R español (Q18665344)

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categoría en el sistema de clasificación MPAA español
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    film content classification given by the Motion Picture Association
    • R – Restricted
    • Rated R
    • R rating
    • MPAA R
    • MPA R
    • R (MPAA)
    • R (MPA)
    • MPAA Restricted
    • MPA Restricted
    • MPAA Under 17 Requires Accompanying Parent or Adult Guardian
    • MPA Under 17 Requires Accompanying Parent or Adult Guardian
    • Restricted (MPAA)
    • Restricted (MPA)
    • Under 17 Requires Accompanying Parent or Adult Guardian (MPAA)
    • Under 17 Requires Accompanying Parent or Adult Guardian (MPA)


    MPA R RATING.svg
    512 × 411; 6 kB
    0 referencies
    MPA R RATING (block).svg
    512 × 210; 50 kB
    0 referencies
    0 referencies
    PG español
    0 referencies
    GP español
    0 referencies
    M inglés
    0 referencies
    edad mínima español
    17 años
    Age limit raised to 17 along with the X rating in 1970. (inglés)
    0 referencies
    0 referencies
    18 años
    Starting in 2013, the minimum age for R-rated films will be generally 17 years old, even in Tennessee, because the previous law is considered to be in violation of the First Amendment. However, if the film is considered harmful to minors, then the age limit unaccompanied can be increased to 18 years, but only applied to Tennessee. Nonetheless, NC-17 rated films must be restricted to adults aged 18 years and over. (inglés)
    1 referencia
    In 1989, Tennessee state law set the minimum age to view a theatrically exhibited R-rated film without adult accompaniment at 18, instead of 17, and categorized the admission of minors to X-rated films as a misdemeanor. The statute remained in force until 2013, when it was ruled to be in violation of the First Amendment. The law was amended in 2013 as to prohibit persons under the age of 18 only if the film was considered "harmful to minors". (inglés)
    17 años
    In 1989, Tennessee state law set the minimum age to view a theatrically exhibited R-rated film without adult accompaniment at 18, instead of 17. (inglés)
    0 referencies
    17 años
    Starting in 2013, the minimum age for R-rated films will be generally 17 years old, even in Tennessee, because the previous law is considered to be in violation of the First Amendment. However, if the film is considered harmful to minors, then the age limit unaccompanied can be increased to 18 years, but only applied to Tennessee. Nonetheless, NC-17 rated films must be restricted to adults aged 18 years and over. (inglés)
    1 referencia
    In 1989, Tennessee state law set the minimum age to view a theatrically exhibited R-rated film without adult accompaniment at 18, instead of 17, and categorized the admission of minors to X-rated films as a misdemeanor. The statute remained in force until 2013, when it was ruled to be in violation of the First Amendment. The law was amended in 2013 as to prohibit persons under the age of 18 only if the film was considered "harmful to minors". (inglés)
    edad mínima español
    17 años
    0 referencies
    0 referencies
    R指定 español
    0 referencies
    R-Shitei español
    0 referencies
    0 referencies
    0 referencies
    R17 inglés
    0 referencies
    R13 inglés
    0 referencies
    R15 inglés
    0 referencies
    R16 inglés
    0 referencies
    R18 inglés
    0 referencies
    R14 inglés
    0 referencies
    0 referencies
    0 referencies
    certificado R18 español
    0 referencies
    R 18+ español
    0 referencies
    RP13 inglés
    0 referencies
    RP16 inglés
    0 referencies
    RP18 español
    0 referencies
    Objectionable inglés
    0 referencies
    Restricted inglés
    0 referencies
    R21 inglés
    0 referencies
