Shortcut: WD:P642

Wikidata:WikiProject Data Quality/Issues/P642

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This page documents the recommended handling of statements using the property of (P642), which is set to be deprecated. To get involved in the larger effort to deprecate this property, see Wikidata:WikiProject Data Quality/Issues/P642/Deprecation work.

Usage notes (please read!)


Identifying replacement properties


For any statement using of (P642):

1. First, identify the parent properties/classes of the statement property, main value, and qualifier value:

  • Property is a sub-property of: Run this query, replacing "P1065" with the property ID.
  • Item is a subclass of: Run this query, replacing "Q146" with the item ID.
  • Item is an instance of: Run this query, replacing "Q146" with the item ID.

2. Next, identify matching use cases on this page:

  • Given a statement of the form [item][main property][main value]of (P642)[qualifier value], these tables assume, except where noted, that:
1. [main value] is either identical to, a subclass, or rarely, an instance of one or more of the listed classes (or their subclasses). (The word "exactly" means that subclasses/instances are excluded.)
2. [qualifier value] is an instance of one or more of the listed classes (or their subclasses).
  • Where any of the criteria (main property, main value, qualifier value) are unspecified, the use case applies to any value of those criteria.
  • Some statements will match more than one use case. Check for all applicable use cases, and apply the most appropriate one(s) for the statement.
  • The use cases below are not exhaustive; if your statement doesn't match any of the listed cases, please bring it to the Talk page, and mention any case you think could be expanded to cover your statement, or any property you think would be an appropriate replacement. In some cases, an appropriate property may not exist, and will need to be proposed.

3. Finally, make sure the recommended handling makes sense for the statement, and edit the statement to remove or replace of (P642).

  • In some cases, the tables suggest a parent property such as creator (P170), with a link to a list of its sub-properties; review the list and use the most specific applicable property or properties.

When to replace a qualifier with a main statement


Generally, of (P642) should be replaced by another qualifier in the same position. However, the information expressed with of (P642) is sometimes applicable to the subject item itself, rather than just to a particular statement. This can occur when:

1. The statement being qualified is a basic membership statement (i.e. instance of (P31), subclass of (P279), part of (P361), or subject has role (P2868)); and
2. The qualification applies to all basic membership statements on the item; and
3. The replacement property is allowed as a main statement property.

If these are all true, it may be appropriate to use the replacement property as a main statement property, with the same value as the original qualifier, rather than (or in addition to) as a qualifier. For example:

YesYPaso Terra (Q65093014)instance of (P31)restaurant (Q11707)of (P642)seafood (Q192935)

should be replaced with two statements:

YesYPaso Terra (Q65093014)instance of (P31)restaurant (Q11707), and

YesYPaso Terra (Q65093014)cuisine (P2012)seafood (Q192935).

When to remove a qualifier without replacing


When a qualifier presents information that is always true of the relationship between the statement value and the qualifier value, that information should be stated on one or both of those two items, rather than as a qualifier on other items. For example:

The Star-Spangled Banner (Q44696)lyricist (P676)Francis Scott Key (Q320633)of (P642)United States of America (Q30)

The fact that Key was a citizen of the United States is always true, irrespective of his authorship of the national anthem. So we would ensure that Francis Scott Key (Q320633) has the statement country of citizenship (P27)United States of America (Q30), then remove this qualifier from The Star-Spangled Banner (Q44696).

Doing mass cleanup


On items


Use cases by main value class


Main value is a subclass of academic discipline

Main value is a subclass of Qualifier value is an instance of Recommended replacement property Status Example
academic discipline (Q11862829) country (Q6256) Change main value to one more specific to the qualifier value, where such exists, e.g. history of Spain (Q7781), and remove the qualifier; otherwise, use qualifier country (P17) cleared 2024-09-26
academic discipline (Q11862829) any not covered above Change main value to one more specific to the qualifier value, where such exists, e.g. history of Spain (Q7781), and remove the qualifier; otherwise, use qualifier facet of (P1269)

Main value is a subclass of intellectual work or group of works

Main value is a subclass of Qualifier value is an instance of Recommended replacement property Status Example
article (Q191067) written work (Q47461344) published in (P1433) [ex]
audiovisual work (Q2431196) producer (Q47541952) producer (P162)
audiovisual work (Q2431196) production company (Q11396960) production company (P272)
broadcasting program (Q11578774) broadcaster (Q15265344) original broadcaster (P449)
discography (Q273057) performing artist (Q713200)
performing arts group (Q105815710)
performer (P175)
exactly erratum (Q1348305) work (Q386724) main subject (P921)
exactly theme music (Q1193470) work (Q386724) used by (P1535) Cleared 2024-09-24
work (Q386724)
group of works (Q17489659)
media distributor (Q12540664) distributed by (P750)
work (Q386724)
group of works (Q17489659)
human (Q5) or group of humans (Q16334295)
not captured above
creator (P170) or one of its sub-properties

Main value is a subclass of geographic entity

Main value is a subclass of Qualifier value is an instance of Recommended replacement property Status Example
restaurant (Q11707) cuisine (Q1778821) cuisine (P2012) cleared 2024-09-24 Paso Terra (Q65093014)
war cemetery (Q1707610) armed conflict (Q350604) conflict (P607) cleared 2024-09-24 Gaza War Cemetery (Q17511203)

Main value is a subclass of product

Main value is a subclass of Qualifier value is an instance of Recommended replacement property Status Example
equipment (Q10273457) human activity (Q61788060) has use (P366)
product (Q2424752) productive animal (Q1797813) natural product of taxon (P1582)
product model (Q10929058) product (Q2424752) subclass of (P279) (main only)
product model (Q10929058) organization (Q43229) manufacturer (P176)
developer (P178)
creator (P170)
service (Q7406919) organization (Q43229) operator (P137)

Main value is a subclass of number

Main value is a subclass of Qualifier value is an instance of Recommended replacement property Status Example
Exactly ordinal number (Q191780) natural number (Q21199) series ordinal (P1545) (qualifier only) Replacement property to be identified
number of entities (Q614112) any is a number of (P11279) Do not use, needs rescoping

Main value is a subclass of occupation

Main value is a subclass or instance of Qualifier value is an instance of Recommended replacement property Status Example
occupation (Q12737077) military unit (Q176799) military unit (P7779)
occupation (Q12737077) BUT NOT representative (Q11997597) employer (Q3053337) (BUT NOT political territorial entity (Q1048835)?)
company (Q783794)
employer (P108) Scope to be determined
official (Q599151) BUT NOT representative (Q11997597) political territorial entity (Q1048835) new property "in service of"?
applies to jurisdiction (P1001)?
Handling to be discussed
occupation (Q12737077) BUT NOT representative (Q11997597) organization (Q43229) excluding above affiliation (P1416)
representative (Q11997597) BUT NOT ambassador of a country (Q29645880) any represents (P1268)
ambassador of a country (Q29645880) BUT NOT nuncio (Q157037) country (Q6256) new property "assigned to" Property to be proposed
nuncio (Q157037) country (Q6256) remove qualifier
scholar (Q2248623) knowledge system (Q105948247) field of work (P101) cleared 2024-09-26

Main value is a subclass of occurrent


Main value is a subclass of temporal entity

Main value is a subclass of Qualifier value is an instance of Recommended replacement property Status Example
temporal entity (Q26907166) temporal entity (Q26907166) BUT NOT month (Q5151) part of (P361) Scope needs validation
temporal entity (Q26907166) month (Q5151) month of the year (P2922) Scope needs validation

Use cases by qualifier value class


Qualifier value is a person, group of people, or individual animal


Qualifier value is a place


Qualifier value is a taxon


Purview of Wikidata:WikiProject Taxonomy. Generally qualifying instance of (P31).

Main value is exactly Qualifier value is an instance of Recommended replacement property Status Example
exactly synonym (Q1040689) taxon (Q16521) taxon synonym of (P12763) Inocybe acutofulva (Q107800296)taxon synonym of (P12763)Inosperma acutofulvum (Q125928529)
exactly protonym (Q10640897) taxon (Q16521) for zoology protonym of (P12765) Spindasis dufranei (Q21324189)protonym of (P12765)Cigaritis dufranei (Q5119852)
exactly basionym (Q810198) taxon (Q16521) for botany basionym of (P12766) Agaricus gibbus (Q46795858)basionym of (P12766)Infundibulicybe gibba (Q765631)
exactly replaced synonym (Q15709329) taxon (Q16521) replaced synonym of (P12764) Ficaria verna (Q157557)replaced synonym of (P12764)Ranunculus ficaria (Q19796483)
organisms known by a particular common name (Q55983715) taxon (Q16521) If qualifying P31: main statement union of (P2737) with taxa as values of list item (P11260)

Other use cases not dependent on main property


Use cases by main property


Main property is creator (P170) or one of its sub-properties

Qualifier value Recommended replacement approach Status Example
creative work (Q17537576) or or one of its subclasses applies to part (P518) (qualifier only)
instance of country (Q6256) Ensure the item for the creator has a main statement country of citizenship (P27), then remove this qualifier
instance of creative work (Q17537576) Ensure the item for the work has a main statement identifying its creator, then remove this qualifier

Main property has a numeric value

Statement property Qualifier value Recommended replacement property Status Example
mass (P2067) birth mass (Q4128476)
adult weight (Q78101716)
object of statement has role (P3831)
number of matches played/races/starts (P1350) recurring sporting event (Q18608583) applies to part (P518) or part of (P361)? Replacement to be determined
port (P1641) any protocol (P2700) Handling discussion
precipitation height (P3036) any applies to part (P518) Handling discussion
sport number (P1618) any member of sports team (P54) Handling discussion

Main property is URL (P2699) or one of its sub-properties

Qualifier value Recommended replacement property Status Example
(identical to subject item) remove qualifier
subclass of:
information (Q11028)
manifestation (Q286583)
work (Q386724)
but NOT of:
architectural structure (Q811979)
contains (P4330)
collection (Q2668072)
database (Q8513)
collection (P195) or content deliverer (P3274) Need to separate cases
Cleared 2024-09-25
periodical (Q1002697) published in (P1433) (as a main statement only) or content deliverer (P3274) Need to separate cases
Cleared 2024-09-25
publishing company (Q2085381) publisher (P123) Cleared 2024-09-25
online publication (Q1714118)
web service (Q193424)
part of (P361) or publisher (P123) Need to separate cases
person or organization (Q106559804) not included above publisher (P123), owned by (P127), or publisher (P123) Need to separate cases
any except above object of statement has role (P3831), main subject (P921), or contains (P4330) Need to separate cases

Other use cases by main property

Statement property Main value Qualifier value Recommended replacement property Status Example
instance of (P31) exactly second-order class (Q24017414) any Main statement is metaclass for (P8225)
instance of (P31) exactly class (Q16889133) any Main statement subclass of (P279) cleared 2024-09-26
has characteristic (P1552) any EXCEPT name without diacritical marks (Q89410507) any "characteristic of" Property proposal
has characteristic (P1552) name without diacritical marks (Q89410507) instance of proper name (Q28129886) TBD
has use (P366) any formal system (Q649732) "applies in context" Property to be proposed
related category (P7084) Wikimedia category (Q4167836) metaclass (Q19361238) category contains (P4224) Handling discussion
union of (P2737)
disjoint union of (P2738)
list of values as qualifiers (Q23766486) any list item (P11260)
winner (P1346) any subclass of award (Q618779)
instance of class of award (Q38033430)
applies to part (P518) 2019 Pulitzer Prize (Q63185624)
winner (P1346) any subclass of winner (Q18560095) TBD 2008 Tour de France, Stage 8 (Q265672)

On properties

Scope of use case
Case ID Query Quantity Statement property Statement value class Qualifier value class Proposed handling Status Example property
p1 Query 124 any n/a any Split cases by property Done base (P3263)
p2 Query 26 instance of (P31) any any TBD Handling TBD Hanyu Pinyin transliteration (P1721)
p3 Query 21 subproperty of (P1647) any any TBD Handling TBD Truth Social username (P10858)
p4 Query 34 Wikidata property example (P1855) any any TBD Handling TBD related category (P7084)
p5 Query 9 third-party formatter URL (P3303) n/a any Moving target; qualifier applies to part (P518)? Handling TBD Minecraft UUID (P8727)
p6 Query 7 Wikidata item of this property (P1629) any any TBD Handling TBD mushroom cap shape (P784)
p7 Query 6 subject has role (P2868) any any TBD Handling TBD language of work or name (P407)
p8 Query 5 number of records (P4876) n/a any TBD Handling TBD Meta Store ID (P11088)
p9 Query 4 used by (P1535) any any TBD Handling TBD ORCID iD (P496)
p10 Query 3 URL (P2699) n/a any Qualifier object of statement has role (P3831) Handling TBD MIMO instrument ID (P3763)
p11 Query 3 inverse property (P1696) any any n/a Closed 2023-01-16 taxon synonym (P1420)
p12 Query 3 formatter URL (P1630) n/a any Qualifier applies to part (P518) Migrated 2023-01-16 ESR station code (P2815)
Query 9 any not already covered above n/a any manual one by one Handling TBD orbital period (P2146)

On lexemes


All TBD, see talk page.

See also
