A NUMBER of dogs have been poisoned after eating toxic substances in a Worcester nature reserve.

The dogs were taken to the vets after ingesting what many owners believe to be cannabis in Cherry Orchard Local Nature Reserve in Diglis.

The nature reserve is used by many dog walkers.

Michelle Scott, who was walking her Jack-a-Poo, Albi, in the park yesterday (Thursday) said he began showing symptoms 45 minutes afterwards.

"He was standing and swaying like he was drunk," she said.

"It happened quite quickly but he's ok now. There was a couple that came across the same area and went to the vets straight afterwards.

Worcester News: Remnants of rubbish that were found on the parkRemnants of rubbish that were found on the park (Image: Michelle Scott)

"It's an odd one. No one can make sense of it."

Miss Scott said Albi came across the remainder of a bonfire, quickly shooing him away.

"I saw a pile of ash with a carrier bag that looked like it had excrement on it.

"There was leftover chips that I found and cleared away. 

"It's not an isolated incident - people have contacted saying it happened to them.

"I've walked in the park for over 10 years so it's a bit of a shocker."

A vets in Lower Wick revealed several dogs treated there showed similar symptoms after what is believed to be ingesting a toxic substance.

A spokesperson for The Stocks Vets said: "We can confirm we treated several dogs whose owners mentioned they were walking in same area at same time of day.

"The dogs presented with similar symptoms where it was believed they accidentally ingested some form of toxic substance.

"We worked hard as a team to treat and care for all patients and we are glad to say they are all stable.

"Without detailed toxicology tests, we cannot give certainty on the exact nature of the poison but we have alerted the police.

“To reassure pet owners in the area, we would recommend keeping dogs walked in the area on a lead for the time being.

"For more information on what pet owners should do if they suspect their dog may have ingested a toxic substance, please visit https://www.myfamilyvets.co.uk/protecting-your-dog-from-poisonous-substances.

“If you suspect your dog has been poisoned, seek urgent veterinary advice.”

Worcester News: Rubbish has been dumped in the nature reserve that can be harmful harmful to dogsRubbish has been dumped in the nature reserve that can be harmful harmful to dogs (Image: Jan Hardie)

The Worcester News spoke to dog walkers in the nature reserve.

Steve Bone said: "I would be devastated if that happened to my dog.

"There are a member of the family aren't they?

"I did notice a remains of a bonfire - it was as black as anything."

Jan Hardie said her friend's dog had been poisoned twice while walking it around the nature reserve.

"There's been lot of problems here," she said.

"It's become an unsavoury place. Something needs to be done because it's going to be a child next."

She added: "I'd be absolutely horrified and shocked if it was my dog.

"You're scared to take your dogs there and even go around yourself."

West Mercia Police said they  "not aware" of the matter.