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Forms & Submission Guidance

General Submission Form

Please fill submissions forms out completely using your assigned account number. Use black ink if possible and write legibly. Animal identification should be the same on the sample as it is on the form.

Written histories should be included on the form, if known, and must be included in order for testing to qualify for coverage under the New York State contract. Please also include the owner's full address including the state in which the animal(s) lives; this is especially important for states bordering New York to assist us in determining contract status.

Samples received for testing at the Animal Health Diagnostic Center become the property of the AHDC. The submitting veterinarian is responsible for the requested tests and their associated fees for each submission.

NYS Contract Case Subsidy Program

The New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets provides funding to subsidize the costs for certain disease tests for New York's livestock and poultry industries. This subsidy is intended as an aid in the early detection and surveillance of disease conditions that may threaten livestock and/or public health. For more detail please call the Animal Health Diagnostic Center at 607-253-3900. The contract applies only to New York State food and fiber animals and horses. See NYS Contract Submission Form and NYS Contract Case Pricing.

Regulatory Forms

Regulatory testing may require the use of official state forms. Animals originating in New York State must be tested using official forms for EIA (Coggins) and for Brucellosis testing not associated with abortion problems. For other states, official forms are required for EIAs, but not for Brucellosis.

Official forms are not available through our laboratory; they must be ordered through the state offices in Albany at the following address. These forms must be signed by the submitting accredited veterinarian or the test results cannot be reported. Any samples for regulatory testing that originate from states outside of New York must be accompanied by official state forms provided by those states.

If both regulatory and non-regulatory tests are requested on the same case, you are required to fill out both a regulatory form and a general submission form.

Official forms for regulatory testing in New York State can be ordered at the following address. Please do not send blood samples to the Albany address!

Mail or fax the completed Category 2 Accredited Veterinarian's Supply Request form to:

Attn: Div of Animal Industry/NYS Dept Ag & Mkts
10B Airline Drive
Albany, NY 12235
Fax: 518-485-7773

Sample Submissions

Please note: Samples must be submitted through a licensed veterinarian. It is our policy not to allow animal owners to submit samples directly to the AHDC. International submissions must be accompanied by payment in U.S. funds via credit card or International Money Order.

Each test has a specific set of requirements for sample type and container. Samples submitted to the Animal Health Diagnostic Center must be accompanied by a fully completed General Submission form. A written record of the known history and the date samples were taken are both required information. Take care to enter exactly the same animal names/numbers on the samples as appear on the form and package them in order if at all possible. Both the owner's and animal's names must be written on the samples.

Please consider that chances for errors in processing your samples are minimized by proper labeling.

The following is required for sample submission to the Animal Health Diagnostic Center:

  • A fully completed General Submission form
  • A written record of the known history
  • Sample submission date clearly indicated (see Blood Collection Tube and Labeling Guide)
  • Precision in animal identification: enter exactly the same animal names/numbers on the samples as they are written on the form, and organize them in the same order in the shipping container.
  • For sample identification, Avery ID labels with compatible product numbers 6467 and 6504 can be used.
  • Both the owner's name and animal names must be written on each sample
  • Specimen packaging requirements must be satisfied. Packages leaking in transit may be seized and discarded by the US Postal Service, UPS, FEDEX or other couriers.

To pay by credit card, submit a fully completed Credit Card Payment Slip (one-time only).

Herd Blood Samples

  • The following guidelines must be followed when submitting blood samples from herds (see Blood Collection Guide):
  • Each tube must be clearly labeled and numbered in consecutive order with the same numbers entered in the same order on the submission form. Do not label the rubber stoppers.
  • Label the first and last tubes with the owner's name.
  • The tubes must be placed in the shipping container in the same numerical order as entered on the form. Use partitioned boxes to keep the samples in order.
  • If these guidelines are not followed, retesting at the submitter’s expense may be necessary on some or all animals. Additional processing fees may be incurred if extra time is needed to process samples. It is especially important to submit herd samples labeled and in proper order to avoid delays in processing which will delay the reporting of results.

Abortion Samples

When submitting tissues for abortion testing, be sure to include a thorough history with as much information as possible on the submission form. Tissues should be sent properly prepared using 10% buffered formalin for histopathology testing and freezer packs to keep fresh tissues and serum and whole blood chilled. Samples should be sent overnight by courier service to the Animal Health Diagnostic Center. For owners who are New York State residents, Animal Health Diagnostic Center test charges covered by the NYS contract will be performed at no additional charge. Read more about abortion samples here.

Citrate Plasma Samples

Depending upon the type of animal, there are different are requirements for preparing citrate plasma samples. For cats, dogs, primates, or rabbits, there is both a syringe method and a vacutainer method. For large animals use a vacutainer. For laboratory animals use a syringe method. Detailed instructions and necessary volumes are provided. Read more about citrate plasma samples here.

Johnes Testing Samples

For all herd sampling, please contact the laboratory at 607-253-4473 for consultation and scheduling of sample submission. If more than 75 samples are submitted at once, or any large number on a regular basis, schedule with the lab at least one month in advance of submission. For submission of Bovine sera for Johnes Kela, advance notification is required for herd testing of more than 300 animals. Read more about Johne's Disease Program here.

Nucleic Acid Extraction

The AHDC offers its expertise to extract DNA and RNA from your research samples, including whole blood, serum, plasma, tissues, feces, cultures, swabs and washes. Samples must be labeled clearly with sequential, underlined numbers (to distinguish between numbers if their order is disrupted during shipment), and labeling must match submission form IDs. Samples should then be placed in order in a box secured with a lid and other means to ensure sample organization is not disrupted during shipment. Any samples received that do not meet the labeling and organizational guidelines listed here may incur an additional processing fee.

On the submission form:

  1. Request Nucleic Acid Extraction (test code: NAE).
  2. Specify if you need Xeno internal control added.
  3. Specify if the extraction will be used for sequencing.
  4. For tick samples, specify if tick species ID (Parasite ID) are needed.
  5. For tick samples, specify if samples are in isopropanol or ethanol.
  6. Provide your Fedex account to allow for shipment of extractions.

Once the extractions are complete, they will be placed in 1.5ml snap-cap tubes labeled with the same sequential numbering that you assigned, organized in a box and shipped frozen on dry ice overnight to you. See submission instructions for nucleic acid samples.

Rabies Suspect Samples

Samples for rabies testing should not be sent to the Animal Health Diagnostic Center! All Rabies Viral FA testing is performed by the NYS Department of Health's Wadsworth Center Rabies Laboratory in Albany. Submission of a rabies specimen requires prior approval of the local health authority (county health department or district office of the State Health Department). Emergency and after-hour exceptions can be made with the approval of the Wadsworth Center. Read more about rabies samples here.

Special Submission Requirements for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) Testing

USDA/APHIS Veterinary Services has released a new guidance document, VS Guidance 15201.1-Approval of Laboratories to Conduct Tests for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA), for laboratories conducting EIA Testing.  This will impact submitters in the following ways:

  • Laboratories can only accept samples from federally authorized Category II Accredited veterinarians. The AHDC will be confirming accreditation via federally maintained systems.
  • By April 15, 2020 submitters must use the current federally approved EIA forms or systems, Example: VS Form 10-11 or Global Vet Link form.
  • All form information/data points are required and must be filled in or indicated as N/A. Incomplete forms will be rejected and returned to submitters for completion. Beginning April 15, 2020, the AHDC will have to start charging $10 for the return of incomplete forms.
  • Samples older than 30 days can no longer be tested, regardless of whether or not they have been frozen. The AHDC will notify the submitter when this has occurred and the test will not be performed.
  • At the discretion of the laboratory, amended forms can be processed as long as:
    • They are received within 30 days of the draw date of the sample.
    • Previously distributed copies are returned to the laboratory.
    • Change of ownership is not one of the items being amended.
  • The AHDC charges $10 for the processing of amended forms.
  • Beginning April 15, 2020 a $5 accession fee will be charged for EIA submissions.

EIA Season Reminders

The AHDC uses the ELISA test as the default test for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA). This decision was based on user demand and faster test turnaround time.

The AHDC will only perform the EIA AGID test when:

  • A Global VetLink electronic submission form is used and AGID is requested; OR
  • An AGID test is specifically requested AND the Export box is checked on the submission form

If the AGID test is being requested in anticipation of potential travel of the horse, please check the EXPORT box.
It is the responsibility of the veterinarian completing the document to ensure that descriptions provided will uniquely identify the horse for the purpose of animal movement and the needs of the owner. The USDA has developed a guidance document for identifying horses which can be found here. Contact your state animal health officials or USDA District Office for additional assistance.

When filling out official Coggins (EIA) forms to submit samples to the laboratory, please take into consideration that these are multi part forms and require additional pressure to make sure all copies are legible. Please also review forms for completeness to avoid possibly delayed results. The AHDC is a Global VetLink laboratory for electronic submissions. More information can be obtained here.

All official EIA forms (except for electronically submitted forms) are returned by US Mail. For STAT testing please call the lab and make arrangements for this service (607-253-3900). Additional fees will apply.

Requests to correct animal and/or owner demographics after release of results, requiring us to recall and amend previously distributed reports, will result in a $10 surcharge.

Schedule for Receipt of Samples at the Diagnostic Center

The AHDC's normal hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00am–5:00pm. Limited services are provided on Saturday mornings from 9:00am–1:00pm. All samples designated for Saturday delivery will be received, opened, and prepared for delivery to the laboratories, but testing is not guaranteed until the following work-week. The Bacteriology and Clinical Pathology labs are open on Saturday mornings and do offer some testing services during that time.