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Glitchy Pix's Interdimensional Blog

@spacechild-glitchypix /

22, they/them, genderfluid, aroace. Header art by @sunflowerpin. Hi there. I changed blogs back when I was, like, 15 so I could bypass Tumblr's minor block but they banned porn anyways so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

and she picked just the right song

whhat the f

today I learned you could figure skate on roller blades


This kid is KILLING it!

I’ll be back in going to go watch Every single video about this subject


Been meaning to do this for years


Artist for the official sonic comics ^


*scrolls past*

*reads caption*

*scrolls back to reblog*


I hope people know the "eating peoples' pet dogs in the street" thing is like a racist conspiracy theory and not moment of randomness from Trump. Like the "trans people put litter boxes in elementary schools" thing it sounds nonsensical but is believed unironically by a lot of conservatives


today a fascist won an election for the first time since 1933. here, in germany.

i don't care if it's just one (out of 16) states. björn höcke is a fascist. a court decided not long ago that it's allowed to call him a nazi. bc he is one. not "far right" or "conservative" - he is a nazi.

here. in germany. and he just won an election.

it hasn't even been 100 years.

i am scared.


Prüft ein AfD-Verbot!

If you're from germany, please sign this petition to have the AfD investigated and potentially banned. And if you're not german but have german followers, please spread this post around.


One of my favorite thing I’ve learned about animals studies is that you should avoid using colorful leg bands when you’re banding birds because you can accidentally completely skew the data because female birds prefer males with colorful bands

Apparently if you put a red band on a male red wing blackbird his harem size can double

So like you can completely frick up the natural reproduction of a group of birds by giving a guy a bracelet so stylish that females CANNOT resist him


Me, putting a red bracelet on the leg of a male red wing blackbird: ON GOD we gonna get u some pussy bro

I remember reading a study where researchers realized that female birds of a certain species preferred males with a darker breast. So they created what they literally called a “Super-Sexy Male” by catching a male and coloring his chest with a marker. They then ran dna tests on the eggs in the area.

Previously when the researchers had run these tests, they found a certain amount of infidelity was common for these birds. Somewhere around 10% of eggs were fathered by males who were not the primary mates of females.

After the advent of the Super Sexy Male, however, stuff got crazy in bird world. Infidelity skyrocketed, with upwards of 25% of ALL EGGS in the area being fathered by this specific male. Furthermore, his mate’s eggs were 100% his.

This is just insane to me. Just imagine you’re living your bird life when suddenly somebody scribbles on Dave’s chest and the ladies can’t stop throwing themselves at them. It’s stupid that we theoretically can wreck this kind of havoc on an ecosystem.

It’s back! I think about this post monthly


Aliens abduct me from a cornfield only to set me back down at the club with a sick leather jacket and some shades


every time i see discourse about pedohysteria amidst a trans genocide i think about that news article from 2016 about the mexican immigrant who voted for trump because trump said he’d get rid of all the “bad hombres” from mexico, only to be deported himself because it turns out what trump was really saying was that he wanted to deport all mexicans, not just “the bad ones”

not just him, but there were many other examples too, like white conservatives who have mexican immigrant friends and family or people in the community important to them who were mexican immigrants, and they voted for trump because they thought trump was just getting rid of “criminals”, and then they regret it when their families and communities get torn apart by deportations of their spouses, their friends, their favourite restaurant owners, etc.

anyways, i hope young queers, trans people esp, understand that when conservatives talk about “pedophiles” and “groomers”, they’re not talking about actual child abusers, they’re talking about all queer people. they’re talking about all trans people. it’s why in florida, they’re categorizing “drag” as a child sex crime, and making sex crimes against children punishable by death. they’re trying to execute every single trans person, and that’s just the rhetoric they’re using

so stop buying into the pedohysteria. it’s easy to think “well, i’m not a pedophile, so i’ll be safe” when you don’t realize that in the eyes of conservatives, every single queer person is a pedophile and deserves death, and contributing to their rhetoric by trying to figure out which trans woman is a pedophile is just accelerating your own march to the gallows


international people start calling our country aotearoa instead of new zealand challenge

aotearoa is the te reo name for our country, commonly translated as "land of the long white cloud" as the story goes Kupe was guided to our whenua by following a long white cloud in the sky. new zealand is a name which was forced on us by colonizers who stole our precious land less than 200 years ago. by reverting back to the māori name you are metaphorically giving the land back to the tangata whenua, the people of the land, and we can begin to normalize using the proper names for things that should have always belonged to māori

heres a link to a good pronunciation, i recommend practicing saying it along to the video. but please remember that even if you cant get it perfect, say it anyway!! its better to try and get it slightly wrong than not try at all

here’s another pronunciation guide that goes into more detail about how vowels are pronounced in te reo and the structure of the correct pronunciation!

while you're at it, sign te pāti māori's petition to officially change the country's name! anyone from anywhere can sign, please support this kaupapa to restore naming rights to tāngata whenua!


"If deaths continue at this rate—about 23,000 a month—there would be an additional 149,500 deaths by the end of the year, some six and half months from the initial mid-June estimate. Using the method, the total deaths since the conflict began would be estimated at about 335,500 in total."


Random bedroom things poll

"Tag game: pick stuff from your room and have people vote on which one they want to take home" tagged by @zzoomacroom!!

Not tagging anyone in particular, anyone who wants to do it feel free


oog this sounds fun. hi

tagging um @shionin and @sweet-milky-tea705 if youd like + open tag

Ty for the taggg i want the jellyfish poster

Uhhh edit bc i forgor but im tagging @evanox @vaultureculture @dreamtydraw and @karokawwo 😼


I am stealing the shit out of this ocarina- fozodod fun game !

For the game i’m tagging @sunflowerpin @aoi1dee @citrusbuds and @otomes-and-tears ! But anyone can do it tbh.


uh uh uh- hello i will steal the k.k slider plushie

i will tag @mistyscenter and @bubblymiilk :]


I will be taking that bag of acrylic markers, thank you very much! tagging @sunbloomdew and @smallcrystals


thank u for the tag <333

tagging @ancient-romes @spacechild-glitchypix @airawisteria pointing at all of u. u should steal from me

I am taking one random lps figurine lol. Tagging @purplespacefairy @trunksette and @clueless909 come steal from me


restricting palestinian accounts is horrifying. you can't find their blogs unless you go directly to their url because tumblr search won't even show it. their posts will be hidden in tags. you won't be able to see their interactions in your notes (including asks, likes, reblogs). they won't be able to message people altogether. it's so incredibly insidious to palestinians on this site who heavily rely on asks and dm's to spread their fundraisers and contact people.

if you haven't seen a palestinian that you follow on your dash check to see if they've been restricted or terminated.

please support @ahmed8311 and @amjadshiltawu. both of their accounts have been shadowbanned and they both need massive support to reach their goals.

both their fundraisers are on el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's vetted fundraiser spreadsheet (number #161 for ahmed and number 250 for amjad)

if you have the ability to, please spotlight these fundraisers on your blog or other social media accounts you may have


Reading this hurt my heart. Especially this part:

The bedroom is also where she had her children, with the exception of Henry and Martha, who were born in a hospital (a fact that did not escape some of her followers). “After that I was, like, I’m ready to go back home,” she says. “I just love having them at home. It’s so quiet.” She also gave birth to them without pain relief. None at all? She shakes her head. Why? “I don’t know, I just have never loved taking it.” She stops herself. “Except with Martha — I was two weeks overdue and she was 10lb and Daniel wasn’t with me … ” She lowers her voice. Daniel is currently out of the room taking a phone call. “So I got an epidural. And it was an amazing experience.” Where was Daniel that day? “It was shipping day [for the meat boxes] and he was manning the crew.” But the epidural was kind of great? She pauses — and smiles. “It was kinda great.”

I want to ask her about birth control, but we are surrounded by so many of her children and Daniel is back in the room now too. Do you — I pause and look at her fixedly — plan pregnancies? “No,” Daniel says. “When he says no,” Neeleman responds gently, “it’s very much a matter of prayer for me. I’m, like, ‘God, is it time to bring another one to the Earth?’ And I’ve never been told no.”

“But for whatever reason it’s exactly nine months [after a baby] that she’s ready for the next one,” he says.

I can’t, it seems, get an answer out of Neeleman without her being corrected, interrupted or answered for by either her husband or a child. Usually I am doing battle with steely Hollywood publicists; today I am up against an army of toddlers who all want their mum and a husband who thinks he knows better.

“I saw her and I was ready to go,” he says. “Sign me up. I was thinking, ‘Let’s get married.’ But she wouldn’t go on a date with me for six months.” One day she mentioned to Daniel that she was getting the five-hour flight from Salt Lake City to New York, back to Juilliard. She didn’t realise his dad owned the airline. “So Daniel was, like, ‘I’m on that same flight!’ ” she says. “I remember checking in and them saying, ‘You’re 5A and you’re 5B.’ I just thought, no way, that’s crazy!” Daniel smiles: “I made a call.” He had pulled strings at JetBlue. And so began their first date. “Back then I thought we should date for a year [before marriage],” she continues. “So I could finish school and whatever. And Daniel was, like, ‘It’s not going to work, we’ve got to get married now.’ ” After a month they were engaged. Two months after that they were married, moving into an apartment Daniel rented on the Upper West Side. And three months after that she was pregnant, the first Juilliard undergraduate to be expecting “in modern history”.

My entire body just clenched like a fucking fist.

A little over a decade ago, I watched an environmental documentary where one of the interviewers said that whatever a new building development was called – like ‘Oak Grove’ – that's what they destroyed to build it. That comment has stuck in my mind ever since.

That's all I can think of when I hear ‘Ballerina Farm’.


This racism against Haitians is really getting to me. I'm not even sure how to refer to it because I don't even want to say "eating pets thing" because they're not doing that! It's a completely made up racist hoax that the Republican candidates for president and vice-president are all in on.

There's a town in Ohio with a lot of Haitian immigrants and the right made up a completely fake, racist story about Haitian immigrants stealing and eating pets. To be clear, this did not happen. It's completely made up. A lot of people who aren't on twitter (or maybe some corners of facebook) didn't know about it because it's basically a right wing racist social media hoax, but JD Vance was all in on it tweeting about it and he's a sitting senator who's running for vice-president and then last night Trump mentioned it during the debate. It's had some more mainstream news coverage now because of that and things like the police in Ohio saying "yeah that's not happening."


even worse, it was unsurprisingly started by a literal neo-nazi:

some other debunks (per snopes)

the photo going around of a black guy carrying a goose by the neck (which like first of all hats off to anyone who can capture a canada goose by grabbing it by the neck those things are nasty) was apparently taken in columbus ohio (not springfield ohio where this whole faux controversy is supposedly set) and the guy in it likely wasn’t even haitian. the video of a woman being arrested for animal cruelty and confessing to eating a cat was not taken in springfield and the woman in the video speaks with an american accent and is clearly not haitian.

the recent wave of haitian immigrants moving to springfield hasn’t resulted in any kind of crime spike. the “white boy murdered by a haitian immigrant on the way to school” story was a tragic case of vehicular manslaughter, and the boy’s parents disavowed anyone using his story as anti-immigrant propaganda.

while there has been a recent uptick in haitian immigration to the united states (and to be clear we should welcome them. the situation in haiti is dreadful) most haitian immigrants living in the united states have been here for 10+ years because they were given temporary protected status after the 2010 earthquake and then virtually nothing else was done for them (they should be offered a path to citizenship imo) many of them who originally settled in coastal cities are now moving to midwestern towns (such as springfield ohio) because that’s where the factory and warehouse jobs are and the cost of living is more affordable.


Kamala’s taking absolutely no prisoners tonight!!!! Came right out swinging with how he handled 2020 and didn’t stop dragging him with aaaaaaaaall the receipts!


Look. I have so many better things to do with my limited and finite time on this beautiful planet than to listen to Donald Trump talk about anything, so I did not watch the debate. However, I did peep on twitter and the unanimous consensus is that she is absolutely killing, KILLING HIM:

And like. I knew she would do well, but I didn't think it would be an absolute clean clock KTFO, not least because the media will be desperate to help him clean it up in the next few days. But when the legacy media is desperately trying to figure out how to make "Here's how Kamala's crushing debate win is actually bad for her!!!" work, I'd say that's a very good position to be in.


Hillary also destroyed Trump and got under his skin in debates. I feel great about the debate, but I didn't need to be convinced. We can only hope this moves voters.

Or that the media finally wakes up and starts calling Trump too old.


Hillary lost because online psyops managed to convince enough people to not vote or vote third party. Don't let it happen again. Vote and vote blue.

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