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valentine the destroyer

@elljayvee /

anger about cladistics is part of my personal brand. bi. queer. they/them. heartbreak, old friend, goodbye it's me again.

how to find literally any post on a blog in seconds (on desktop)

there are so many posts about ~tumblr is so broken, you can’t find any post on your own blog, it’s impossible, bluhrblub~

I am here to tell you otherwise! it is in fact INCREDIBLY easy to find a post on a blog if you’re on desktop/browser and you know what you’re doing:

  • will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant. every single post, every single time. in chronological order starting with the most recent post. note: it will not find #croissants or that time you made the typo #croidnssants. for a tag with multiple words, it’s just /tagged/my-croissant and it will show you everything with the exact phrase #my croissant
  • will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the exact phrase #croissant, but it will show them in reverse order with the oldest first 
  • isn’t as perfect at finding everything, but it’s generally loads better than the search on mobile. it will find a good array of posts that have the word croissant in them somewhere. could be in the body of the post (op captioned it “look at my croissant”) or in the tags (#man I want a croissant). it won’t necessarily find EVERYTHING like /tagged/ does, but I find it’s still more reliable than search on mobile. you can sometimes even find posts by a specific user by searching their url. also, unlike whatever random assortment tumblr mobile pulls up, it will still show them in a more logically chronological order
  • will show you every post on the blog from november 5th, 2020, in case you’re taking a break from croissants to look for destiel election memes 
  • is search paradise. easily go to a particular month and see all posts as thumbnails! search by post type! search by tags but as thumbnails now
  • will show you every audio post on your blog (you can also filter by other post types). sometimes a little imperfect if you’re looking for a video when the op embedded the video in a text post instead of posting as a video post, etc
  • will show you EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant, but it will show you them in the archive thumbnail view divided by months. very useful if you’re looking for a specific picture of a croissant that was reblogged 6 months ago and want to be able to scan for it quickly 
  • will show you every audio post tagged with the specific phrase #croissant (you can also filter by photo or text instead, because I don’t know why you have audio posts tagged croissant) 

the tag system on desktop tumblr is GENUINELY amazing for searching within a specific blog! 

caveat: this assumes a person HAS a desktop theme (or “custom theme”) enabled. a “custom theme” is, as opposed to I’ve heard you have to opt-into the former now, when it used to be the default, so not everyone HAS a custom theme where you can use all those neat url tricks. 

if the person doesn’t have a “custom theme” enabled, you’re beholden to the search bar. still, I’ve found the search bar on is WAY more reliable than search on mobile. for starters, it tends to bring posts up in a sensible order, instead of dredging up random posts from 2013 before anything else

if you’re on mobile, I’m sorry. godspeed and good luck finding anything. (my one tip is that if you’re able to click ON a tag rather than go through the search bar, you’ll have better luck. if your mutual has recently reblogged a post tagged #croissant, you can click #croissant and it’ll bring up everything tagged #croissant just like /tagged/croissant. but if there’s no readily available tag to click on, you have to rely on the mobile search bar and its weird bizarre whims) will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the exact phrase #croissant, but it will show them in reverse order with the oldest first 

I’ve been here since 2016 and I didn’t realize this.

Time to go deep diving into my tags!

I suspect it was a previous version of this post which taught me about /chrono which I have found invaluable.

/archive/tagged/ is also probably more useful than I realize but I don’t remember to try it very often


i love how a big part of elizabeth bennet’s character is that she is obviously very smart, she is very observant, but she can easily be led astray by her preconceived notions, by things that she already has convinced herself of believing. and this is most obvious by her not seeing mr. darcy’s proposal coming at all, because girl that man was openly flirting with her. i don’t think this is shown a lot in the movie or the tv series, but he keeps teasing her, answering her witty remarks with a smile, the whole “i am not afraid of you” thing. like, charlotte saw it coming, colonel fitzwilliam definitely saw it coming, the gardiners knew as soon as they saw them together later in the book, mr darcy was not as subtle as he thought he was being

seriously, god bless you jane austen for giving us this romance of two fucking idiots constantly misunderstanding each other’s actions and intentions. god bless you for giving us mr “aha so like what do you think of your friend’s marriage? you wouldn’t mind living away from your family when you marry right? oh, no reason, no reason, just a random thought. and what do you think of rosings, you know if hypothetically you were ever a guest there, no, no reason hehe”, and miss “i wonder why i keep coming across mr darcy during my walks, i even made sure to tell him that this is where i usually take my walks so he can avoid me but we are still??? running into each other???? and he keeps asking me all these strange questions too, what a weirdo”

just, two idiots that were made for each other


Jane Austen: so, you go to Mr Collins' house and Elizabeth is there alone. She welcomes you politely, but she looks---troubled.

Colonel Fitzwilliam: and of course she does, after everything I said to her-

Fitzwilliam Darcy: do I sense if she is mad at me specifically or it is just her headache?

Jane Austen: roll an Investigation Check.

So, a totem. It's a small object, potentially heavy, something you can have on you all the time. It has to be unique, like - this is a loaded die. Only I know the balance and weight of this particular loaded die. That way when you look at your totem, you know beyond a doubt you're not in someone else's dream.



Context: this is a very common viewpoint on the ao3 subreddit which I very recently stumbled upon, but most people i’m friends with in danmei fandom (twt, discord etc) don’t agree and think negative bookmarks are rude.


Here's the thing: objectively, bookmarks are designed for readers' personal notes AND they are designed to be seen. That's why there are separate tickboxes for "Private Bookmark" and "Rec" when you create one.

The FAQ describes their purpose as:

An AO3 bookmark is a record of a work you want to remember, find more easily, or record a note about. Bookmarks created on the Archive can also serve as recommendations to other users.

and says that:

You can also add your own personal notes or tags for the work. The notes can be anything, such as brief reviews or reminders to yourself. Tags can be used to make your bookmarks easier to sort and filter.

So like. Yes. Bookmarks are for readers' notes, and they need not be exclusively recommendations. Authors should be aware that bookmark notes may contain unfiltered thoughts or negative commentary that readers did not intend for you to read.

(Unfortunately for everyone, as I found out on twitter one time, a shocking percentage of ao3 users do not realize their bookmarks are visible by default, much less easily accessible to the author.)

Now, does this mean I think readers should use the bookmark function to flame works they didn't like for all and sundry to see? No, this isn't fucking Yelp. I've never stumbled across someone with a bunch of negative bookmarks and thought, "whew, glad they warned me about all these fics!" but I've frequently thought, "wow this person sure spends a lot of energy on stuff they dislike."

It is one click to make a bookmark private, and that function ALSO exists for a reason.

@/gaypiratebrainrot has a great post on here that describes ao3 interactions as:

comparable to doing a live reading in an intimate little bookstore, like kudos are everybody who stayed til the end and applauded, comments are everybody who waited to come up to talk to you afterwards, and bookmark comments are the little snatches of conversation you overhear outside

I think that's a good way to think about it from all sides — bookmark comments aren't for the author, no, but there's a good chance they'll be overheard. And if you're out front of the store trashing the writing, whoever does hear you might think you're kind of a jerk.


As an author, I 100% agree with the original statement, and I want to add that the bookmarks ARE designed for personal notes AND designed to be seen but they're designed to be seen by other readers. Like the OP says, they don't get emailed to an author, and authors can't respond to them, because they are not for authors.

I also want to clarify the above:

That's why there are separate tickboxes for "Private Bookmark" and "Rec" when you create one.

A bookmark, by default, with neither of these ticked, is a public bookmark. If you tick "private bookmark" it makes the bookmark invisible to everyone except for you, which is the place where - were I a reader wanting to say things to myself - I would put notes to myself (including crit I wanted to remember, in case I did want to reread the story but needed to NOT reread the story under certain circumstances), rather than doing it publicly BUT... if a reader WANTS others to find your work but still needs that note for themselves, I feel like it's kind of a dick move to say they can't because the author might see it. Flames are kind of a dick move no matter what, but honest feelings/warnings/crit a reader is making a note of in a place where authors aren't really supposed to be and aren't given tools to interact with because the space isn't for them...

HOWEVER, if you tick "rec" that IS NOT the same thing as plain "public bookmark." It actually serves a third purpose, to change the "bookmark" to a "recommended story," which changes the 'bookmark' icon from a dogeared page to a heart symbol, and allows for extra sorting:

Here's the thing, and you can disagree if you want, but as a writer and a reader, I wholly believe that the readers at an archive ALSO should have options for a) controlling their experience of the archive and b) signalling/helping other readers find fiction (and be warned, if there's stuff an author didn't warn for). If a reader wants to talk to an author, they have the comment section. If the reader wants to speak to other readers, that is what the bookmark/rec section is for.

We talk a LOT about how people in fandom should curate their own experience, and this sentiment is usually directed at readers not reading stuff they don't want to read, but this NEEDS to include authors as well. Part of curating your online experience is understanding which spaces are for you and which spaces are not for you (they may be ACCESSIBLE to you, they may RELATE to you, they may be places you CAN go), so that you can choose to go to them or not.

But when you know that these places are not for you (they're for the reader), and that they may contain things you don't like (stuff about your story you don't want to see from strangers), and you go there anyway (regardless of reason)... it's not really on the reader. It might suck to see something as the author of the piece (and I have been there!), but ultimately you made the conscious choice to go into that section instead of curating your experience and staying out if it could negatively affect you. It's NOT the same as a comment section, it's not INTENDED to be the same as a comment section, and shouldn't be treated as one by authors.

What WOULD be nice is a "hide bookmarks" option for authors, so they can't see bookmarks on their own fics. In fact "hide bookmarks" and "hide kudos" and "hide hits" would all be nice options for the author UI.


You can hide any of these things with a skin, if viewing them is not something you want to do.


I love this analysis! For anyone actually interested in blocking their bookmarks/stats/etc., here are some relevant skins!

For anyone who wants to blanket block stats:

.stats .hits, .stats .kudos, .stats .bookmarks, .stats .comments, .stats .subscriptions { display: none; }

(I've used this for a year - maybe two? - now and I absolutely love it. I feel much less anxiety around stats when I can't see my own or anyone else's.)

For blocking just the bookmarks:

.stats .bookmarks { display: none; }

For blocking just links to bookmarks on your own fics (i.e., you'll be able to see the links to bookmarks on fics that are not by you):

.user-[INSERT USER ID] .stats .bookmarks { display: none; }

To find your user ID, go to your Dashboard and then "Profile." It's listed where it says "My user ID is." For example, my user ID is 3691233, so I would do:

.user-3691233 .stats .bookmarks { display: none; }

To hide any of your own stats (but continue seeing other people's stats, if you want to use them for choosing which fics to read, for example):

.user-[INSERT USER ID] .stats .hits, .user-[INSERT USER ID] .stats .kudos, .user-[INSERT USER ID] .stats .bookmarks, .user-[INSERT USER ID] .stats .comments, .user-[INSERT USER ID] .stats .subscriptions { display: none; }

And also, with the introduction of the muting feature on AO3, it's now possible to make it so you don't see a specific person's bookmarks if that person in particular is creating bookmarks that you don't want to see.


This is probably going to freak people out but when I am in a new fandom looking for fic, I actually sort by bookmarks. This consistently puts the stories that people care about the most right in front of my eyeballs first thing. I may not always agree with what is offered by that particular method, but it gives me insight and helps me understand the lay of this new land I have newly come to.

I'm also a writer which means I'm a complete narcissist and of course I check my bookmarks with comments to see what people have to say. but I have no beef with negative comments because people are allowed to say 'I wanted to like this but I didn't' or whatever so that other people who have the same tastes can also navigate the fandom better.


as a reader, I use bookmarks all the time. looking through the bookmarks of a story I liked is a good way to find bookmarkers who tastes align with mine, for example.

as an author, I do not look at bookmarks of my fic. i don't need to see alla that.


We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.


Who the fuck is voting no and can you please give me your money? Sincerely someone who makes about $17,000 a year


I assume everyone voting no is comparing that $65K/year to people making $6.5K/day, not to people making $0.65/day

or, you know, to how a household income of $65K/year is only a living wage in the state of Washington if we're talking about a household of one

Look, there is a floor to what I consider to be 'rich,' and it is at least an order of magnitude higher than 'can live and work forever in a single-person household.'


In my city, $65K is a living wage for a household of 2 adults, only 1 of whom works, with no children. It is not a living wage for a household of 1 adult and 1 child (children are more expensive than adults). If you want any children and want not to be in poverty you need either a higher wage yourself, or another working adult in the household (which is what we have -- I'm married and both my spouse and I are full-time employed).

I've talked about this before, but the point at which my spouse and I had enough money to a) pay all bills b) pay down debt AND c) start saving a cushion was when, together, we made about $75K. That was before we had kids (and also was a long time ago now). At the time, we lived in one of the lowest cost-of-living urban areas in the US, and that helped.

If a household isn't bringing in enough to do all of those things, PLUS support as many children as they would prefer, PLUS allocate money to do fun things that extra money is supposed to let you do, they aren't rich by any economic measure.


It’s crazy and fucked up that being yourself is actually the solution.

It’s like. When I was told to “just be yourself” as a kid I thought it was a passive thing. Like oh easy I just have to sit here and be myself. but the reason so many people think that “being yourself” is bullshit advice is because you actually have to make active choices to do this and it WILL make your life way more fun. You have to wear t-shirts of bands that were popular ten years ago because you like them. You have to do your hair in a way that you find cute or comfortable even if it’s “so nineties”. If your friend says a food you enjoy is gross to them, you can’t be afraid to admit you casually disagree. You have to do hobbies that you’re interested in even if you’re bad at them and you cant feel like you have to get good at something before you tell people it’s an activity you do. You have to read manga and comic books in public and get piercings your relatives think are unattractive. You don’t have to tell people you dislike that you dislike them, but you don’t have to give them your time and attention either. You have to rewatch that kids show you’re nostalgic for even if you’re in your 30s. You have to change your name if you hate it, even if only a few close friends can know. You have to get fun girly drinks at the bar. You have to order hot chocolate when you don’t like coffee and black coffee when you don’t like sweet things. I am still bad at practicing this but it is the only way to make it all tolerable.

And! And!

You have to figure out what these things are if you do not know them, which means making uncomfortable decisions that may not even have any ultimate benefit! Because that is the path to self-discovery!

In the end, it's all about practicing making personal choices from a young age, and being given the safety, space and resources to practice making them, without interference. Which in turn creates a more solid self worth and self confidence foundation, able to make an individual feel okay within themselves and therefore within the world they inhabit, also leading to better informed choices.

Neurodiverse and Trauma informed practice understands this. People who are lost as adults were funnelled through rigidity and not having the safety, space and/or resources during their formative years to practice making choices for themselves outside of survival and submitting to the contextual status quo behavioural requirements.


this is another place where the "treat yourself like you'd treat a little kid in your care" advice comes into play, isn't it


this reminds me i need to go shave my undercut


hey so idk if any of you care about this but I made a Community for current/about to be/formerly homeless people to hang out, and Tumblr approved it just the other day.

no real requirement here. It doesnt matter what type of or degree of homelessness you've experienced, how imminent it may be, or how far in the past it was for you, or how you got displaced. you can share your story if you want, or not. you can just post memes if you want, i don't really give a fuck, as long as you can be normal to homeless people you're welcome to come chill.

again, no matter the reason for your being displaced, all with any level of personal experience with homelessness or housing insecurity are welcome.

when you're homeless, people treat you differently. it becomes painfully obvious how having community is life saving, because suddenly you are excluded from so much of it. In 10 years of homelessness (my entire adult life), ive found that people are often the source of my troubles... and that community is also my best resource. It's a very fine and frustrating line to walk, and as is the case with other facets of my identity (disability, queerness etc), I find it much more refreshing and palatable to talk to other people who Just Get It, rather than petitioning someone to hear or understand me.

reddit has many different subs for homelessness (r/homeless, r/autistichomeless, r/urbancarliving, r/carliving, r/vandwellers, r/almosthomeless, r/vagabond & r/VagabondEurope, and probably others). I wanted a space like that on tumblr, too. please come hang out with me, I wanna hear how you're doing.

It's private to keep out the haters, so if you want to join you can either reply here or DM/inbox me privately if you'd prefer, and I'll send you an invite ✌️

Absolutely no one has joined yet, it's literally just me in there, so if you're worried about making a good impression, don't be lol

Still no bites


if the muppet show was still airing chappell roan would guest star and thered be a running bit of miss piggy thinking shes trying to steal kermit but shes actually trying to flirt with miss piggy the whole time

they lock eyes while shes performing good luck babe and miss piggy is visibly considering it

wait everyone else shush i need to be alone with this person for a second


For some reason as a like 5 or 6 year old I got one of those dolls that can pee and I remember being really frustrated that the pee went straight through it and there was no transformation of fluids involved, so I decided to make blueprints for dolls that had an actual digestive system & organs & all that. I was also a fan of Star Wars at the time so this resulted in my mom finding a notebook full of naked Star Wars characters (Yoda & his penis included) that I got in huge trouble for.


Obi Wan’s message meant that all the surviving jedi knew he was alive. They couldn’t know about anyone else but they knew he lived. He looms so large in their rebellion because of his message. Quinlan carved his own message into the wall of the safehouse for any jedi but knowing only of Obi Wan. He must have been thinking of Obi Wan. Obi Wan immediately knew it was from him. It was intended for him

In the midst of that amazing time in my life came the worst, and that was when my friends just started dropping dead. They were sick today and dead tomorrow. And when you would go to the hospital to look for you friend they would be out in the hallway on a gurney pushed up against a wall dying for help, dying for love, dying to be saved. And some of them with that sign on their gurney that said "do not touch". And they suffered, and people wanted to act like they weren't good people, kind people, wonderful people, somebody's son, somebody's daughter, somebody. // SHERYL LEE RALPH receiving the Human Rights Campaign's National Ally for Equality Award 2022. (x)

[ID: Sheryl Lee Ralph standing at a podium, giving a speech. She says: “And I want to remind you… just ‘cause have rights today does not mean you will have rights tomorrow. Don’t sit there in your happiness. Don’t sit there in your privilege. Don’t sit there looking so good, thinking that you think the fight is over. The fight has just begun. Don’t be so sure of yourself that you sit out an election. Don’t be so sure of yourself that you think everything’s gonna be okay. Don’t be so sure of yourself because forty years ago America stood up, rised up, and had to show gay people much they hated you. You don’t know what it’s like when you stand and see how easy it is in the home of the free, the land of the brave… How easy it is to have your humanity taken away from you. /end]


Title: Something Blue Edited by Bearon Edits Fandom: Doctor Who   Music: Suns and stars by Really Slow Motion Character:The TARDIS, the Doctor, Thirteenth Doctor, Twelfth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor Summary: “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.” What would the Doctor be without the TARDIS?

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