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Rasha Ibrahim 🍉


Love & War

I am Rasha and I'm 27 years old, I have a bachelor degree in Information Technology, and my husband is Eng. Mohammed, he is 29 years old, we are a talented and skilled couple with ambitious careers. I am a senior UX/UI designer and he is a senior PHP-Laravel developer living in Gaza with our beautiful son Amjad. We were about to buy our new apartment, a symbol of our hard work and a promise of a bright future for us and our child.

Our world has been shattered by the war in Gaza. Now, we are forced to abandon everything we've built. our apartment, once a cozy home filled with laughter, now bears the scars of war.



Every day in Gaza is a struggle for survival. The constant threat of violence and the lack of basic necessities make it impossible for my family to survive. We dream of a place to sleep soundly, play without fear, and rebuild our lives.

After losing our jobs, we can't work as a designer and a developer anymore in Gaza due to the electricity and Internet drops. We still have a chance to find refuge. However, securing entry requires funds we simply don't have. The past ten months of relentless war have exhausted our savings, leaving us with very little to secure our escape.

Even the smallest donation can make a big difference in this family's life. I'm a talented designer with a bright future ahead. With your help, we can escape the horrors of war and start rebuilding our lives in safety.

Please donate generously to help my family find safety in Egypt. Every contribution brings us closer to safety and a chance to rebuild our dreams.


Please share this fundraiser with your friends and family. Together, we can make a difference!



السلام عليكم

يبدو أن هناك محاولات لإيقاف صفحتنا من خلال البلاغات. نحن بحاجة إلى دعمكم لاستعادة نشاط الصفحة كما كانت. نرجو منكم مشاركة الصفحة مع أصدقائكم، والتفاعل بالإعجاب (Like) وإعادة النشر (Reblog) لهذا المنشور، ودعوة الآخرين لمتابعتنا. دعمكم هو العامل الأساسي لاستمرارنا.❤️❤️❤️

سنقوم بإطلاق مجموعة تيليجرام قريبا ليتسنى لنا التواصل حتى يتم حل مشكلة ال الصفحة الخاصة بنا قريبا ان شاءالله

It seems there are attempts to take down our page through reports. We need your support to restore the page’s activity as it was. Please share the page with your friends, interact by liking and reblogging this post, and invite others to follow us. Your support is the key factor in keeping us going. ❤️❤️❤️

This list contains GFM campaigns that were personally vetted by our team.

We understand the vital role that trust plays between donors and fundraising campaigns. To address this, we created GazaVetters, a blog dedicated to helping both donors and campaign organizers build and maintain that trust. Our goal is to ensure that every contribution is used effectively and transparently, giving donors peace of mind that their support is making a real difference in the right hands.

This team was founded by :

E.Mohammed Alanqer @nourasbasha
Dr.Mohammed Aldeeb @mohammedaldeeb
Samer AbuRas @samerpal
Ahmed Nimer @anqarfamily
E.hadeel Miki @hadeelfamily


to verify your GFM campaign

Please send us a message with the following:

● your name

● A link to your GFM campaign

● your phone number.

We will contact you ASAP to continue your campaign verification process.

Again, you can have a look at vetted campaigns by us


This life is unfair!!

I've been away from work since the war began, and even now, I am still waiting for the day I can resume my life like any other person on this planet. Why are we stripped of the most basic things, and forced to fight for them, while others beyond these walls experience them as mere daily routines? I'm truly sorry—I don't want anyone to feel guilty or burdened by what has happened to us, but this life is cruel and unfair. I didn't spend four years at university, and then work tirelessly for four more, just to lose nearly a year to war during the most crucial years of my life.

Sometimes, when I manage to find a decent internet connection, I take a moment to glimpse into the world beyond this prison of ours—more accurately, our grave. I scroll through social media especially Instagram and see images of a different reality: joyful family and friends' gatherings, warm, orderly homes, carefree summer trips, gyms, career improvement, training’s certifications and moments of leisure.

I don’t envy anyone for this; I simply wish that my family, my people, and I could return to our old lives—our struggles, our mundane routines. How content we were back then! But borders dictate who gets to shape their destiny in this world, and who does not.

These photos capture times when I still had the freedom to walk with friends and family. This park, called Gaza Park, and the other places have since been bombed repeatedly during this genocide 💔

This means we lost everything, we just have memories and some photos 💔

All these beautiful places and streets where we once walked have been stolen from us by the war, transformed into graveyards—graveyards that bury our loved ones, our dreams, and our passions. Will we ever have another chance to live? Or will we follow those who have gone before us and be buried in the very place where we once lived our most cherished moments? 💔


Vetted By: @90-ghost


Please share this fundraiser with your friends and family. Together, we can make a difference!


Hello, I’m Rasha from Northern Gaza and I really need your help

Could you take a look at my blog and share my last post that titled “Animals Are Victims Too in Gaza!” please?

I’ll be grateful

Thanks in advance 🙏


Animals Are Victims Too in Gaza!

In Gaza, humans aren't the only ones suffering; our beloved pets are also caught in the crossfire of this merciless war. This cat may seem ordinary to most, but it means the world to us and our family.

For over four years, it has been our loyal companion and the heart of our home, it’s shared our sleepless nights, work pressures, and even our bed. A friend to our kids and grandchildren, it loved to be with us all, never preferring solitude.

But amid the escalating crisis, the hardships we face have turned its world upside down. Its once-social nature has withered; fear and trauma have stolen its trust. It now seeks isolation, his appetite diminished, his dry food has become scarce, and prices have soared 💔.

What once cost 10 shekels ($2.70) per kilogram now costs 70 shekels ($26.90)—a price hike that only provides enough food for five days. Tragically, our cat endured nearly two weeks without food due to shortages and the overwhelming terror caused by the constant explosions.

Yes, even animals have been paralyzed by fear and panic 💔. With your generous support, we can ensure it doesn’t go hungry again. Please, don’t hesitate to help.


Vetted By: @90-ghost



Ten months ago, I left my home, but my home NEVER left me!

My home, anchored in love and safety, was more than just a place—it was my sanctuary, filled with comfort and stability. It was not merely walls but a haven, a wide embrace.

Every corner whispered memories too beautiful to forget, even though I lived there for less than a year. Our first wedding anniversary came in the midst of a brutal war, yet that short time was enough to bind our souls to this cherished place. We lived our happiest moments within those walls. Its roof echoed with the laughter of family, friends, and visitors. We celebrated our most joyous occasions there.

But tragically, this peace was short-lived. We fled on the second day of the war, over 310 days ago. We’ve only managed to return once, risking everything to do so, and what we found was heartbreaking 💔. Our home was unrecognizable, reduced to rubble, used as a military camp by the occupying forces. Destruction was everywhere, scrawled notes defaced the walls, and many of our belongings were stolen—our wedding album, tapes, my child’s clothes, and all the essentials of our life 💔.

Tears streamed down my face as I tried to comprehend the devastation. How could this happen? And for what?!! The window I cherished, through which I captured life’s most beautiful moments, where I stood for hours with my special cup of Nescafé, soaking in the world outside, had been turned into a sniper’s post, thirsting for blood 💔.

Even if the war ends and we survive, even if we return and rebuild what can be rebuilt—will I ever be able to stand at that window again? How can I erase the memory of a sniper standing in my place? How can I forget the countless lives taken from that spot? How will I sit at our dining table without the ghosts of those who once occupied our home haunting my thoughts? My mind struggles to grasp it all 💔.

But what terrifies me most is that they have returned to our home once again. I can't begin to imagine the layers of destruction added to the devastation that already existed 💔. Yet, with your support, we can rise above this. We can rebuild our beautiful home, breathe life back into it, and bring back the laughter that once filled its walls. So please don't hesitate!


Vetted By: @90-ghost

Vetted By: @mushroomjar



for the past several months, palestinian men have shown a great amount courage and bravery in the face of danger.

they have dug people and children out of rubble, sometimes alive and sometimes dead. they have travelled miles and miles to provide food and water for their family.

they have come online pleading with everyone to help them. many travel long distances for internet connection. they have been on the frontlines for months, providing for their family, documenting the genocide, helping people and in many instances, dying.

in return, they have been dehumanised, their lives are not counted as 'precious' because they are men. people have been indifferent to their suffering and death. they have been called scammers, all while they face the dangers of airstrikes, food and water scarcity, and disease. they have been dehumanised to such an extent that people refuse to help their fundraisers.

i urge you all to share the linked posts and donate what you can spare to those who are suffering. we owe it to them, for we never talk about their suffering.


War in the Prime of Life

Today marks the first birthday of my son, Amjad. Amjad was just two months old when the brutal war on Gaza began, meaning he had spent ten months of his tender life enveloped in fear, tension, fleeing, and displacement.

I had dreamed of celebrating his first year with a joyful family gathering, filled with laughter, a beautifully decorated birthday cake, and many gifts. We would have followed it with a special photo session with our favorite photographer to capture all the precious moments, creating memories to surprise him when he grows older. But the cruel war shattered those dreams. It stole from us the joy of small celebrations. He turned one without us being able to document his most significant and beautiful milestones. We missed recording his first laugh, first tooth, first words "mama" and "papa," first crawl, first step, first hug, and countless other moments…

He turned one far from our warm home, built on foundations of love and security. Far from his grandparents, uncles, aunts, and their boundless love and care. Far from his beautiful new clothes, which were torn apart by the hands of the merciless invaders who ravaged our home, leaving not a single thread intact. He turned one without ever knowing the taste of real food, enduring severe hunger in Northern Gaza with nothing available but canned goods. He turned one without tasting yogurt, milk, bananas, apples, juice, and so many other foods that should have filled his childhood. He relied solely on breastfeeding, which was also strained due to the lack of nutritious food.

Amjad and we dream of living a peaceful, happy life like any child and family in the world. We yearn for a normal life filled with safety, love, and stability, far from the repeated horrors of displacement. We dream of a life brimming with passion and plans for the future, without the constant shadow of death.

Your help for Amjad and us can save our family and help us rebuild anew, allowing us to experience all the beauty life has to offer. Please, do not hesitate to extend your hand.

Look! Isn't he cute? 🥺


Vetted By: @90-ghost

Vetted By: @mushroomjar



Save your memories! Save yourself!

Advice from someone who lost everything suddenly in the blink of an eye.

Take pictures of everything in your life For yourself, when you are happy or even sad, with your family and friends, at your work, in the café you prefer, in the parks and streets you love, record the voice of your loved ones and your laughter together, birthdays, anniversaries, wedding parties, pictures of your favorite meal, pictures of your plants and pets, pictures of your house and every corner of it, pictures of all your beautiful memories as a child, and do not forget to document a photo album of you and your family and save it in a folder or cards. Pictures of your certificates, and everything you are proud of, Pictures of sunrise and sunset between your neighbors' homes.

As you envision all of this, be grateful for these blessings.

There are people "and I'm one of them" who have lost those things in the blink of an eye. All I have left is a photo album, and I bite my fingers regretting that I didn't take more pictures.

BE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR LIFE and take more pictures 🙏


Vetted By: @90-ghost

Vetted By: @northgazaupdates


Please share this fundraiser with your friends and family. Together, we can make a difference!




I’m Rasha from Gaza, I’m a new user here in tumblr and I need your help

Could you share my blog so I can gain more views and donation please?

Thanks in advance 🌸🍉


[Verified by 90-ghost | €2,023 of €35,000 goal]

Hello Rasha, welcome to tumblr! We are happy to help you! 🌸🍉

Everybody, please do take a moment to share and donate to Rasha's fundraiser! She and her family have narrowly escaped death and urgently need to evacuate. They are quite far from their goal right now, so let's help them out!!!


🤍This is a signal boost for the Ibrahim family! 🤍

vetted by 90-ghost here vetted by northgazaupdates here

Everyone, I'd like to bring your attention to a young family who are new to Tumblr -- Rasha is 27 years old, and she and her husband Mohammed (29) live in Gaza with their beautiful son, Amjad.

Please, lets give them lots of help in spreading and supporting their campaign! They are fundraising to evacuate Gaza, and so far, they have only been able to raise around 5% of their goal.

Can you help them by making a donation?

We were about to buy our new apartment, a symbol of our hard work and a promise of a bright future for us and our child.

This young couple were working as a senior UX/UI designer and a senior PHP-Laravel developer, respectively. Rasha had obtained her bachelor degree in Information Technology; they and their son should have been looking forward to a future of hope and new opportunity. Now, it is not an exaggeration to say, they have been left with nothing. This genocide has stolen their dreams and livelihood.

Your donation can make a significant difference in their lives.

If you cannot donate at this time, I highly encourage you to follow Rasha at @rasha-ibrahim, and read and share her post (she only has the one -- that's how new to Tumbr these guys are!!)

Please, lets lift them up and help them get to safety 💖

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