Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN)

Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN)

WHO / Tim Stark
GOARN training participants engage in a discussion in Berlin, Germany.
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The Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) is a global technical partnership and a key mechanism to engage the resources of technical agencies beyond the United Nations for rapid identification, confirmation of and response to public health emergencies of international importance.

GOARN was formed in recognition of the need to strengthen and coordinate the rapid mobilization of experts responding to international outbreaks. GOARN comprises over 300 technical institutions and networks globally, with 76 partners in the Western Pacific Region. GOARN’s areas of work include alerts and risks assessment, capacity building and training, rapid response capabilities and operational research.

WHO facilitates GOARN capacity building activities that provide a safe space for public health experts of various specialties to build and test their skills, behaviours and attitudes as they work in an international multidisciplinary team. Training modules support a common standard and baseline of knowledge across all GOARN partners, which serves to facilitate a more seamless integration with government, national and international partners in their response teams.

GOARN Timeline

GOARN has responded to several outbreaks in the Region including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, A/H5N1, Meningitis, Cholera, Leptospirosis, Vibrio vulcanificus, Polio, Dengue, Acinetobacter Baumannii, Measles, Zika and COVID-19.