Geneva Convention on the Wounded and Sick anglès (Q5532988)

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1929 treaty anglès
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    Geneva Convention on the Wounded and Sick
    1929 treaty
    • 1929 Convention on the Wounded and Sick
    • 1929 Geneva Convention on the Wounded and Sick
    • Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field
    • Convention on the Wounded and Sick of 1929
    • Convention of 1929 on the Wounded and Sick
    • Geneva Convention of 1929 on the Wounded and Sick
    • Geneva Convention on the Wounded and Sick of 1929


    27 jul 1929Gregorià
    0 referències
    Ženevska konvencija o izboljšanju usode ranjencev in bolnikov v vojskah na bojišču (eslovè)
    0 referències
    0 referències
    0 referències
