turkeys to vote for Christmas.”

Mr Hogan-Howe tells Police Review (Sept 9) what he thinks about chief constables deciding on force cuts.