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Join the Netherlands Project! Wordt lid van het Netherlands Project!

+30 votes

Hallo en van harte welkom!

Wat de reden ook is dat je bij ons bent uitgekomen. Je bent van harte welkom.

Om je aan te sluiten bij het Netherlands project plaats je je antwoord onder dit bericht. Het is leuk als je daarin iets meer vertelt over je genealogische interesses. Er reageert altijd wel iemand die je de weg kan wijzen binnen WikiTree. Weet je nog niet zoveel over hoe WikiTree werkt, dan raden we je aan de volgende pagina’s te bekijken. De meeste zijn naast het Engels ook beschikbaar in het Nederlands:

Netherlands Project pagina

Index pagina

Hoe verder na het plaatsen van je antwoord:

En natuurlijk namens ons allemaal, alvast bedankt voor het meedoen en veel plezier op Wikitree!!

(see the comments for  the English version of the text)

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Eef van Hout G2G6 Pilot (194k points)
edited by Eef van Hout

Hi and welcome,

No matter the reason you came to us, you are most welcome.

To join the Netherlands project, post your response below this message. It would be nice if you could tell something about your genealogical interests. There is always someone who can help you find your way in WikiTree. If you do not know much about how WikiTree works, we recommend you to take a look at the following pages.

Netherlands Project Page

Index page

How to proceed after you have placed your answer:

​And of course on behalf of all of us, many thanks for joining in advance and have fun on Wikitree!

I have an extensive DB (29,000+ individuals, 10,100+ marriages) of the tiny island of SABA, part of the Dutch Caribbean. Would this be useful to this project?

My ancestor Johannes Engelsman, born 1864, immigrated from Friesland area in 1888 and became a Dutch Reform minister in the Midwest. He was married to Margaret Neinhuis, then Maikke Huizenga, both who died as a result of childbirth issues, then married Cornelia “Kate” Van der Waa, a first generation Dutch American. Johannes’ father Jakob was a painter in Uitheruizemeeden, Groningen.

Our family is scattered all over the world.

Hi Greg,

I'm Jarvis-2158, look at my tree and my first wife is a Schuitema. My father-in-law was born in MusselKanaal, and lived in De Vetstukken, near Groningen. He, Jurjen, spoke Groens. He used to say that an ancestor of his was also a painter, Etsko Schuitema. I wonder if your ancestor, the painter, was part of the same 'group' of painters. Etsko was a still life painter (flowers in vases etc) as understand it. Perhaps there is a family connection somewhere as well? Rob Jarvis

Hi Greg,

Biography up to his 1908 reception and confirmation in Orange City. In Dutch language emigrant's newspaper Volksvriend

I think they were house painters, not artists. Several of the Engelsman’s who emigrated over were listed in the US census as painters. Also their descendants.
I have many Dutch ancestors among the first 100 settlers of the Cape of Good Hope, as well as being a direct descendant of progenitor Willem van Wijk.
Hello, I'm Valerie Tilton from Florida. My great-grandfather was Richard Renselar Van Fleet.  His brother was James Alward Van Fleet.  I am planning a trip to Amsterdam in July and was interested in my Dutch heritage. Thank you for this wonderful project!

Hello. I'm Rhyan Romaine (pronounced like "Ryan") and would love to join the Netherlands project. I have Dutch ancestry on both sides of my family including:

I know little about my Derricks/Dericks and Buikema sides and am most interested in learning more about those branches. Please let me know how I can be helpful!

With thanks,

Hi I would like to join the Netherlands Project, I am a first generation Canadian with Dutch parents, both from Noord Holland. So far I have been working on recreating my own tree and connecting up those I recognize as being on it, but I am coming up on the 1700s so I just got the tag for that. I would also like to join Team Noord Holland as most of my relatives are located there.
Hi L. de Jong.  Welcome to the Netherlands Project.  Feel free to ask for help with Dutch research or WikiTree formatting

50 Answers

+9 votes
hi there, as South African living in the Netherlands, it makes sense to join the Netherlands project too.
by NC Brummer G2G6 Mach 1 (16.9k points)
Welcome to the Netherlands Project.  Let me know if you need any help with your ancestors from the Netherlands.
+9 votes
I have been using Wikitree for about a year now and have entered profiles for my family tree back up to 1700.  It really is fascinating how people in the tree are (inter)related.  I'm interested in joining the Netherlands project, and learning more about reliable sources.  Also, I want to create profiles pre-1700.
by Peter Boonstra G2G Crew (470 points)
Welcome to the Netherlands Project.  There is a page that lists lots of reliable sources here  currently only in Dutch.
+8 votes


I'll be working on adding the lineage of the ancestors for Jacob Bezemer - WikiTree Profile 

We do have a full family tree dating back to 1300 so just adding the names would be easy. However we don't want to add any pre 1700 names without citing the sources, so it can be verified. so it will be quite some work. 

by Bastiaan Bezemer G2G Crew (740 points)
Welcome to the Netherlands Project.

It would be good if you add sources to all profiles created, not just pre-1700.

Are you aware of the One Name Study Beismer, which includes the Bezemer name as a variant?
+10 votes
Hello. I would like to join the Netherlands Project. All of my paternal ancestors came from Groningen (Adorp) or Friesland (Menaldumadeel). I have 15 years experience researching those provinces. I am currently filling out my tree on WikiTree.
by Gary Bouwkamp G2G Crew (970 points)
Welcome to the Netherlands Project.  Let me know if you have any questions
+11 votes
Hi, I would like to join the Netherlands Project. I've been researching my husbands and my own familytree for 12+  years. I've worked at the Gelders Archief for the last 21 years. I've been busy adding my familytree here at Wikitree. Lately I've been trying to connect profiles on the "unconnected profiles list" for the Netherlands. I'm getting to parts where i'll need the pre-1700 Self-Certification. So that's why I'm here, so I can ask if certain profiles already exist.
by Eveline Folkers G2G1 (1.4k points)
Welcome to the Netherlands project.  There is a Netherlands Connector group that looks to connect those unconnected profiles. They have a channel on the Netherlands Project discord server where they post updates and communicate. Link to join is in a pinned message the Netherlands Project channel on the WikiTree discord server
+9 votes
I would like to join the Netherlands Project.  My Casteel,  Dutch du Castel, lived in the Rotterdam and Amsterdam areas in the 16th and 17th centuries.
by Bart Casteel G2G Crew (590 points)
Welcome to the Netherlands Project.
+10 votes
I'll join the netherlands project..

My recent familytree is around Rotterdam. I am adding the victims of the 1940 Rotterdam bombing to WT. I have some problems getting a new sticker for that event.

by Peter van der Burg G2G6 (8.7k points)
Welcome to the Netherlands Project.  Did you make a G2G post for your requested sticker?
I did apply for a new sticker for civilian casualties in conflicts. Some support, but the majority of the community seems to be based outside Europe and therefore have never been in a war zone or be occupied. My latest attempt gets some support. Lets hope for the best
+7 votes
Ik kijk er naar uit om kwalitatief goede bijdragen te leveren aan de Nederlandse tak van WikiTree. De meeste profielen uit mijn familie archief vind ik nog niet terug op WikiTree, dus ik help graag mee om dit verder uit te bouwen!
by Remco Timmermans G2G1 (1.2k points)
Welkom bij het Netherlands Project. Kwalitatief goed onderzochte Nederlandse profielen zijn altijd welkom.
+5 votes

[struwig-138|Keith Struwig] South African de facto amateur family genealogist. Cape Dutch ancestor of [Struywig-1] from Groningen and his father possibly Claas Struijk. I would now like to explore earlier generations.
by Keith Melvyn Struwig G2G1 (1.5k points)
Welcome to the Netherlands Project. Let me know if you have any questions about the project. If you have a Netherlands genealogy question post it in G2G with the Netherlands tag.
+4 votes

Hi, I'd like to join the project, please. I'm primarily working on Jewish families, and Frank Polak's family. I'm fortunate to have his memoir, which I'm working on reading with my tiny bit of Dutch and some translation tools. (edit, actually Frank wasn't an active Wikitreer, it's his relative Jerry van Kooten who is)

by Elaine Martzen G2G6 Pilot (183k points)
edited by Elaine Martzen
Welcome to the Netherlands Project.  If you need further translation help, make a post in G2G and tag it Netherlands
Thanks so much, will do!

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