Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price has said that talking about an independence referendum isn't "a distraction" but a "necessity".

Mr Price was speaking to WalesOnline as part of a series of interviews we are running with the party leaders ahead of the election on May 6, after which he has promised a referendum on independence for Wales if his party is in government.

Asked why health or education aren't his priority, Mr Price said: " We don't make the distinction because for us, independence is all about solving those problems."

"For us, it's not a case of independence for independence sake, it's about the Wales that we want to create."

Mr Price said he wouldn't take a seat at Labour's cabinet table as a junior minister - even if it gave him a chance to bring Plaid policies into Government.

He isn't interested in a position as a junior partner - if Labour needed support for a majority in the Senedd after the election - because politics isn't his "career" but vocation.

"I don't see politics as a political career, I walked away from politics, I did my job as well as I could [as MP], it was an honour to do it while I could.

"But politics is not about that. For me it's a vocation on behalf of people.

"I know that the kind of change that we need is not going to be delivered by a Labour government that hasn't changed anything in the last 10 years."

As part of our series of interviews, Mark Drakeford's thoughts on independence and his Covid regrets has already been published and our interview with Conservative leader Andrew RT Davies' will follow next week

Adam Price's interview

Is independence really the biggest challenge the Senedd is facing?

The only way in the long run, we're going to be able to address the deep poverty and inequality within Wales history [is] independence.

So we don't see it as a distraction or a constitutional abstraction or anything like that. It's a practical necessity.

Those solutions are not going to come from Westminster.

But what we see what I say to people who like Plaid and think, look, we do now need new ideas and fresh leadership, but are now persuaded by independence, I say this - give us a chance.

Let us show to you what Wales can do even within the current limitations of the settlement that we have. And I think we can persuade you, that Wales can be a success as an independent country. And we can deliver all those things in terms of social justice and economic progress that Wales so badly needs .

There's only so many hours in the debating chamber, there's only so many hours in civil service life. If you got in and you'd focus on independence, it would have to take time away from something else.

In terms of thinking about the future of Wales, I don't think that that is actually a negative in terms of getting people engaged as we would through a national commission on what kind of Wales do we want to be?

For us, it's not a case of independence for independence sake, it's about the Wales that we want to create.

So the conversations that we will want to have with people about okay, well, what, what would the constitution of an independent Wales look like? Actually getting people engaged with our democracy, with our future as a nation, we see that as a positive because we need to, as a nation to find better ways of tapping into the collective intelligence and enthusiasm.

No government is going to be able to solve all the problems.

There are massive waiting lists for people needing elective surgeries. In schools, teachers and parents are so worried the disruption to their children's education. Why aren't those issues your priority? Why independence?

We don't make the distinction because for us, independence is all about solving those problems. It's all about making sure that Wales as a nation realises its potential, but everyone with it with to live better, more meaningful, decent lives.

We see it as starting with the election of new government, which is going to put Wales in a different path, and start to solve those problems taking us all the way through to an independence referendum with a more self confident nation, because we've been able to show look, we can do this.

Then the levers and tools that will give us to solve problems in people's daily lives. We don't we don't see it in those terms. The national question to us, is the social question. It is the economic question. It’s how do my children have better life chances is? How do our next generation achieve that potential in the schools? How do we solve the problem of longevity which is going backwards in years?

It's all of those problems. Independence is part of the answer. It's not it's not a distraction from them, we would say.

Have you just been swept up in good independence polling?

I wrote an article several years ago now, I think in the beginning of the last decade, actually saying that Plaid Cymru had to put independence at the heart of a message.

So even before it became fashionable.

Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price

I've been very clear and consistent and I think what has changed it, there was a little there was a nervousness possibly at time's about should we emphasise it too much,.

I’ve always felt that that was the wrong approach. People, in my experience, really value passion, enthusiasm, it's infectious, it inspires people and even when they disagree with you, people like the authenticity and the honesty.

We've set out a vision. A vision of this independent Wales, which will be delivering social justice, economic progress and that's a pretty good vision to have.

Now, people may have legitimate doubts. They may have questions about the practicalities that absolutely need to address. But I think it's better to tell people look, ‘here is our vision’ who wants to come with us?

Your manifesto is a large document in terms of size in terms of content, it’s ambitious, how are you going to pay for it?

I'm an economist by training, that's my background. So we wanted to be absolutely sure that we could afford the kind of ambitious programme that we felt that we have was needed. And I insisted, and it was a risk that no other political party has taken that we have got to have it independently verified by two leading economists and non members.

They aren’t full of praise, are they?

And that's why it's honest, isn't it? Because I mean we published it in full and it raises absolutely legitimate concerns, particularly about deliverability.

Because the Welsh Government, the Labour government has failed to deliver in key areas, particularly in terms of infrastructure investment. So we fully accept that.

You want to ask Westminster for extra borrowing powers. If that doesn't happen, you go for private financing, Professor Gerry Holtham has said that's going to take a lot longer to arrange, it's got to be negotiated project by project and the cost is going to be higher. But you’re not going to get the money from UK Government, are you?

We should, but we accept that we can’t control that.

Adam Price

It’s fairly unlikely.

That’s why we've worked in detail on a plan B.

The experts said that’s going to cost more and take longer, is that a sensible route?

If that's the only option, then the alternative is not to invest in infrastructure. And that means that Wales is going to be held back for for another generation, and that's just not acceptable.

So it’s a price worth paying?

We have no option at the moment. When we're an independent nation we will be able to borrow in our own rights as a sovereign government, but at the moment, we have a cap, which is unfairly imposed upon us shouldn't be, but it is. And that's why we have to have a plan B.

So you don't think you're promising bigger than you can deliver?

Oh, no, absolutely not. I mean, in terms of the financial affordability they confirm it is realistic for us to follow through innovative finance. The Welsh Government do this already. They just do it at a very much smaller scale.

And so the principle is there. And, yes, it is more expensive than borrowing through sovereign borrowing for the UK Government. But it still was much cheaper than it has been at any time in our adult lifetimes.

So it is still massively beneficial to borrow now even when you're borrowing from commercial borrowers.

Adam Price

They also say the civil service isn’t ready. If you’ve not got the civil service and not got the money. Is that not a recipe for disaster?

We could get the money. I mean, what they did they confirm that in borrowing the level that we have is way within the financial limit.

The Scottish Government uses revenue funded investment so you use your revenue budget to repay your borrowing, even though you're using innovative finance, it's commercial borrowing rather than government borrowing.

The Scottish government currently uses 4% of its revenue funding to pay for investment projects to its revenue budget. The equivalent figure for the Welsh Government is 0.3%. So we've got an incredible amount of headroom to actually increase infrastructure investment.

What would your cap be?

We'd say we'd go a little bit more cautious and say, 4%, and we will within that. We would see this as a second term approach. So we borrow further money in the second term.

That’s something else the experts say, isn’t it, that this isn’t achievable within one term?

We would see a £10 billion programme over 10 years, and we would be well within, as confirmed by Gerry [Holtham] and Brian [Morgan], the 4% threshold during the course of that, and then you repay it over the period of 25 years.

So many of the projects, of course, some of them are more shovel ready, others are less so. And so if, because of the deliverability, which isn't about finance, per se, it's really about the practicality of getting the project going in the ground.

I think they're they have a strong point and we recognise that our response to it, of course, is to bring into the heart of government have the kind of expertise that isn't there at the moment.

Adam Price

So civil service reform ties in with this?

Absolutely and particularly the office of regional development and investment, which is a team of about 25 people as we assess, that would be real experts in infrastructure investment.

You've committed to this 1% a year efficiency savings, which the experts said is ‘challenging’.

Labour say that will equate to more than the uplift in a local government settlement this year, £176 million, it's close to half the uplift in the core NHS and social services, more than the housing support grant. And it's greater than the budget for arts culture, museums, library sports, and the Welsh language combined, which is £176 million. So where are you going to save that 1%?

The Welsh Government itself has efficiency savings.

The NHS in Wales at the moment has an efficiency savings team, it's something that is already happening. So is the Welsh Government now saying that they're going to shut that programme down?

Is your 1% new savings or continuing the existing ones?

It would be a 1% efficiency savings across the Welsh Government budget every year over the next five years.

So it's continuing the work of efficiencies that are already ongoing?

Well, I can't comment as to what their forward plans are but the efficiency savings programme has been there for some time. And honestly, 1% is at the lower end of what most governments have been aiming for.

It's a perfectly modest and reasonable target, we would argue, I think what Gerry and Brian are referring to possibly that maybe the Welsh Government hasn’t been achieving those reasonable levels of efficiency service in certain areas, but we've got to drive that up.

Your manifesto says that you want to ban fossil fuel energy energy by 2022 and for homes to be highly energy efficient by 2023. Who is going to pay for that?

For new homes we’re putting in place new standards, which mean that we have eco homes so we move away from the use of fossil homes for new homes.

For those currently that are using fossil fuels, I'm off grid in my own home, we have to target those homes in particular, to try to decarbonize them and provide support as part of it.

Is there going to be a hit to Joe Bloggs his pocket?

We're looking to particularly target those as priorities for our programme of investment in decarbonisation.

We want to decarbonize all 1.4 million existing homes in Wales. And we have a plan to do all of that by 2035 which works out at 200,000 homes over the next five years.

And particularly then we would be focusing on two major areas, which is people in fuel poverty, but also then people who are currently reliant on fossil fuels so we can move them over as quickly as possible to decarbonize.

Adam Price

As we sit here today most of these houses surrounding us will use gas. Will each person have to pay?

I think we would look at moving the gas grid over to hydrogen at a faster rate, talking with the suppliers.

Some of that work is already ongoing, but we'd want to invest in that so it can happen quicker, for example you can add some proportion of hydrogen to the existing mix so it can be done in a phased way.

Then there's the issue of moving people over completely to a hydrogen gas grid.

So that's something that you'd want to do at the level of the grid itself.

That’s huge asks of the company, that cost is going come to customers somewhere.

No, that would be a national programme that we would be invested in as part of it. I think over the long term actually we expect renewable energy to be cheaper.

For people reading something like that and saying ‘I'd love fossil fuels to go however, I haven't got money to pay for it’. They don't need to be worried about that if Adam Price is First Minister?

The 200,000 homes, we would be paying for it. We couldn't do the 1.4 million homes, initially, but we’d be doing them in tranches.

People may want to decide they want to do it quicker themselves and we would want to be providing support and advice to people.

Your manifesto talks about getting rid of GCSEs and A levels. Why now?

We believe that we need to shift the focus of the qualifications and assessment side of education to match the changes in the curriculum. So we have the new curriculum, which is for the 21st century, which is moving away from a kind of a siloed approach to learning.

When we look at a qualifications and assessment system, it's like something out of the 1840s, let alone the 1940s.

It's really still a kind of exam factory of approach to it, and then you have the problem of teaching to the test so there's a complete mismatch at the moment between the curriculum and the qualifications assessment.

In terms of GCSEs, we believe that we should be moving to education participation until 18, saying in school or college until 18 where you have your assessment at the end of that entire period rather than 16, which is kind of arbitrary.

It just creates unnecessary stress in so many ways.

In terms of 18, then we think we need something with the principles of the International Baccalaureate essentially, it is portfolio working, it's cross disciplinary and that's what we believe will be fit for the 21st century.

Your policy about second homes is for 200% tax premiums on second homes. Are you not just pushing people from Wales who want to holiday here out? Are you not stifling the tourism industry?

We want to invest in the future of the tourism sector.

There's a basic unfairness here that I think most people would accept we've reached a crisis point, because it's already been incredibly difficult position in those communities for people has now become completely impossible.

It’s not a unique Welsh problem and there are solutions elsewhere.

And we've got to look in terms of the planning law as well

Some of those houses at the moment that are second homes and may come back onto the market, for example, because it would be less attractive for people to have them, let's buy them for the community. Some of them can be for local, young people to be able to rent and buy. And some of them could be owned by a local community land trust as part of a locally owned tourism sector.

We want people to enjoy the wonderful landscape and culture and food of West Wales but that doesn't mean you need to buy your second home to live there.

Why are you ruling yourself out of working with anyone? You’ve said you won’t work with the Tories and that you won’t be a junior minister to Labour. Wouldn’t it be better to have a seat at table in any capacity so your voice is heard?

I think it is important to be honest. I think it is important for people to know that we wouldn't under any circumstances enter into coalition with the Conservatives. But on the Labour side I think it was important to say we're not interested in being a junior partner. Another five years, more of the same just just fills me with despair, to be honest with you.

But look what Kirsty Williams achieved in that five years? Is it better not to be at the table and have a voice than just to say, no, we're not going to do it?

Look at the big picture, look where we are in terms of poverty and inequality.

Wales needs radical change, it needs transformational change.

And the idea that you can tinker at the edges or get a little bit of a tweak here and there. That's no longer enough if it ever was and we’re not interested in that, I'm sorry.

We're absolutely clear that we've got to take this country in a different direction. Not because I want this job it's not driving me.

I walked away from politics

Adam Price

It’s not ego?

No, it’s not.

I'm not interested in collecting points in my pension plan. I don't see politics as a political career, I walked away from politics, I did my job as well as I could, it was an honour to do it while I could.

But politics is not about that, for me, it's a vocation on behalf of people and I have to look people in the eye, I have to look my mother in the eye when I talk about social care.

I know that the kind of change that we need is not going to be delivered by a Labour government that hasn't changed anything in the last 10 years.

We share many of the same values. I'm a socialist, I come from a Labour voting family.

The argument often isn't about values, it's about why haven't you turned the values in this into tangible change, and I could not join another Labour government which is not going to, which is not I feel, is not going to deliver the kind of level of change that we need, we can only do that by leading.

And that's the choice of the people of Wales. Change is on the ballot.

I've nailed my colours to the mast and we're not available for the idea of simply continuing with what we have and that's the idea of junior partnership. It's not where we are, and it's not where we want to be.