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National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

What do all the colors on this map mean?


Please provide us feedback on watch / warning maps

The National Weather Service issues a variety of severe weather warnings, watches, advisories, and statements. These warnings, watches, etc. may be issued for a single forecast zone (usually one county or a part of a county) or for many forecast zones. The events are indicated on the map by different colors. Only one event per forecast zone can be shown on the map at a time, a forecast zone may have several warnings and watches in effect but only the most significant threat to life or property is displayed on the map. By clicking on the map to the forecast pages, you can read the text of all warnings, watches, etc. in effect for the forecast zone.

How often does the map update?

The map updates approximately every 5 minutes with all warnings, watches, advisories, and statements in effect.

What is UTC?

Universal Time Coordinated is a standard time convention used in taking weather observations. To learn more, please go here.

Is there a list of all the warnings and watches and the color codes?

Below is a list of all warnings, watches, advisories, and statements that display on the maps and the associated color and color name. Last update: March 24th, 2021. 

On October 1st, 2024 this list is planned to change per this notice. The list that will be effective on October 1st, 2024 can be found here.

Hazard / Weather Event
Click on the Hazard/Weather Event For Definitions
Priority Color Sample Color Name RGB Color Hex Code
Tsunami Warning 1   Tomato 253 99 71 FD6347
Tornado Warning 2   Red 255 0 0 FF0000
Extreme Wind Warning 3   Darkorange 255 140 0 FF8C00
Severe Thunderstorm Warning 4   Orange 255 165 0 FFA500
Flash Flood Warning 5   Darkred 139 0 0 8B0000
Flash Flood Statement 6   Darkred 139 0 0 8B0000
Severe Weather Statement 7   Aqua 0 255 255 00FFFF
Shelter In Place Warning 8   Salmon 250 128 114 FA8072
Evacuation Immediate 9   Chartreuse 127 255 0 7FFF00
Civil Danger Warning 10   Lightpink 255 182 193 FFB6C1
Nuclear Power Plant Warning 11   Indigo 75 0 130 4B0082
Radiological Hazard Warning 12   Indigo 75 0 130 4B0082
Hazardous Materials Warning 13   Indigo 75 0 130 4B0082
Fire Warning 14   Sienna 160 82 45 A0522D
Civil Emergency Message 15   Lightpink 255 182 193 FFB6C1
Law Enforcement Warning 16   Silver 192 192 192 C0C0C0
Storm Surge Warning 17   Darkpurple 181 36 247 B524F7
Hurricane Force Wind Warning 18   Westernred 205 92 92 CD5C5C
Hurricane Warning 19   Crimson 220 20 60 DC143C
Typhoon Warning 20   Crimson 220 20 60 DC143C
Special Marine Warning 21   Orange 255 165 0 FFA500
Blizzard Warning 22   Orangered 255 69 0 FF4500
Snow Squall Warning 23   Mediumvioletred 199 21 133 C71585
Ice Storm Warning 24   Darkmagenta 139 0 139 8B008B
Winter Storm Warning 25   Hotpink 255 105 180 FF69B4
High Wind Warning 26   Goldenrod 218 165 32 DAA520
Tropical Storm Warning 27   Firebrick 178 34 34 B22222
Storm Warning 28   Darkviolet 148 0 211 9400D3
Tsunami Advisory 29   Chocolate 210 105 30 D2691E
Tsunami Watch 30   Fushsia 255 0 255 FF00FF
Avalanche Warning 31   Dodgerblue 30 144 255 1E90FF
Earthquake Warning 32   Saddlebrown 139 69 19 8B4513
Volcano Warning 33   darkslategray 47 79 79 2F4F4F
Ashfall Warning 34   Darkgray 169 169 169 A9A9A9
Coastal Flood Warning 35   Forestgreen 34 139 34 228B22
Lakeshore Flood Warning 36   Forestgreen 34 139 34 228B22
Flood Warning 37   Lime 0 255 0 00FF00
High Surf Warning 38   Forestgreen 34 139 34 228B22
Dust Storm Warning 39   Bisque 255 228 196 FFE4C4
Blowing Dust Warning 40   Bisque 255 228 196 FFE4C4
Lake Effect Snow Warning 41   Darkcyan 0 139 139 008B8B
Excessive Heat Warning 42   Mediumvioletred 199 21 133 C71585
Tornado Watch 43   Yellow 255 255 0 FFFF00
Severe Thunderstorm Watch 44   Palevioletred 219 112 147 DB7093
Flash Flood Watch 45   Seagreen 46 139 87 2E8B57
Gale Warning 46   Plum 221 160 221 DDA0DD
Flood Statement 47   Lime 0 255 0 00FF00
Wind Chill Warning 48   Lightsteelblue 176 196 222 B0C4DE
Extreme Cold Warning 49   Blue 0 0 255 0000FF
Hard Freeze Warning 50   Darkviolet 148 0 211 9400D3
Freeze Warning 51   Darkslateblue 72 61 139 483D8B
Red Flag Warning 52   Deeppink 255 20 147 FF1493
Storm Surge Watch 53   Lightpurple 219 127 247 DB7FF7
Hurricane Watch 54   Magenta 255 0 255 FF00FF
Hurricane Force Wind Watch 55   Darkorchid 153 50 204 9932CC
Typhoon Watch 56   Magenta 255 0 255 FF00FF
Tropical Storm Watch 57   Lightcoral 240 128 128 F08080
Storm Watch 58   Moccasin 255 228 181 FFE4B5
Hurricane Local Statement 59   Moccasin 255 228 181 FFE4B5
Typhoon Local Statement 60   Moccasin 255 228 181 FFE4B5
Tropical Storm Local Statement 61   Moccasin 255 228 181 FFE4B5
Tropical Depression Local Statement 62   Moccasin 255 228 181 FFE4B5
Avalanche Advisory 63   Peru 205 133 63 CD853F
Winter Weather Advisory 64   Mediumslateblue 123 104 238 7B68EE
Wind Chill Advisory 65   Paleturquoise 175 238 238 AFEEEE
Heat Advisory 66   Coral 255 127 80 FF7F50
Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory 67   Springgreen 0 255 127 00FF7F
Small Stream Flood Advisory 68   Springgreen 0 255 127 00FF7F
Arroyo and Small Stream Flood Advisory 69   Springgreen 0 255 127 00FF7F
Flood Advisory 70   Springgreen 0 255 127 00FF7F
Hydrologic Advisory 71   Springgreen 0 255 127 00FF7F
Lakeshore Flood Advisory 72   Lawngreen 124 252 0 7CFC00
Coastal Flood Advisory 73   Lawngreen 124 252 0 7CFC00
High Surf Advisory 74   Mediumorchid 186 85 211 BA55D3
Heavy Freezing Spray Warning 75   Deepskyblue 0 191 255 00BFFF
Dense Fog Advisory 76   Slategray 112 128 144 708090
Dense Smoke Advisory 77   Khaki 240 230 140 F0E68C
Small Craft Advisory 78   Thistle 216 191 216 D8BFD8
Brisk Wind Advisory 79   Thistle 216 191 216 D8BFD8
Hazardous Seas Warning 80   Thistle 216 191 216 D8BFD8
Dust Advisory 81   Darkkhaki 189 183 107 BDB76B
Blowing Dust Advisory 82   Darkkhaki 189 183 107 BDB76B
Lake Wind Advisory 83   Tan 210 180 140 D2B48C
Wind Advisory 84   Tan 210 180 140 D2B48C
Frost Advisory 85   Cornflowerblue 100 149 237 6495ED
Ashfall Advisory 86   Dimgray 105 105 105 696969
Freezing Fog Advisory 87   Teal 0 128 128 008080
Freezing Spray Advisory 88   Deepskyblue 0 191 255 00BFFF
Low Water Advisory 89   Brown 165 42 42 A52A2A
Local Area Emergency 90   Silver 192 192 192 C0C0C0
Avalanche Watch 91   Sandybrown 244 164 96 F4A460
Blizzard Watch 92   Greenyellow 173 255 47 ADFF2F
Rip Current Statement 93   Turquoise 64 224 208 40E0D0
Beach Hazards Statement 94   Turquoise 64 224 208 40E0D0
Gale Watch 95   Pink 255 192 203 FFC0CB
Winter Storm Watch 96   Steelblue 70 130 180 4682B4
Hazardous Seas Watch 97   Darkslateblue 72 61 139 483D8B
Heavy Freezing Spray Watch 98   Rosybrown 188 143 143 BC8F8F
Coastal Flood Watch 99   Mediumaquamarine 102 205 170 66CDAA
Lakeshore Flood Watch 100   Mediumaquamarine 102 205 170 66CDAA
Flood Watch 101   Seagreen 46 139 87 2E8B57
High Wind Watch 102   Darkgoldenrod 184 134 11 B8860B
Excessive Heat Watch 103   Maroon 128 0 0 800000
Extreme Cold Watch 104   Blue 0 0 255 0000FF
Wind Chill Watch 105   Cadetblue 95 158 160 5F9EA0
Lake Effect Snow Watch 106   Lightskyblue 135 206 250 87CEFA
Hard Freeze Watch 107   Royalblue 65 105 225 4169E1
Freeze Watch 108   Cyan 0 255 255 00FFFF
Fire Weather Watch 109   Navajowhite 255 222 173 FFDEAD
Extreme Fire Danger 110   Darksalmon 233 150 122 E9967A
911 Telephone Outage 111   Silver 192 192 192 C0C0C0
Coastal Flood Statement 112   Olivedrab 107 142 35 6B8E23
Lakeshore Flood Statement 113   Olivedrab 107 142 35 6B8E23
Special Weather Statement 114   Moccasin 255 228 181 FFE4B5
Marine Weather Statement 115   Peachpuff 255 239 213 FFDAB9
Air Quality Alert 116   Gray 128 128 128 808080
Air Stagnation Advisory 117   Gray 128 128 128 808080
Hazardous Weather Outlook 118   Palegoldenrod 238 232 170 EEE8AA
Hydrologic Outlook 119   Lightgreen 144 238 144 90EE90
Short Term Forecast 120   Palegreen 152 251 152 98FB98
Administrative Message 121   Silver 192 192 192 C0C0C0
Test 122   Azure 240 255 255 F0FFFF
Child Abduction Emergency 123   Transparent 255 255 255 FFFFFF
Blue Alert 124   Transparent 255 255 255 FFFFFF