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This Is The World We Live In

@lesbiannova /

Hi, you can call me Leilukin. Early 30s. Malaysian Chinese. Lesbian. TME Non-binary. Queer. Autistic. They/she/他/她. This is a personal & multi-interest blog.
Credit: @theprideful for the mobile header

Hey guys, I'm not fully certain what happened but from what I understand so far, yesterday I reblogged this post from someone who looks into scams on tumblr, and the person I reblogged it from has just updated to clarify the accounts belong to members of the same family they're not scammers at all.

Apologies for reblogging a speculative post without concrete evidence of wrongdoing. Sorry to @malokamohamed and @supportgaza and others.

Mahmoud ( @supportgaza ) has requested I not show his original message due to it containing some personal information, but there was essentially a miscommunication between Mahmoud and his relatives about starting the second fundraiser, leading Mahmoud to believe that scammers were behind it.

I am in the process of contacting people who interacted with my original post to clarify that neither @malokamohamed nor @mohammeedibraheem are scammers, but are relatives of Mahmoud. I apologize to everyone for spreading false information.

Please do not contact either Mahmoud or any of his relatives about this further, as it has been cleared up. This has been a stressful event for the both of them, and they are both in need of help to evacuate their family.

Photo ID: A chat between me (on my main @cluelessbot) and Mahmoud ( @supportgaza) Me: Hi Mahmoud, I'm so sorry this happened! Thank you so much for informing me. I imagine this has been a stressful situation for the both of you, and I apologize for contributing to this mess. I will reach out to your brother as well and apologize for making the scam post about him; I just wanted to respect your wishes, not hurt him or any of your family. Me: I will keep your message private at your request, but in order to let others know about your brother being the person behind that fundraiser, may I post the next message with your confirmation? It will probably help others believe that he is actually not stealing your photos, and support him. Me: Regarding the callout post about Mohammed Ibraheem ( @malokamohamed , @mohameedibraheem) the original fundraiser creator, Mahmoud, (@supportgaza) has reached out to me and let me know that the person we thought was a scammer is actually his brother. Due to the hectic situation that families in Gaza face as well as the lack of reliable internet, there was a miscommunication between Mohammed and Mahmoud about Mohammed's creation of his fundraiser. Mohammed is not a scammer or trying to impersonate Mahmoud, but is a direct relative of Mahmoud. His fundraiser is legitimate, and is also vetted by association through Mahmoud. Please continue to support both fundraisers, and refrain from messaging either Mohammed or Mahmoud about it further. Mahmoud: I am deeply sorry for this mess; I really am! I had no idea whatsoever he asked someone to set up a campaign; he was too embarrassed to let me know; I am focusing on evacuating all my brothers and sisters and their little one because I know the war won’t stop. I/ sr /ae /li commanders made statements today that defeating H/ a/ ma/ s will take another whole year; to me this means the genocide and horror will crush everyone. Therefore I must act. My apologies again and thank you for understanding Mahmoud: Please feel free to make a post to clarify things. Thank you very much!

These are both legitimate fundraisers! Mahmoud has been vetted here, #151.


My least favorite things about anti- UBI discourse is always the techbros whining that "nobody is going to work anymore! People will just watch Netflix all day!" and I have 2 responses:

1) Who the fuck cares. Who the fuck cares what people do with their time! That's kind of the fucking point!

2) People aren't going to stop laboring. Housework (look, it's right there in the word!) will still need to be done. So will maintenance on our homes and personal spaces. Children will still need carers, as will the elderly and disabled. There are millions of examples of ~work~ that we do all the time, uncompensated, that won't suddenly stop because we aren't forced to sell our labor to provide corporation's profits.

I'm not surprised that what is traditionally women's work is invisible to these dipshits, but it never fails to anger me.

Anyway. Join the IWW.


fucking hell i forget that some people violently hate polyamory and are way too proud of admitting it :/

"if my partner suggested polyamory i would kill them and then myself" what happened to being respectful? do you not hear how shitty that is to say ??? whats fucking wrong with people

responses to a "what would you do if your partner suggested polyamory?" poll. what the fuck.

the normalized wrath about cheaters is exactly the shit that leads to honor killing and the responses here are cut from the same cloth (especially as most people who arent polya don't distinguish it from cheating). Your jealousy and relational insecurity doesn't justify taking a life and this is an extreme reaction to a hypothetical


i forget who made the post but "if you would transition in a heartbeat in a more accepting society then you are in fact trans" really helps me when i need it


Btw, this is true even if you decide that, due to not being in an accepting society, you are never going to transition. If that's you, I'm sorry that that's your situation, and I hope that someday you are in a safer environment so that you can live the life that you want to live. But even if you can never show it, even if you have to remain closeted for your entire life... you're still part of the trans community, and you can still call yourself trans in places where it is safe for you to do so, and you still belong in online trans spaces.


we need to destroy the pale snow bunny femme x dark skin muscular butch sapphic comic industrial complex

okay couple things, I know that these comments are well meaning but this is not a fish for webtoons recommendations or suggestions on how to flip these tropes. this me asking for you sit and think about why these tropes exist in the first place. a majority of the queer artists that make art and get popular off of their art are white thats a given. I feel like low-key when it comes the majority of like art I see and what art gets popular; when it comes to white wlw/sapphic/etc artists they wanna show how idk, woke they are with their art so they try to get in as many brown/black ocs as they can to ship with their white ocs. the problem arises when they showcase certain like romantic and sexual dynamics in their art but they don't think about it past service level 'this is what gets me off'. like, for starters why do you associate darker skin and/or blackness with like aggressiveness, strength, servitude and carnality? why is that?

also low-key you can avoid this problem by simply having like, two dark skin women be together? you don't have to insert yourself, oops I mean a white oc, into your work every time. I also have similar issue with white mlm/etc artists making east and south asian men sexually submissive to their white male paramours + just straight up not making content of queer black men/acting like they don't exist.

ultimately um, idk if you're white artists you need to be more of the the shit you're into sexually and unpack the racialized tropes you perpetuate. umm... stop with the antiblack and orientalist shit. and lastly stop acting like gay and bisexual men black men don't exist. by the power of the father the son and the holy spirit amen.


"The bigots up top think we're ALL fucked up! They want us ALL dead!" Hey that's cool dude you're right! Now are you saying this as a genuine expression of solidarity and community, or do you only bring this point up when the acknowledgement of intersectionality makes you uncomfortable? Is it a rallying cry, or a way to shut down people affected by intercommunity bigotry?


when y'all post shit about not pirating from smaller creators you're fundamentally missing the point of why piracy shouldn't be illegal in the first place. you are literally not stealing shit.

the corollary of "only pirate from big corporations" is "do not ever play indie games", because if i as a poor person have the option between spending $10 on an indie game OR pirating a $90 AAA game, i'm always going to do the latter. it is nice, yes, to be able to shoot indie devs some money.

it is not "always morally correct to pirate from big game studios and morally reprehensible to pirate from indie game studios" because, again, and i cannot stress this enough: it is not theft to begin with.

your entire concept is reactionary feel-good shit. people deserve access to art, and at the end of the day if someone pirates an indie game, the game is more likely to sell to people who will Not pirate it / who can comfortably afford to pay for it.

tags from @timogsilangan thank u vic

In many areas of the global south, piracy is another significant factor in the use and distribution of software (see Image 0.8).67 However, some readers might be surprised by the unanticipated effects of piracy, since pirated games and software can nurture audiences’ media literacy and can even ultimately add to global media publishers’ bottom lines. In cases from Mexico to China, Thailand and Indonesia, it has been shown that “gray market” goods—those that are smuggled into the country by travelers returning from trips abroad—have been a boon to gamers as well as the game industry at large. The gray market has benefitted players by offering access to hardware and software that were otherwise unavailable locally on the formal market, lowering consumer prices by circumventing import taxes and expanding access to players of different socio-economic classes. On the other hand, the game industry has benefitted from local publishers’ development of important localization practices, improved gaming literacy among local populations and increased brand allegiance when consumers of black or gray market games transition to purchasing licensed hardware and software. While pirated media can be found the world over, they are the standard rather than the exception in much of the global south—for example, in the Middle East, where the level of piracy is among the highest worldwide—, “the majority of video games, no matter their origin, are either purchased as pirated copies or played in public venues where one copy suffices for tens, if not hundreds, of gamers.” This democratizing effect, spreading access to players with less disposable income whose game consumption lies outside the margins of official market data, is key to understanding the impact of piracy. Studies from Brazil and China show that piracy comes into being largely to help overcome the significant obstacles between consumers and content, such as tremendously high tariffs on imported tech goods. Likewise, Apperley’s research on Venezuela suggests that piracy is crucial for the sustainability and profitability of businesses in the ICT sector of the economy, and argues that in “a global economy based on knowledge and networks, exclusion equals poverty, and in some cases, piracy enables inclusion in the economy." Elsewhere, Apperley has pointed out that black market software use in the global south is a tactical response to global inequalities, one that is only logical given the structural unevenness of an industry with ever-growing demands for hardware and internet performance. Moreover, in a global society where participation means not only consuming but producing, sharing and reproducing media, this is essential, as Lars Eckstein and Anja Schwarz explain in Postcolonial Piracy: “Cultures of piracy across the globe […] have performed as crucial sites in which various ways of being modern have been negotiated and acted out.” Since global citizenship increasingly requires participation in media networks and a knowledge of computer hardware and software, one of piracy’s greatest benefits for the global south is an expansion in overall access to those networks and technologies.

From Video Games and the Global South.

Piracy is how a considerable percentage of the world already experiences media by default.


[ID: Image one is a screenshot of tags. They read, "#it is insane seeing first worlders come up with so many "reasons" as to why piracy is bad u will not hear that shit from third worlders. #piracy is such a huge part of our life by virtue of having weak currencies and reduced access to first world media. #literally sometimes the only way we can access yalls media is piracy. #u will not find a single person complaining abt Erm ur taking money away from the crew!! in regards to markets full of pirated dvds."

The second image is two photos of market stalls captioned, "Market Stalls selling black market video game hardware and software, Cairo, Egypt, 2010". End ID.]


Please please please, I’m begging people, start talking about indonesia occupied papua. Over the last 50 years Indonesia has killed over 500,000 native Papuans in their occupation of the west half of the island.

This is also a genocide that should be talked about. It needs to be addressed, but it’s ignored on the global stage.

Free Papua!

This! Yes! Start learning about -and never stop talking about Indonesia's violent and brutal occupation of West Papua.

For those who want to learn -and this is just grazing the surface of the history and ongoing colonial violence, I found an informative twitter post with background and information and posted it on my blog a while ago. It's a start for those who don't know about the ongoing genocide being committed against West Papuans.

And as always, free West Papua!


being disabled takes a lot of energy. i don't really mean like that it is necessarily fatiguing or that all disabilities are energy limiting. but rather the extra effort needed to access an inherently inaccessible world will wear on anyone even if they don't struggle with pain, fatigue, or tiredness as part of their disability


please keep sharing fundraisers. please. while we remain safe in our communities and homes and so many other places, constant fear and danger and genocide continues to strike in gaza.

donate to Siraj's campaign to rebuild his home, which he needs to reach 75k by tomorrow, MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9TH

donate to Amal and her family's campaign, in which she is caring for over 20 family members and her own baby, Maryam

donate to the Shehab family, who have just survived the recent bombing of the city of Nuseirat

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