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Everything is perfect

@alexistheheathen /

Everything is sick, that's it. Alex/is, the rodless heathen, aro, feminist, satanist, flexitarian and an electro swing dancer wannabe with two left feet. Boldly going where no man has gone again. Slava Ukraini, death to our enemies. It/them.

Do any of u have decent recipes that are like 5 ingredients (not including spices) and take 45 mins or less to prepare i gotta stop eating sandwiches for dinner

yeah hang on

These are my two favorite comfort foods. They're very easy to make and dont take long to cook.

this recipe for gogumabap (sweet potato and rice) saved my life when i couldn't eat hardly anything for a long time. the recipe itself calls for a heavy bottomed pot but you can absolutely use a rice cooker and put the rice and diced sweet potato in together and just let the machine do its thing

Time for me to beat my little clown drum again for Indian-ish by Priya Krishna, aka The Easiest Recipes I Have Ever Fucking Made. Dal that takes 15 minutes. Easy aloo gobhi. Easy saag feta. Buy. Cook. Eat.


back when i was so sick that i could barely move but had to feed 2 kids every day, my go-to was chicken thighs with stuff. you put chicken thighs in an ovenproof dish, and on top of the chicken thighs you put. whatever. you can put some spaghetti sauce on them, or bbq sauce, or some spices, or pieces of cut-up vegetables and some olive oil, or some olives and herbs. bake at 300F for 1 hour.


For people who don't remember the 2016 Tumblr was full of Russian trolls who posed as progressive social justice blogs and urged young liberals to throw their vote away on a third party. You can read more about it here : This camapign was extraiordinary succesful and third party voters were a key reason why Trump one( if you look at the electoral results you will see that the race was so close that if the third party votes had gone to Hillary she would have easily buried Trump) Sadly we didn't know that this was a orchestred camapign until Tumblr released the data itself and told us who the blogs were. Those were not simple spam blogs. They were pros. They knew how to talk to people, they made real posts and interacted. They tried this in 2020 but we were wary because the memories were still fresh But now thy are trying again. I just found this guy who is running the EXACT same play book as in 2016. Pretending to be a person of color , poting progresive posts while at the same time urigng everyoe to vote third party. As soon as I called him out he immedately blocked me beause he knew I outed him. So now i's up to you guys. Don't let Trump supporting Russian trolls run their psy ops here. Report en masse and get them now instead of waiting for months for tumblr to tell us they worked for Trump REPORT THIS RUSSIAN TROLL NOW. DON'T LET THEM PULL THEIR GAMES AGAIN:


Just trying to catch that warm summer night feeling. It’s floating raccoons for me. apparently.

The team found that the cleaner wrasse previously exposed to mirrors were less aggressive towards larger and same-sized fish in the photos but were more hostile towards the smaller fish.
When presented with photos of larger fish, some of the cleaner wrasse were observed swimming parallel to the mirror repeatedly.
The authors wrote: “These findings suggest that these fish may have assessed their body size to decide whether to exhibit aggressive behaviour toward the intimidating larger photograph.”
The researchers said that this implies cleaner wrasse may be capable of metacognition – which is an individual’s ability to reflect on their thought process to plan and make decisions – but added further research is needed to confirm this.
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