A COUNTY organisation has just generated a total of £2 million in grants.

For Keith Slater, the man behind Community Boost which helps voluntary and community groups to access grant funding, there is even greater pleasure in knowing that £1.5 million of this sum has come into Worcestershire to help boost local economies.

Keith said: “The last 15 months have been particularly busy for me across the county with churches, voluntary groups, women’s groups, therapists, art organisations, rock musicians, horticultural initiatives, theatre companies and youth groups either being able to access grants or I have been able to help them so that they are now in a position to apply for grant aid.”

He particularly enjoys working with small organisations, often one person to begin with, and helping develop ideas and structure before sharing in the delight when groups receive the first substantial grant aid.

Keith continued: “It is these smaller organisations and voluntary groups that are keeping a large part of the county ticking over.

“Whether it is much-needed support for vulnerable groups of people or an arts project that will lift people’s spirits, they are all crucial for our collective wellbeing.”

Community Boost is also being supported by Worcester City Council’s community grants programme.

The funding is helping Keith to work with any city-based voluntary and community group over the next 12 months.

To find out more, email [email protected].

Some of the key people Community Boost has been able to help over the last 12 months include Steve Dent (Worcester Community Garden), Kelly-Louise Riding (Embodied Communities), Francesca Currie (artist), Emily Johnson (Artists Clubhouse), Kirstie Gregory (Worcester Film Festival), Tiffany Hosking (Reaction Theatre) and Dee Hirst (Creative Arts Showcase).