Planning, Audits and Reports

Strategic Plans | Biennial Reports | Internal Audit Documents  | Annual Reports on Measures | Annual Reports on Nonfinancial Data | General Reports and Publications | Purchasing, Bids, and Contracts | Budget Information

Strategic Plans

2021-2025 Strategic Plan for the Texas State Archives  (PDF)

Assessment of Strategic Direction (Report by the Parthenon Group)

State Plan for Library Services and Technology Act in Texas

Biennial Reports

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Internal Audit Documents

The Texas Internal Auditing Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 2102), requires certain state agencies to submit an internal audit annual report each year to the Governor, the Legislative Budget Board, the Sunset Advisory Commission, the State Auditor’s Office (SAO), and the entity’s governing board.

House Bill 16 (83rd Legislature, Regular Session) amended the Internal Auditing Act to require state agencies to post agency internal audit plans, internal audit annual reports, and any weaknesses or concerns resulting from the audit plan or annual report on the entity’s Internet Web site, at the time and in the manner provided by the SAO. Agencies are also required to post a summary of actions taken to address issues raised by the audit plan or annual report.

Beginning in FY2014, the internal audit annual reports will include any weaknesses, deficiencies, wrongdoings, or other concerns raised by internal audits and other functions performed by the internal auditor. The annual reports will also include a summary of the actions taken by TSLAC to address such concerns.

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Annual Reports on Measures


Annual Reports of Nonfinancial Data

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General Reports & Publications

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Purchasing, Bids, and Contracts

On our Purchasing & Bids page and on our Contracts page.

Budget Information

On our Budget Information page.

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Printed Publications and Microfilm List

Go to our State Library Printed Publications and Microfilm List for a general overview compilation of available printed materials produced and distributed by our agency divisions and departments in paper or microfilm.

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Page last modified: May 31, 2024