Bird Dog Exercise: Proper Form, Variations, and Common Mistakes

Also Known As: Quadruped

Targets: Abdominals, lower back, gluteal muscles, and thigh muscles

Equipment Needed: Exercise mat or other cushioned surface

Level: Intermediate

The bird dog is a bodyweight exercise that strengthens your core—specifically your abdominals, lower back, butt, and thighs. Since it requires no equipment other than a mat, the bird dog exercise can be integrated easily into almost any core strength-training routine.

How to Do the Bird Dog Exercise

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Find a spot with enough space to extend one arm and your opposite leg simultaneously. Kneel on an exercise mat or other cushioned surface with your knees hip-distance apart and hands firmly on the ground, about shoulder-width apart. Engage your abdominals.

  1. Point one arm out straight in front and extend the opposite leg behind you, forming a straight line from your extended hand to your extended foot. Keep your hips squared to the ground. If your lower back begins to sag, raise your leg only as high as you can while keeping your back straight.
  2. Hold for a few seconds, then return to your hands and knees. Keep your abs engaged throughout the entire exercise and work to minimize any extra motion in your hips during the weight shift.
  3. Switch to the other side.
  4. Aim to complete five reps on each side or 10 reps total. Add additional sets of 10 exercises for a maximum of three sets of 10. As a variation of the bird dog exercise, you can do a set of 10 on one side, then switch to the opposite side.

If you struggle with good form, practice the bird dog exercise first by lifting your hand and opposite knee just an inch or two off the floor while balancing on the other hand and knee and keeping your weight centered. When you feel steady, you are ready to move on to a full range of motion.

Benefits of the Bird Dog Exercise

The main target of the bird dog is the erector spinae muscle. This long back muscle extends the length of the spine from the skull, neck, and ribs to the vertebrae and sacrum of the hip. It is responsible for extending, flexing, and rotating the spine.

Two abdominal muscles are particularly challenged by bird dog exercises: the rectus abdominis and the obliques. This move also involves the gluteus maximus in the buttocks, the trapezius in the upper back, and the deltoids in the shoulder.

Other muscles are involved in stabilizing the bird dog, including:

  • The hamstrings on the back of the thigh
  • The other gluteal muscles (medius and minimus)
  • The piriformis and obturator externus of the hip
  • The pectoralis and serratus muscles of the chest
  • The triceps of the upper arm

Both athletic trainers and physical therapists use the bird dog exercise with their clients. It is good for building lower back function, as it engages both the core and back at the same time.

The bird dog may reduce lower back pain and is a safe exercise during recovery from a back injury. A strong core and good spinal stability can help in everyday tasks involving bending and twisting.

Other Variations of the Bird Dog Exercise

You can perform the bird dog in different ways based on your fitness level and goals.

No Arm Extension

If you have difficulty with the dual arm-leg movement, begin by extending one leg at a time and not extending the arms. Once you can do this with good form and stability, progress to extending the opposite arm at the same time as the leg.


Rather than returning the hand and knee to the ground between each rep, bend your elbow and bring your opposing knee forward until they touch under the body. This mid-exercise touch increases the tension placed on your core as you work to keep your balance.

Bird Dog on a Bench

You can use a weightlifting bench to add a further challenge. Kneel on the bench with your feet hanging free off its end, eliminating your lower leg's contribution to your stability.

Bird Dog on an Exercise Ball

Place an exercise ball under your hips for the bird dog. You won't be able to get your knees on the ground, so you are balancing on the toes of your foot instead, creating even more of a stability challenge.

Bird Dog From Pushup Position

Rather than having your knees on the ground, get into a push-up position and balance on the toes of your feet and hands. This variation is similar to doing bird dogs on the exercise ball but even more challenging.

Single-Side Bird Dog

This is an advanced variation of the bird dog exercise which you should only do if you have mastered the basics. To do it, extend the arm and leg on the same side of the body simultaneously.

Bird Dog Exercise: Common Mistakes

Avoid these mistakes to keep proper form and reduce injury risk.

Chest Sag

Watch your upper body when doing the bird dog exercise or any variations. If your chest sags, your shoulders will be too close to your ears.

Excessive Spinal Curve

It's just as important that your back does not curve excessively during the movement. Aim to keep your torso straight and your spine in a neutral position.

To test your form, place an empty plastic cup on your lower back. If it falls off, continue to work on extending one leg or one arm at a time.

Safety and Precautions

You should not do the bird dog exercise if you have shoulder pain. If you have had a back injury, check with a healthcare professional or physical therapist about when this exercise might be beneficial. Stop doing it if you experience pain in your shoulders, back, or hips.

Try the Bird Dog Exercise

Create your bird dog workout by incorporating this and similar moves into one of these popular workouts:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the bird dog exercise a yoga pose?

    Yes, variations of the bird dog exercise are used in some yoga practices. The pose is known as dandayamana bharmanasana or balancing table pose. It is a core-stabilizing pose that can be a beneficial part of your yoga practice. Try stabilizing your body in the extended position, and hold there for a breath before switching sides.

  • Where does the bird dog exercise name come from?

    If you observe a dog that is trained to hunt or retrieve birds (known as bird dogs), such as spaniels, pointers, and retrievers, you'll notice that they will hold their four legs in a pattern similar to this exercise when they pick up the scent of prey. When they pose with one front leg up and the opposite back leg up at the same time, they are pointing in the direction of the scent.

  • What type of exercise is the bird dog?

    Bird dog is a bodyweight exercise that works the muscles related to core stability. It also works the muscles that make up the glutes. People with back pain often benefit from bird dog exercises.

6 Sources
Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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By Paul Rogers
Paul Rogers is a personal trainer with experience in a wide range of sports, including track, triathlon, marathon, hockey, tennis, and baseball.