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123,000+This user has made over 123,000 contributions to Wikidata.
This user runs a bot, RfcBot (contribs).
This user is a member of
WikiProject Australia.
This user is a member of
WikiProject Informatics.
This user is a member of
WikiProject Properties
This user is a member of WikiProject COVID19.
QuickStatements logoThis user uses QuickStatements.
This user loves OpenRefine.
Wikibase CLI screenshotThis user reads and edits Wikidata from the command line using wikibase-cli.
This user has an advanced understanding of the Pywikibot software library.
Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
Users by language

Contact details


E-mail: [email protected]



I have interests in the following projects:



I look after and run the following bots:

Example queries


List RFC standards whose titles contain "SMTP", displaying their main subjects


The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)  View with Reasonator View with SQID, title (P1476)  View with Reasonator View with SQID, main subject (P921)  View with Reasonator View with SQID, RfC ID (P892)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
    SELECT ?RfC_ID ?Request_for_Comments ?Request_for_CommentsLabel ?main_subject ?main_subjectLabel ?RfC_IDLabel WHERE {
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
      ?Request_for_Comments wdt:P31 wd:Q212971.
      ?Request_for_Comments wdt:P1476 ?title.
      OPTIONAL { ?Request_for_Comments wdt:P921 ?main_subject. }
      OPTIONAL { ?Request_for_Comments wdt:P892 ?RfC_ID. }
      FILTER regex(str(?title), "SMTP")

Equations used to calculate qualities of investment strategies


The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)  View with Reasonator View with SQID, subclass of (P279)  View with Reasonator View with SQID, has characteristic (P1552)  View with Reasonator View with SQID, defining formula (P2534)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
    SELECT ?trading_strategy ?trading_strategyLabel ?classLabel ?quality ?qualityLabel ?equation WHERE {
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
      ?trading_strategy wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* wd:Q1574928.
      ?trading_strategy wdt:P279 ?class.
      ?trading_strategy wdt:P1552 ?quality.
      OPTIONAL { ?quality wdt:P2534 ?equation }.