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Erasmus Actiunea Cheie 2 - Parteneriate pentru cooperare în învățământul superior

STATUS – Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students


Focusing the attention on the social dimension of Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), the STATUS project opens up possibilities for introduction of innovative approaches in education practices needed to level up governance and curriculum delivery, open further access to programs and resources and equal opportunity for the enrollment and retention of vulnerable students, enhancing their learning relationships and perspectives, and empowering students in general to direct their own learning.

The overall objective is to create a supportive educational environment enhancing the participation of underrepresented students in tertiary education.

Specific objectives

  • To increase the access of Roma and other underrepresented students in European HEIs.
  • To increase academic achievement success rate and prevent Early School Leaving (ESL) in HEIs of Roma and other underrepresented students.
  • To contribute to HEIs more effective and efficient cooperation practices with other relevant local community stakeholders, in particular Civil Society (CS) organisations, leading to increased interest and better targeting of underrepresented students to pursue tertiary education.
  • To create and test inclusive education support measures and programs, exchange of current best approaches and tackling urgent needs.


  • Mapping of good practices on inclusive learning culture in the higher education as well as of early warning systems (EWS) on dropping out risk in the different partner countries’ contexts.
  • Training activities for HEIs teaching and non-teaching staff on increasing access and supporting the academic achievements of underrepresented students.
  • Workshops for students on intercultural peer support skills and active inclusion of underrepresented students.
  • Developmental workshops in Serbia, Italy, Portugal and Romania for the finalization and fine-tuning of the project results.


  • European HEI e-repository of good practices related to socially inclusive learning culture and early warning systems (EWS)
  • HEI teaching and non-teaching staff training manual and programme on intercultural competences and development of more inclusive education environments
  • CS-HE cooperation toolkit on increasing access and supporting achievement of underrepresented students
  • Toolkit on peer support and active inclusion of underrepresented students
  • European policy brief/recommendations for improving social dimension of teaching and learning in European HEIs


  • Innovative education approaches to foster the enrolment and participation of students from underrepresented groups in HE.
  • Improved capacity of HEIs in providing both academic and non-academic support to underrepresented students.
  • Strengthened CS-HE cooperation in supporting underrepresented students in other socio-economic areas beyond the sector of education, such for instance the labour market.
  • Empowered students, in particular underrepresented ones, in becoming main actors of their learning paths.
  • Improved awareness among policy makers on issues related to social inclusion of underrepresented students in HE.


Erasmus Actiunea Cheie 2 - Parteneriate strategice

Innovative Competence in Online Higher Education 

The InCompEdu project tackles the common challenges in the sudden switch to online teaching at the HEI in the EU, due to COVID-19, by identifying and sharing the good practices, knowledge and experience gained at the partner universities and beyond. "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia is a partner in the project.

The challenges include both mastering of new digital skills and the methodologies of creating and conducting online courses.

The project consortium involves 6 academic partners from 6 different countries, that is, Croatia, Finland, Italy, Poland, Romania and Slovenia, led by the University of Gdansk, Poland.

The target groups to be addressed are the community of academic teachers and HEI Authorities responsible for study programmes. These groups have been forced to make rapid changes in course programs and teaching methods. The project’s activities will focus on two aspects, that is, digital competence of academic teachers, and the development of new competences in creation and implementation of online/hybrid courses and innovative curricula.


For more details please see

Erasmus Acţiunea Cheie 2 - Parteneriate Strategice

AGRI BASE -  1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia is a member of the Consortium formed within the project Agri Base project - "Boosting Adults System Education In Agriculture" - 2015-1-MK01-KA204-002857Erasmus +, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for adult education.

The project is coordinated by Open Civic University For Lifelong Learning Vanco Prke, Macedonia, and will run from October 2015 to October 2017. The kickoff meeting was held in Stip, Macedonia, between16-18 October 2015. The consortium consists of 10 institutions: OCULL" Vanco Prke" Stip, R Macedonia (coordinator), University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, University of Foggia, Italy, Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Spain, University "1 Decembrie 1918" Alba Iulia, Romania, Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria, Estonian Academy for Life Sciences, Estonia, Cukurova University, Turkey, College Illyria, Kosovo and Western Balkans Institute, Serbia.

The project consortium was chosen according to the similarities in the project issues the project tackles, and in particular the similarities regarding LLL in agriculture, regional positioning and the expertise of the participants. The main objective of this consortium is to improve the system of adult education in the field of agriculture and rural development through strengthening the competences of the agricultural experts. This will be achieved by developing of training materials in the field of Agro-management, English for Agricultural Purposes and ICT which will be available on-line on the e-platform that is going to be created for this purpose. Apart from this, an on-field study analyses will be made and webinars will be organized on a national level. At least 3000 agricultural adult educators and practitioners in 10 countries will be reached by the activities of this project and will benefit from its results.

For more details please visit

Erasmus Acţiunea Cheie 2 - Parteneriate Strategice

Teacher - Introducing competence - base preschool teacher education curricula in Boznia and Hertegovina. 

"1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia is a partner in the project.

Wider objective: To contribute to improving of quality of teacher education and training in Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Specific objectives:
    • SO.1 innovating of preschool teacher education study programs through introduction of competence-based curricula
    • SO.2 certifying of high quality changes introduced in the curricula through accreditation/licensing process
    • SO.3 modernizing of teaching methodology through teacher training
    • SO.4 improving transversal skills of teachers through training of trainers (ToT sessions) and spill-over sessions
    • SO.5 modernizing of technical and didactical teaching/learning equipment for better students training

For more details please visit

Erasmus Acţiunea Cheie 2 - Capacity building

The project ACACIA "Centros de Cooperación para el Fomento, Fortalecimiento y Transferencia de Buenas Prácticas que Apoyan, Cultivan, Adaptan, Comunican, Innovan y Acogen a la Comunidad Universitaria", 561754-EPP-1-2015-1-CO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, is implemented by Distrita Francisco Jose de Caldas University from Bogota, in partnership with 13 other Latin American and European Universities.

"1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, as a partner in the project, was involved in the production and development of didactic and technological resources and  socio-affective strategies to support at risk populations from university exclusion.

The main objective of the project is to encourage university integration starting from designing and validating a system of professional assistance and education in Latin America, through intra and interinstitutional cooperation in the production and development of educational and technological resources, as well as the generation of socio-effective development strategies populations at risk of university exclusion. Cooperation Centers for the Promotion, Strengthening and Transfer of Good Practices that Support, Cultivate, Adapt, Communicate, Innovate and Accept the university community.

For more details please visit 

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