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Wikidata:Project chat/af

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Wikidata project chat
'N Plek om enige aspekte van Wikidata te bespreek: die projek self, beleid en voorstelle, individuele data-items, tegniese probleme, ens.
Gebruik asseblief {{Q}} of Template:TIIP die eerste keer dat u onderskeidelik 'n item of eiendom noem.
Versoeke om skrapping kan gedoen word hier. Samesmeltingsinstruksies kan gevind word hier.
IRC-kanaal: #wikidataconnect
Wikidata Telegramgroep
On this page, old discussions are archived after 7 days. An overview of all archives can be found at this page's archive index. The current archive is located at 2024/07.



I want need help with my mathmatecis project  – The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) at 22-09-2021, 17:25 (UTC).