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@fromjannah /

jannah ✧ any prns ✧ 19 ✧ being the cowboy many of my donation posts are queued!

This is an emergency and so I will make it an easy read, as Amal CANNOT afford people scrolling past this post:

  • @amalashuor , a  young mother needs your help in buying baby food for her daughter Maryam. At only 18 months old, Maryam is in danger of severe malnutrition and this may even put her life at risk.
  • Amal immediately needs to raise at least €5000 to buy necessary baby products like milk, cerelac and even nappies.
  • I cannot overstate how important this is when Amal has been displaced TWICE in 10 days and has lost €4000 in transportation fees.  She was in Rafah for a long time and recently had to flee to Khan Younis due to IOF aggression. And again from the east of Khan Younis to the West to escape shelling.
  • Currently she has exhausted most of the funds she had raised given how expensive the cost of living has become in Gaza. With no income, this Gofundme is what she depends on to survive.

IOF repeatedly targeting aide workers has forced UN to temporarily suspend all operations in Gaza strip. Henceforth food prices are expected to skyrocket even more and Amal is at a loss as to what to do since she already spends €2500 monthly on meagre amounts of food that the family then has to stretch as much as they can so as to not completely starve. Amal also needs personal hygiene products during periods to avoid infection- we often talk about women's rights and health on this site, so please help this mother by donating.

Currently at €33,167. Please get Amal to €40,000. The money would cover costs of both baby food and personal hygiene products.


My family's life depends on your giving. I hope you will give as much as you have. I need you🙏


urgent food/insulin help 9/12/24

hey we need $78 for food for the week and $37 for bros insulin that he MUST take to stay out of an er? URGENT important we get help for this as we have nothing after paying 'rent'. We have 2 kids & 4/5 adults who are disabled we have 0 family or friends to rely on i know times are hard and ppl aren't rich. If u cant help dont worry but if ur able to d*nate anything is appreciated if u do send hate, blocked.


Hello everyone,

I'm Ahmed, living far from my family who are going through the hardest time of their lives. They are displaced in tents that offer no protection from the cold or the summer heat. Even getting water is a struggle for them. On top of that, they face rockets and shells being fired at them while they are in their tents.

I can't describe the feeling I had when I woke up to the news that last night the occupation dropped tons of explosives on the displaced people's tents while they were asleep. They were buried under the sand by barrel bombs. The news says entire families have been wiped off the face of the earth. Then I pick up my phone to check on my family. I call my father, no signal. I call my mother, no signal. Do you know the panic and fear I live through every moment worrying about my family?

I can't do much from here, but you can be a helping hand. Your donation and sharing of this message might give them a chance to survive and possibly help them leave Gaza as soon as possible.

Every minute of your time and every share of this story could make a huge difference in my family's lives. Please help me do what we can to support my family and alleviate their suffering.

Ahmed's campaign has been promoted by Bilal-Salah0. Bilal's campaign is listed as #132 on the verified fundraiser spreadsheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi. Also vetted by association. Ahmed is a friend of @/hazempalestine (#281 on the verified fundraiser list by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi.). See post here.

€3,094 raised of €55,000 target! Only 3 donations in more than 24 hours!!!

Ahmed is trying to evacuate his family of 12, including 6 adults and 6 children under 16 years old!!! That's 6 children facing bomb threats every day!! Please help him get them to safety!

To illustrate the severity of the bombing, Israel dropped 2000 pound bombs on tents housing displaced families. This not only killed at least 40 people while injuring another 60 more, but also left behind craters that are at least 9-meters deep at the site of impact. Israel designated Al-Mawasi as a 'safe zone' and yet still bombed the displaced families staying there! Where are people supposed to go? While Ahmed's family survived the bombing, they need all the support they can get !!

Currently €3,144 raised of €55,000 target!

Currently €3,189 raised of €55,000 goal!

Please help Ahmed's 12 family members (including 6 children!) evacuate to safety!

The deadliest strike came Wednesday afternoon, targeting the U.N.’s Al-Jaouni Preparatory Boys School in central Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp. (...) At least 14 dead from the strike, including two children and a woman, were brought to Awda and al-Aqsa Martyrs hospitals nearby, officials from the facilities said. At least 18 people were wounded in the strike, they said. (source)

Yesterday's strike happened very close to where the Shehab family has been sheltering, they couldn't sleep because of the heavy shelling & gunfire last night, and today, several homes in Nuseirat were bombed. Again.

Please keep sharing and donating.

(vetted here & by the ButterflyEffect Project, #764)


(12 September 2024)

I had long predicted both Trump’s win and that his goal was to rule like an authoritarian kleptocrat. These predictions were derided in 2016 but have now become mainstream to the point of spawning a cottage industry. Unfortunately, the cottage industry does not address the root causes of American autocracy but reduces them to Trump — and Trump alone.

To do otherwise would require challenging the institutions that made Trump possible — in particular, the DOJ that let him run free despite his half-century crime spree.

As a result, Americans are forced to live forever on the precipice, while politicians and pundits feign opposition for profit. They need you to see Trump as a novel and singular threat, instead of a long-time player in multiple corrupt networks — because they inhabit those same networks, as do their financial backers.

My guess is that you, dear reader, would like autocracy to actually be defeated — in the form of Trump, and in general.

But that is not what The Autocracy Cottage Industry wants. They would rather join the Trump administration and then write tell-all books about crimes they witnessed but did not stop. They would rather pass the same repressive policies Trump did but cloak them in gentler rhetoric. They fundraise off your fear.

The Autocracy Cottage Industry is extremely American: anti-fascism became so commercialized that it enabled fascism. Instead of fighting the autocrat or analyzing the institutional corruption that rendered the US the first country in history to let a coup plotter run for president, an “opposition” swarming with scammers bolstered Trump’s brand — elevating it instead of ending it. Former DOJ employees, baselessly insisting that Trump was being secretly apprehended, were key to this endeavor.

One consequence of DOJ inaction is that Trump’s voters no longer consider him a threat, even though a record number did in the months after the Capitol attack. The lack of punishment for committing sedition has convinced them that Trump is innocent, which he is not, and further inflamed his base.

But lack of accountability does not bother Vichy Democrats or Never-Trump Republicans or the predatory scammers surrounding them. It keeps them in business. For their operation to succeed, the public must abandon critical thinking in favor of cult logic. Memes and mantras replace contemplation and compassion, rendering humans indistinguishable from bots. They took MAGA and made a mirror.

In their formulation, there is only Trump and Not-Trump. Your thinking must never extend beyond that binary.

Nor can your knowledge of history. Or you will see a recurring cast of corrupt characters guiding politics, some of whom — Elliott Abrams, Michael Chertoff, Jamie Gorelick — pop up in both Democratic and GOP administrations for decades on end.

You will notice parallels to Trump’s rise in war criminals like Dick Cheney, who was elevated to power in the 2000 SCOTUS ruling buoyed by a riot led by Trump advisor Roger Stone.

You will note that Cheney is endorsing Trump’s opponent, Kamala Harris, and that Harris is “honored” by his support.

Harris cannot control who endorses her. But her warm response to Dick Cheney’s approval should be greeted with alarm — particularly when war criminals are welcomed into the Harris fold while antiwar protesters are rejected.

It is obvious what happened even if some are reluctant to cop to it: Bush-era Republican operatives, unable to function in the chaos of MAGA, saw an opportunity to remake the Democratic Party, which had been lurching to the right since the 1990s, and took it. They left receipts: the conservative Lincoln Project is Harris’s fourth biggest donor. Change in Democratic Party policy is determined by donations — not only the Lincoln Project’s — and then rationalized with the Trump/Not-Trump binary.

Democrats are now told that Dick Cheney is “good” because he endorsed Harris and that they should see this as “unity” instead of contamination. Ironically, Dick Cheney had already unified America in loathing, leaving office with a 13% approval rating.

That’s real unity though — like the unity of Americans across parties who want to stop arming Israel. The kind of unity that is deemed unacceptable by Democrats, even though it would help them win.

If I were an operative whose goal was war with Iran — the goal of neocons since the Reagan era, shared by Netanyahu and his cabinet, and frequently mentioned as likely regardless of who is president — I would do the following:

I would partner with the most warmongering members of the Democratic party and oust progressives by hand-picking and exorbitantly funding their opponents. I would rehabilitate Bush and Cheney. I would extol the virtues of Ronald Reagan at the Democratic National Convention. I would brag about having “the most lethal fighting force in the world.”

I would frame this militarism as normal, even joyful. To Democrats wondering what happened to the 2020 version of their party, I would claim that there is no other option in a Trump/Not-Trump world.

“It’s a binary choice,” I would recite like a mantra.

I would shrug at the fact that both sides want war and abet genocide, forcing voters to “choose” policies they despise while trying to practice harm reduction on other issues. I would say “that’s just the way it is” so no one would dare dream of how it could be.

I would frame sadism as pragmatism and get away with it.

While rehabilitating GOP evildoers of old as respectable vanguards of the American way, I would continue portraying MAGA as their wild-eyed opponents — even though Trump has proven just as useful to the Iran War effort, and it wouldn’t be a problem for the plan if he won. Trump filled his cabinet with Iran war hawks like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, carried out extrajudicial assassinations of Iranian leaders, and was allegedly seeking to strike Iran right before he left office.

The real obstacle to the plan would be Americans, who oppose war across the political spectrum. With the World War II generation largely gone, most Americans have only witnessed pointless, devastating wars built on lies — wars that only corporations won. The prospect of an Iran war would likely lead to mass protests.

But if precedent holds, a narrow Trump loss would also lead to mass protests by MAGA voters — including ones involving threats of violence to civil servants and to Democrats in general.

The nightmare scenario is if these protests happen concurrently. It is easy to imagine, if post-election violence occurs, liberals approving extreme force being used to suppress protests — whether against a civil war or a foreign war — out of sheer terror. Dissent would cease, and regulations on opposing the war — laws restricting speech and assembly — would pass in the chaos.

If this outcome were my goal, I would prepare years in advance. I would make sure powerful seditionists stayed unpunished, back the creation of Cop Cities, and flood the police with money. I would leave in place saboteurs from the 2020 election, like FBI head Christopher Wray and Louis DeJoy, to make a coup sequel easier.

I would countenance brutal tactics in Israel, including the assassination of non-violent American activists, to show that the American government will not protect you if you deviate from the party line.

If you think all this sounds far-fetched, wait until you hear about the Iraq War.


Help Firas & Nisreen pay for their medical studies!

i have posted about my friend Firas @firasmuhaisenn and his sister Nisreen at length before here they are two siblings living in Egypt, currently enrolled in university, about to start their second year. their biggest dream in life is to finish medical school to be able to help people in Gaza and give back to their community. they were all set to start this journey but then everything changed on October 7th. their family is stuck in North Gaza with no way out and no way to pay for the skyrocketing food prices. Firas & Nisreen are, on top of everything else, responsible to send their family money so they can survive. every little bit you can give to them is helpful. i cannot overstate how extremely urgent this is. their fundraiser keeps stagnating a lot, oftentimes going without a single donation for days. we cannot afford this right now!! TO PAY FOR THEIR NEXT YEAR OF UNIVERSITY THEY NEED TO URGENTLY PAY $6000 USD (~ $8,155 CAD) UNTIL THE 15th OF OCTOBER

their last donation was 2 days ago! so far, they have $8,416 CAD / $16,571 CAD (short term goal). please, donate and if you can't share this!

[ID: A gfm with two images side by side. The first one shows a man standing in front of a ruined factory that has mostly been turned to rubble. The second one shows more extent of the destruction. The title of the GFM is "Donate to Help evacuate our family and complete our studying, organized by Firas Muhaisen" End ID] shared by @/90-ghost here

tagging for reach under the cut, apologies. please lmk if you'd like to be removed:


Deyaa is a 15 yo from Gaza, I have posted about his previous campaign, after getting the money needed to evacuate but not being able to because Israel closed the border, he was bombed and lost both his arms.

Not long before Deyaa being injured his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, please help us spread this campaign to help them cover basic needs and medical expenses, donate if you can any amount will make a difference.

If anyone has any information about medical evacuation for people in Gaza please reach out, the hospital where Deyaa is being treated is located in an area that is currently being invaded by the IOF.

Thank you !!


Only 2 donations in the past FOUR HOURS. Please help this family using whatever you’re able to spare

$5,223 USD raised of $25,000 goal as of August 23

as of today it's still not even halfway there please keep donating and sharing as well!!!

Contributions for Deyaa are slowing down, this GFM is verified by me, I hosted for Deyaa when he was fundraising to get funds to evacuate. Since his mother has breast cancer and he lost both arms because of the bombs of the ocupation he now has this GFM for basic needs and medical expenses.

Could you pls help us sharing it?

Tagging for reach pls let me know if you don't wanna be tagged.

Thank you!!


Dear friends, Huda is going through unimaginable hardship after losing half of her family in the war. Now, she faces a new challenge: leaving Gaza in search of safety and a better life. Unfortunately, the campaign is progressing slowly, and we need your solidarity and support to reach our goal.

By sharing the campaign and donating, we can give Huda a real chance for a fresh, safe start. Every donation makes a difference.

€834 raised of €60,000 goal


Urgent Help Needed To Save My Beloved Family

Can You Please Help

My name is Sameer Al Khaldi. I am a Palestinian refugee living in Gaza with my family of 17 people in a tent facing the worst war in human history. During the current Gaza war, my house was completely destroyed resulting in the loss of my business and all our belongings. Me and my family have since been displaced in the streets with no shelter, lack of access to food, drinking water, and healthcare necessities. Despite we were camping in areas which were announced as safe, we faced an imminent danger of death by Israeli airstrikes in our camping neighborhoods several times which resulted in serious physical and psychological impacts on us as well as my little grandsons. I am writing this fundraiser hoping to get help with your generous donations to evacuate Gaza immediately to a safer country.

Before the war, we were having a normal life in Gaza having our own business and working hard with my sons and brothers to be able to survive under the Gaza siege. We were preparing for my daughter's wedding which was supposed to take place this summer but unfortunately she got all her wedding dresses and belongings gone with the destroyed house. She's now left with nothing hoping to be able to get married to her fiancé in a safer place one day. One of my sons was supposed to complete his high school education this year and was passionate about enrolling in a university to study business but the war deprived him from this success and left him hopeless while seeing other students in the west bank receiving their high school certificates while he's left behind. I hope this fundraiser with your generous support would help him to get out of Gaza and continue his education and achieve his life goals abroad. The funds collected through this fundraiser will be used to pay for the travel expenses for myself and my family of 17 people including 9 adults and 8 children. We hope one day will be able to rebuild our lives peacefully and get back to stable conditions with safety and protection for our kids like other children in the world.


Sameer is a friend of @mohiy-gaza. Mohiy shared his account with me.

As of August 8th, Samer's campaign has only $240/$50,000

Samer is raising funds to evacuate himself and his family of 17, consisting of 9 adults and 8 children. The genocide has robbed them of many of lives joys, including Samer's daughter's wedding and his son's high school graduation. They hope to rebuild our lives peacefully and live with their children in safety.

This campaign is vetted by association through @mohiy-gaza, who I also got a message from asking for help for his friend's family. Proof under cut.

Disclaimer: I'm not an official vetter, but there aren't many people vetting right now so I will provide evidence for you to use your own judgment on. I do encourage you to share and donate if you feel comfortable.

Currently $1,925 USD raised of $50,000 goal.

As you can see above, this campaign is Vetted by association. This campaign belongs to a friend of @/mohiy-gaza. Mohi's gfm has been shared by 90-ghost. Both @/ana-bananya and @/dlxxv-vetted-donations has been able to confirm this connection by reaching out to Mohi, please see linked post.

Thank you so very much 🇵🇸🍉🙏🤲 @a-shade-of-blue

Sameer's family is VERY LOW ON FUNDS! At the time of writing, their campaign has only received $2,520/$50,000.

Sameer has been vetted by association, so please do not hesitate to donate and share!

Thanks a lot for your kindness and your support, really appreciated. 🙏🙏 @ana-bananya

@palipunk @palidoodles @el-shab-hussein @communistchilchuck @northgazaupdates @stil-lindigo @queerstudiesnatural

@bluebellsinthedells @palestine @rizzyluke @kordeliiius @self-hating-zionist @thenewgothictwice @raelyn-dreams @unfortunatelyuncreative @licencetokrill @jezebelgoldstone @ramelcandy @petracourtjester


@palestinegenocide @nabulsi@sayruq@f1dyke@sar-

soor @appsa @oopollo-blog@fireyfobbitmedicine

@ibtisams @90-ghost@fairuzfan@sar-soor @nabulsi

@aces-and-angels @interfacefox@cosmic-collective-

system@finnslay@muchmossymess @rez-urrection







this is not normal. Palestinian students the same age as me or in many cases even YOUNGER shouldn’t have to be online 24/7 advocating for their families just so they have some money to buy food and buy a tent after their old one was destroyed by a drone strike. please don’t be desensitized by this. there is an onslaught of atrocities being committed by israel every single day but we have to keep standing up for Palestinians.

the students on my dash… they’re all so young they have aspirations they have hopes. but now they need to wake up at the crack of dawn to line up at the food distribution center not knowing if there’s a sniper somewhere watching them. this is horrific

im revisiting this post today, on September 11, after iof bombed Jabalia camp again 3 hours ago. warplanes continued their trend of targeting family homes and densely populated tent areas. at least 12 people are martyred, dozens are injured. on average, there has been an attack on Jabalia in North Gaza every 3 days for a month now.

my friend Hazem (vetted #281 here) was forced to raise his family's goal today. his parents had called him asking him to do so, as they were again running low on funds for food. rice and flour prices are 30x higher in North Gaza than anywhere else, and Hazem's five siblings are horribly malnourished.

help this family to their goal 70k as soon as possible, I implore you. the family has no money to buy food next week, this is a big source of anxiety for Hazem's parents

only TWO donations in the past 3 hours. €50,705 / €70,000 goal as of September 11.

please continue to help Hazem.. we barely helped his family raise €300 for the entire day today. this is barely enough for the family to survive on, not to mention when the family also has to set aside an emergency relocation fund to repurchase whatever gets destroyed in bombings.

iof bombed children lining up for bread last week. then a school. now entire blocks of apartments and tents. please help. i fear for Hazem's family.

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