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Ayden’s Build 

TL;DR: Barbarian 1, Druid  2 (Circle of the Stars), Paladin 8 (Oath of the Ancients), and Cleric 9 (Peace Domain). Feats: Squire of Solamnia, Remarkable Recovery, Warcaster, Knight of Crowns, Spelldriver, Tough.

Building Ayden was a joy and a journey. To begin we were told we had 20 levels to work with and stats of 20 across the board. The only thing I knew about Ayden from the session 0 was that he was going to be a Cleric of the Everlight and that I wanted to make him the best support character I could. I also knew that the Dawnfather was aware of the mission briefing and so would have directed his growth to the task at hand. 

Stats of 20 meant multiclassing into any class was possible and that any ability score based bonuses or proficiency based abilities were going to be very good. I figured that with a warlock and a sorcerer we’d have some pretty good counterspelling and 9th level spell access, so I didn’t worry myself about either of those, instead focusing on making sure we all survived. 

The Dawnfather and The Everlight share 2 of 3 Domains. Life and Light. The Everlight’s 3rd domain is Peace. The Peace Domain cleric is an excellent subclass and its 6th level ability, Protective Bond, was something I knew I wanted to build around. The ability to take hits for, and aid, my siblings while teleporting around the battlefield is an excellent support ability and it also lets allies in the bond do the same, fostering sibling unity and cohesion.

With the Dawnfather having Nature as his unique domain separate from the Everlight, and literally sending himself to Exandria to infiltrate a city full of the greatest mages of the age, the Oath of Ancients Paladin seemed like an obvious path. It is the nature Paladin, (his domain) and 7 levels gives you both Aura of Protection and Aura of Warding. This means as Ayden moves through the battlefield with Protective Bond he will be granting allies +5 to saves from his cha as well as resistance to damage from spells. Incredibly good going up against the wizards of Aeor he knew he would encounter. I didn’t want to go to 10 with Paladin because I didn’t want to be immune to frightened. I just felt that fear played too large a role in the reasons the gods were here and although aura of courage is probably my favorite ability going back to 3rd edition, I felt like it wasn’t right for Ayden. He had to fear in order to reinforce his need to hope. 

These two classes were set relatively quickly and then I began looking at how else I was going to build him out. 

I really liked the idea of being able to grant my allies some extra attacks and so I was looking at battle master to get commanders strike and goading attack as well as maneuvering attack to help take hits for and position my allies. Action Surge is also a great ability that could really come in handy if I needed to save someone and needed one extra action to do so. 

I was also looking at the 2nd level Divination Wizard ability Portent. The ability to fully dictate 2 rolls is very powerful in certain circumstances, especially if the numbers are very high or very low.

Both these seemed good but weren’t feeling totally right from a character perspective. They felt too forced.

As I was playing around with these two classes I was also building Aydens backstory. I really liked the idea of him being agriculturally focused, as this aspect of the Dawnfather is actually his youngest. Sun begets days, and thus time and seasons, and as civilization evolves agriculture follows. The fighter levels lent the idea that he has spent some time training under a knight or some such warrior, and I knew that he would eventually find his way to Trist to begin his tutelage and become her cleric. I liked there being these different eras of his life. 

It was around this time that I got an awesome email asking me to describe Ayden visually so that the incredibly talented Hannah Friederichs and Cael Lyons could begin to bring Ayden and the Dawnfather to life. I wanted Ayden to be a simply dressed with a shield he took from his mentor, but no sword for striking. They sent 4 sketches and told me I could mix and match as I desired. Image #1 however was exactly as I had envisioned him. It was the simplest and had this depth to his eyes that told the story of a much older soul in this 15 year old body. It was so perfect that it made me realize I had been going in the totally wrong direction with fighter and wizard. The concepts of nature and agriculture were suddenly staring me in the face. It was not wizard, but druid, and his mentor could have taught him to be a paladin as easily as fighter, but if he is the bringer of agriculture who has he brought it to? A remote tribe still hunting and gathering was the answer. Barbarian therefore replaced fighter. I can’t tell you how influential the sketch I received was. It felt like a bolt of lightning suddenly clarified everything. 

I was for sure cleric 6, Paladin 7 and now looking at druid and barbarian. 

I didn’t know Druid subclasses very well but Circle of the Stars jumped out from the pack just with its name. The Sun after all is a star. When I read its 2nd level abilities Starmap and Starry form it was so obvious. I can cast Guiding Bolt to set up those attacks I wanted to grant, and I can glow instead of wild shape and either heal more or have a massive bonus to maintain the concentration spells I knew I wanted to cast. For the keeper of time to know how to read the stars just felt right. It also feel right that the druids of a tribe that had been hunting and gathering during the tumultuous Calamity would have learned to navigate by the stars, a singular constant in an every changing age. 

Barbarian has a number of interesting subclasses but none felt like they clicked. 1 level of Barbarian though, for a character with 20 dexterity and 20 constitution, catapults your AC to 20 and it also gives you a proficiency in Constitution saving throws if you take it as your first class, again reinforcing those concentration rolls. He was found as a child by this barbarian tribe and his first class is also his first community. Barbarian was the strong foundation I would build upon. 

I was now Cleric 6, Paladin 7, Druid 2, Barbarian 1. Reorganized to be the order Ayden would have taken them in it becomes the following:

Barbarian 1, Druid  2 (Circle of the Stars), Paladin 7 (Oath of the Ancients), and Cleric 6 (Peace Domain)

4 more levels to distribute. As a player who has mostly played 3.5 (I think downfall just about doubled the amount of 5E I have played) feats are my absolute favorite things, so getting to multiples of 4 in class levels to grab some was something I wanted to do (also I didn’t have to worry about ability score increases)! I had already given one feat up by taking barb and druid but I made up for it with the human variant. I also took the Knight of Solamnia background to give me Squire of Solamnia, the prerequisite for Knight of the Crowns which would give me the ability to grant attacks to my allies without needing battle maneuvers. 

So I upped paladin from 7-8 for a feat and then decided to take Cleric from 6-9 because it gave me a feat and access to the spell Dawn. I mean the Dawnfather should be able to cast Dawn after all! 

Now to feats

1) Background: Squire of Solamnia to give me the prerequisite for Knight of the Crowns

2) Human Variant: Remarkable Recovery. I knew I’d be taking extra damage so having 5 extra hp from any healing I get might just be the difference. It also plays into his background. He had to leave the Barbarian tribe he brought agriculture to because his skin could not retain the ceremonial tattoo ink that would have symbolized his initiation into the community. 

3) Cleric 4 Warcaster to get advantage on those concentration checks, that along with proficiency and starry form of the dragon means I need to take 28 damage (56 if it’s a spell) to even have to roll, and when I do I get advantage and proficiency on the check. Getting me to lose concentration is gonna be a task. 

4) Paladin 4 Knight of the Crown getting to grant an attack proficiency times per day combos wonderfully with Starmaps free guiding bolt, conveniently also proficiency times per day. 

5) Cleric 8 Spelldriver I’m gonna be casting a bunch of spells so the ability to cast multiple each turn is going to make my support spells come out much faster. I have a big fam to take care of!

6) Paladin 8 Tough I really went back and forth between this and Inspiring Leader. Granting all my siblings 25 temp hp is amazing but ultimately I decided that as I’d be tanking a bunch of damage I’d need toughness. Toughness gave me 15 more hp than Inspiring leader would have, and I ended up going down to 14 at one point so it was a decision that very much paid off by a single HP! Don’t wanna pop a deathward if you can help it!

Last but not least we were granted 2 magic items. One very rare and one uncommon. For my uncommon I chose a cloak of resistance, a parting gift from the tribe that Ayden could not join. This upped my saves to 11s or 17s and took my AC to 23. For his very rare magic item I took a spellguard shield, inherited from the knight who brought him from the remote tribe to Trist‘s school, giving me advantage on saving throws vs spells and magical effects and inflicting disadvantages on spell effects targeting me. Combine that with resistance to spells from Aura of Warding and that’s a nasty nasty combo v wizards. 

All in all Ayden’s build is an incredibly hard to target tanky support character who can move through the battlefield protecting his allies and being an absolute nightmare for enemy spellcasters. The only thing I really didn’t fully consider was just how much damage he would take from Warding Bond which totally bypasses all those wonderfully crafted defenses. As crazy as it is, I think we barely got to scratch the surface of Aydens full potential and it’s probably good those mages decided to cast spells at everyone else because Ayden was going to be a tough character for a spell caster to crack. The Commanding Rally did get to shine allowing characters who specialized in weapon attacks to get a little extra out of those 20 level commitments. Ayden’s build was crafted to keep his siblings alive and let them shine as bright as possible together. I’m very proud of him!

If you read all this then you’re as nerdy as me and deserve a reward!


AY NICK GIVE US THE HOT GOSS ON D(E)AD (I saw your name in the kickstarter and was like "Hang on, I've seen that guy play DnD")


I was literally on the set of Cobra Kai having filmed my final scene and was watching the camera being taken away when Iz texted me asking if I’d be in her film! Truly one of my favorite projects I’ve worked on! Isabella is a force and her family is the best, I love them! Getting to join the fam alongside Vic Michaelis was such a pleasure! It was such a wonderful set and the crew was amazing. I can’t wait for everyone to see it!! Including myself cause I have not seen it yet as it is still funding for post production! Also y’all are amazing cause it fully funded in like 3.5 hours and we are now most of the way to our final stretch goal!!


Hey Nick! I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your performance as Ayden in Downfall. You were really wonderful in portraying those softer sides of the Dawnfather that haven't gotten to see in campaign 3! As a long-time Pelor fan, I loved seeing the positive representation! And the way you bounced off the other players at the table was just amazing! Not to mention Ayden's absolutely insane build. I can only hope to become as good of a player as you are!

There's two things I really wanted to ask that I unfortunately missed during the Beacon AMA:

One, What would Ayden's perfect day look like?

Two, If Ayden/Dawnfather and Asmodeus were forced to wear the metaphorical (or literal, I guess) "get along shirt" for a day, what sort of shenanigans do you think they would get up to?

Thank you so much, and I hope to see more of you at the CR table!


These are amazing questions that no one else asked so I am glad you did so here! And thank you I'm so glad the Dawnfather is getting the love I think he deserves!

  1. Wake up and watch the sun rise. Take Gilly out while you tend to the fields and plants. Play with Haylie and Topher and the other students before school. Help Trist teach. Have a nice family dinner. Watch the sun set with Gilly. Look up at the stars and know that the rest of my family out there somewhere can see them too.
  2. HAHAHA I think they would get up to all sorts of stuff ala Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Bug the other gods, get chased out of the wild mothers forest, I think they would have so much fun and be so heart broken when it was over. Ugh what a brief glimpse of hope it would be.

I love the way you play Ayden in downfall it amazing! And the way you talk so soft but with power when you say a line are you going be in more downfall eps

I’m about to ask the most likely question that will probably hopefully not freak you out or make you weirded out but I seen you like most of the post about it so how do you feel about young cobra husbands 👀 I’m actually nervous as hell to ask this lol you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to 😅

Also the way you play young terry silver is beautiful especially in s6


Thank you so much! Both Ayden and Terry have been so much fun to play and are both the young versions of an established character in a funny way! I'm glad you were one of the few people who might have found my Terry Aeor passport amusing! I think the purpose of art is to inspire! If people are taking the time to channel that inspiration into Cobra Husbands, who am I to judge! I think ultimately it is flattering that people respond to a character I partially portray. Once I have completed filming something it ceases to be mine and becomes whatever people receive it as. Cobra Husbands away I say!


Hi Nick :) I haven't finished Downfall yet but I wanted to tell you that the way you play Ayden makes me weep with joy. I just finished episode 100 last night and the way Ayden bears the burdens of the world on his shoulders and chooses love and kindness anyways heals something in my heart. He gives me strength to keep being kind through despair. So thank you 💜


🥹😭🙏 thank you so much for the kind words. It is an honor anytime someone resonates with a character in such a positive way. Being kind is healing to ourselves and to others. It’s a way we can spread the light and positivity and I’m so glad you’re feeling that. Truly. And if you’re going through a tough time and also being kind then that is a testament to you.

Also I do not want to spoil anything and this feel like a very meaningful and beautiful exchange that I truly appreciate but based on your username @dragonrightsarehumanrights please reach back out after you’ve watched ep 101.



NICK. What else are you on? I loved you in Downfall and I wanna see other stuff! :3


This was my first Actual Play!

As an actor I’m in Cobra Kai and some other stuff like Chicago Med and am in a movie called D(e)ad coming out soon written by the incredible Isabella Roland!


I have been a fan of Critical Role since c1, and I am also a writer/DM who is currently working on a home game set in Exandria, and since I just found out you have a tumblr, I really feel the need to just heap a bunch of praise onto you because HOLY SHIT SIR

Because of everything going on in campaign three and also working on a campaign being set in Exandria, I have been thinking about the gods a LOT in recent months, and the Dawnfather is one who I thought I had a pretty good idea of who he was. And then you show up in Downfall and just COMPLETELY shifted my view on him in just the best way possible. For real, I have not been able to stop thinking about Ayden tearily saying, “I wanted to save them”, and then the Dawnfather at the very end shedding that final piece of Ayden. Your portrayal of him and the way you’ve spoken about it on the cool down, and what Brennan has said on 4SD, has really given me a whole new perspective on the Dawnfather that I absolutely love just so so so much.


Thank you so much! I really wanted to show a different side of him and take the journey to where we find him in modern day Exandria. I'm so glad it resonated and I am so curious to see how people's interpretations of him change especially in home games with this new, but also old/forgotten, aspect of him.


Hi Nick! I had question pertaining to the Downfall finale: Since Asmodeus appears to others as “the most beautiful person anyone has ever seen,” what did he look like to Ayden in his true form?

(Also I’m sure you’ve gotten a thousand messages like this already but I just wanted to commend your excellent performance, it was so beautiful and moving and I hope this isn’t the last we see of you at the CR table!)


This is a great question! I think that the Dawnfather see's his brother clearly as he is, tragic beauty and all. I wonder if Ayden also would have seen his true form? I don't think there is anyone outside of the divine family that Ayden would have been thinking about, so perhaps he would have seen his brother not as he truly is but rather as he wishes he could be?

(and thank you so much. It's been so moving to see people respond to Ayden and Downfall. I had an absolute blast playing at the table and will happily return whenever it is right!)


heaps of kudos for downfall!!

i have a question regarding brennan’s betrayer god pitch rule, as mentioned on 4SD.

Was it your choice to play the Dawnfather from the very start?

If not the dawnchild, who would you have wanted to play and why?

(what a blessing that ayden was born! thank you so much!!)


Aww thanks so much. I pitched a Crawling King who was basically just feeling all the pain of the world and using his mortal form’s mental lucidity to try to talk his siblings into restarting. Dawnfather was my first choice though. I thought about the change bringer but not nearly as hard as Dawnfather. And thank you!


Hello Nick!! Your role in Downfall was so amazing and I love the extreme nuances and choices shown in your role playing.

Can you share any how you used terms like “child”, “son” and “father” when referring to the dawn father? Was it separately characteristics of the same god or more showing perspectives in those moments as the mortal avatar? I am fascinated and it make me scratch my brain thinking of possibilities.

Thank you so much!

#CR Downfall


Thank you for saying that, and great question!

This is a round about answer but a lot of that wordplay came from simply the name. Dawnfather is such a name rich in meaning. Both aspects of it have ties to time and new beginnings.

Dawn is the suns' rise each morning, born anew to herald the coming day. Its consistent return gives mortals the ability to track the weeks, the seasons, and the years. To even learn that the suns' patterns can allow one to divine the seasons takes years of thoughtful study. Dawn dispels the darkness and stimulates natures growth. It’s constantly new and also always constant.

Father. One cannot become a father without time. To be a father, one must have been a child, it is a stage of life that must be reached. It necessitates change and growth as much as the dawn does. A father knows what it is to have been a child, to have been the dawn, and now he watches over it, paving the way for the new. If I’m going to show a different side of the Dawnfather then showing that previous stage of life seemed interesting.

Within his name itself is this story of growth. His was the first light, he fathered the dawn, and he has kept watch through the ages as the keeper the time. Sun, summer, time, agriculture, harvest, he is a hands on god, consistent, dutiful, present, with his hands in the dirt, it is what he knows. To become mortal and not tend to the world is hard for him.

Ayden is young, he is new, he is the Dawn, but not yet the Father. He is an aspect, the Dawnfathers hope sent down to Exandria to aid his siblings. He has more abilities pertaining to agriculture than the sun because that is the Dawnfathers newest domain. He comes late because the Dawnfather wants to wait till the absolute last minute to abandon his post. He has yet to make the journey.

All this to say that I wanted to explicitly show him growing from this experience. Ayden is not the Dawnfather we know…yet, he is the Dawnchild, on his journey. He has not toiled for ages tending to the world. I believe that the Dawnfather pre and post divergence is quite different. I think the divine gate separates him from the hands on nature of his expressed divinity. I think Ayden was a way to show this dawning realization that to be a good father one must empathize with children but also sometimes make the hard decisions for them, something they do not always agree with.

I wanted to play with him being both a part of the greater whole of the Dawnfather, and something seperate. His literal age of 15 means he is not fully formed despite being infused with the divine soul of the Dawnfather. Getting to play with “child” “son” and “father” let me highlight the differences and illuminate the growth that happens during this time of mortal incarnation and explore the inner turmoil with the Dawnfather himself as his various aspects interact with one another.

There is also precedent in some belief systems of Sun gods birthing themselves or being replaced by their own mortal incarnations. I think for a diety that rises anew each day it’s natural to associate imagery of rebirth or the journey of child to father.

And lastly I think it shouldn’t be overstated how much effect the Everlight and Trist had on Ayden. Nearly half of his levels are devoted to her. I think that sort of reinforces his mortal shell in a unique way and gives him the opportunity to be two things at once more fully.


Hi! I absolutely loved you in Downfall and it was incredible to see the rp chemistry you have with Brennan. I’m sure his long running home game that you’re a player in is very special and I was wondering if there are any standout moments that you’d be willing to share!

Huge fan, hope to see you in the d20 dome some day!


Thank you so much! Brens home game is so special and has been a massive part of my life. There are some truly insane moments, one of my last roles was maybe the most epic roll I have ever made but that would require an essay to explain lol. I think it’s deserving of a fireside telling.

One of the funniest moments of tormenting Bren was when in a fight against a bunch of fairies, one of them cast globe of invulnerability. In 3.5 tiny creatures get a large penalty to grappling. My character rides a huge sized gryphon. Huge creatures get an conversely large bonus to grapple.My gryphon simply flew over and grappled the fairy by attempting to eat it. I then flew around the battle fighting a bunch of sorcerers with a mobile globe of invulnerability emanating from its mouth. Bren was not happy about it.

One time we were attacking this evil wizard/sorcerers tower in the middle of the ocean and when we arrived cast a bunch of buff spells to get ready to fight. Bren then described that where we entered was a long staircase and 10+ min later we were still climbing and all our buffs had expired 😂🤣 it was a dastardly piece of architecture by a wizard who knew his durations.

But honestly so many of the truly standout moments came from being with my best friends of 15 years sitting around a table playing a game. Crying over losing an npc or jumping for joy over a much needed win. As much as I love mechanics and some good dice rolling nothing beats telling a story with your friends and loved ones, or walking into the apartment where you’re going to play for the first time in 6 months and seeing people you love. We tell stories because stories help build community and those communities are what will always stand out most to me.


“Emily Axford is one of the best D&D players in the world and was sent from hell to kill me”

“Nick Marini has been making my life a living hell for 14 years”

Universe/fate/destiny you know what to go, get both of these people on the same Brennan-GMed table STAT


sorry not sorry


Given your love of mechanics, multiclassing, and (to use every gaming video essayist's favorite phrase) ludonarrative[1] resonance, I'm curious; have you ever played a gestalt campaign?

If so, did you find that the naturally higher power and versatility of a gestalt character (I'm assuming 3.5 gestalt works similarly to 5e gestalt, though I could be wrong) encouraged you to go different directions with how you made your character than you normally would?

For example, I'm in a gestalt campaign that started at level 1 and one of the upshots of playing a game like that is that it feels like it encourages a degree of grandiosity beyond that of a normal game starting at the same level. Among other things, the campaign includes a chosen one archetype, normally a big no-no in my experience because you can easily risk overshadowing other players, but the other PCs match her in their Great Importance To The Setting in a way that typically isn't the case in heroic fantasy games that start at low levels.

I suppose I'm also curious if you found that the increased options resulted in fewer restrictions (not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing; it depends on the player) or if it just meant that you had a more complicated puzzle to put together.

[1] According to wikipedia this word is only applicable to video games but I, personally, think that's stupid and will be using it in this context regardless.


I actually have not! I have of course looked longly at it but I actually have played more E6 which is (Effective level 6) based on an article from an old Dragon Magazine called, "Gandalf was a 5th level wizard." Which caps you at level 6 and is actually sort of totally the opposite and very fun!

I've been on kind of a support kick of late after playing an absolute beast of a character for Bren's 15 year campaign was not gestalt but I think I ended as a Paladin 6, Ftr 1, Sky Lord 7, Wiz 1, Abjurant Champion 5, Mystic Theurge 1, Hatharan 1.

I have always wanted to play a gestalt campaign where everyone has to take bard and are a touring band.

And that sounds like a fun campaign!

I think Gestalt can make for some crazy fun combos and yes of course a more complicated puzzle but that's what makes puzzles fun!


4-Sided Dive is the greatest show on the Critical Role channel, I am not even slightly kidding

"My mother was a dragon. My father was a reporter."

I mean...what DOES happen when a dragon gets it on with a fey shapeshifter?

...also I need Nick "MFing Multiclasser" Marini to play this character. Please? Sam and @quiddie and @nickmarini at the table, yes??


So down but the question becomes…is it wrong to play Bolo’s son when it was I who made him an orphan?

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